Melbourne Symphony Orchestra cancels pianist’s performance after dedication to journalists killed in Gaza to World – 555 points –

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The main point here is being against the violence, of which israel is largely responsible. Your questions detract from that & minimize the problems to a matter of personal opinion

The main point here is being against the violence, of which israel is largely responsible.

The violence began before israel even existed. Israel is not responsible for violence against jews.

Violence has existed for all of human history. Doesn’t excuse Israel’s bombing of journalists.

Hamas issues press passes to its military spotters. The transmission of military intel makes people valid targets under the laws of war. That is a valid excuse for bombing journalists.

The main point here is being against the violence, of which israel is largely responsible. Your questions detract from that & minimize the problems to a matter of personal opinion

Isn't that what I said in the very first line of my post you're replying to? I'll quote myself:

"Can I ask would you hold the same position that his statements should have been allowed if it was in strong support of the violence against the people in Gaza?"