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Please consider donating to the Open Medicine Foundation to help people suffering from extremely disabling and underfunded lifelong illnesses with no know treatment.

bullshit. sorry it happened

“Guys the party switch is a myth we’re the party that abolished slavery”

More likely twitter users.

And yes it’s corporate which is less good than mastodon.

But it is add-free, has a working algorithm, is feature rich, is open-source, lets you self-host etc. Full defederation is coming soon too.

Having used both bluesky (self hosted) and mastodon. The experience is simply far better on bluesky.

Unlike lemmy vs reddit. Where (except for active user count) there isn’t really a tradeoff. Lemmy is simply far better.

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Newsflash. We’re talking about conservative Russia here. It already was :/.

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If you defederate from most these commenters dissapear

*“East West Philippine Sea”

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I mean thanks to bridgy you can communicate across blusky and mastodon. For example people can follow my mastodon account on bluesky.

And bluesky has gained > 8 million users in the past couple months. Mastodon has 900 odd thousand MAU.

So clearly the majority have gone to one.

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Seriously how the fuck does half the world think Russia are the good guys.

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can we not post right wing tabloids

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More like climate change is

Even if your numbers are true. Mastodon has existed for 7 years. Bluesky for less than one.

So logically the precentage of users to active users should be much higher on Bluesky.

Also number of accounts is possibly a bad metric to judge mastodon because of the federation.

For example, I have 8 mastodon accounts (tried a couple different instances and programmed a couple rss bots to give me a news feed).

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True. So both have around 10 million total users. Bluesky has no monthly active user statistic. But around 1 million daily posters according to this

While Mastodon has ~1 million monthly active users.

So sounds like bluesky’s got a lot more activity with that many daily posters, as of now, anyways.

So bluesky has 5 million monthly active users while mastodon has 1 million?

Thats a fivefold difference.

Classic dictator who claims his country is the best of all somehow has most his family and kids living/getting education abroad in countries the regime classifies as “enemy nations”.

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Conservapedia views Albert Einstein's theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism,[9] falsely claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer, praises Republicanpoliticians, supports celebrities and artistic works it believes represent moral standards in line with Christian family values, and espouses fundamentalist Christian doctrines such as Young Earth creationism.

I couldn’t have made it up, WHAT THE FUCK lmao

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That would set poor precedent. Then anyone could run an election to delay sentencing. That would actively encourage rich criminals to becone politicians.

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Honestly. As a guy who is lefty (and bi, but mostly dates women). The dating scene has been way easier these past 5 or so years.

The political male-female divide means that right wing women, and left wing men, are far more “in demand” among heterosexual people. (queer people are majoritarily leftwing so it matters less there.)

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“oh no, he wont care if my stocks fall” - finance bros, probably

Wasn’t it already illegal. My wife’s cousin served two years for an amount that is so small police wouldn’t even bother to confiscate it in europe.

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By the way this Haertz article is making false claims.

From the wikipedia talk page:

Just fyi that Haaretz just dropped some propaganda about this article claiming that since its name change it "was regularly getting 55,000 views per day," which is a demonstrably false claim.

What I’m concluding is if: Putin, Netanyahu, Kim Jon Un, Farrage etc. all want Trump back, Biden and Harris are doing a good job!

Walz is more progressive than Kelly.

You win some you loose some 🤷

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And yet Harris is only 2% in the lead.

America is a fucked up country. I pray for y’all.

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Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living was written entirely on phone by Emily Collenridge, someone who suffered from very severe ME/CFS (one of the illnesses with lowest Quality of Life) and could only use her phone for brief moments. Over years, writing a tiny bit each moment she was able to use her phone, she wrote her book which was published.

This book is really invaluable to the patient community as it is one of the only ones we have, since most people with that level of illness aren’t able to communicate at all.

Sadly she died in hospital a couple years later, in her early 30s.

Here is a wiki page if anyone is interested

this is perfect though. Because it takes them away from slowing down progress on wikipedia and instead wastes their time on something with shit SEO.

Any the branding of anything that is impartial as left center?? Like BBC News, Axios, Yahoo News, Sports Illustrated, left center??

And then the fucking economist which supported the UK conservatives not long ago and supported Bush is branded as left center

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I had some Israeli friends get radicalised by the whole thing. My roomate was a center-left israeli who used to say Nethanyahu was a dictator, but now with the invasion I guess he got scared by the media’s “anti-semetism” fearmongering, and the fact his brother is in the army, and has taken a strong rightward shift.

Back in the day I took polisci classes with him so the shift is really noticeable to me.

Ever since we put sanctions yes. And just like Austria, although “neutral” we were far more aligned and integrated with the west since the end of ww2. (Or Austria, since reunification).

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Let’s go he was literally the top choice for progressives and pro-palestine people!

Edit: Some crazy ppl are saying that not picking Shapiro was anti-semetic cuz he is jewish according to the NYT. 🤦 Wait until these dumbasses learn that Harris’ husband is jewish.

“Some of the pushback against Shapiro was perceived by many of his allies to be antisemitic, and based on his Jewish identity more than any positions he had taken on Israel or the war in Gaza.”

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get ready for tankies to spout this talking point now

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Despite Chinese protests about the use of the waterway — which it claims jurisdiction over — German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has insisted that the ships are in international waters.

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Rules for thee but not for me

Grandmaster just means you have reached a certain elo and have completed certain requirements (win a number of games, against certain opponents etc), and won a certain number of competitions. There are around 2000 current grandmasters.

World champion is much much more selective, meaning literally winning the world championship.

Don’t get me wrong, grandmaster is incredibly prestigious, but is much more “common” than world champion.

(International Master is the rank below grandmaster).

Man I hope she doesn’t choose Shapiro. Don’t need more extremist Zionism. I’ll vote for her either way, but if she chooses Shapiro, I’ll have to hold my nose when doing so.

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*West Philippine Sea, also known as Bien Dong

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In business, just like in war, the few take credit for the work and will of the many.

We remember Eisenhower, not the millions who died and sacrificed their life fighting for him.

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Man. I wish countries didn’t only do good things in self-interest.

That being said. Rare Turkey W.

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Is there a fucklawns lemmy community?

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