Report: Trump calls Harris a "bitch" to – 240 points –

His campaign managers are concerned he would say that publicly? Why?! Why do we still act like his cultists would be bothered? Why do we act like they have a fraction of humility and demeanour left in their bodies? They would love to hear that. Where the fuck have you been the last 8 years? Did you pay any attention?

The issue they have is, Trump can't win with just his base. He needs to appeal to at least some percentage of voters outside of that group. It seems like he's been doing everything he can to push anyone who isn't already all in on him away since Biden stepped down.

And yet Harris is only 2% in the lead.

America is a fucked up country. I pray for y’all.

America is three countries in a trenchcoat.

According to an interesting book I read a couple years ago called american nations, more like 9

We’re like the EU but with a fully federal budget and laws, which explains a lot

I used to be in favour of a federal europe until I saw America go to shit with Trump elected in 2016.

Now I’m more ambivalent. The confederation model sounds better…

(Confederation is an alliance where members retain sovriginity) Not talking about the US confederacy

Half the reason Trump succeeds as much as he does is due to designed corruption at the state level. Republicans grabbing local elections and using them to upend the system. From psychotic school boards to regressive judges to grandstanding attorneys general.

Flip that reasoning entirely, my dude. If the feds ran elections fully then Trump wouldn’t have needed to make the call to the GA Sec of State to “find” more votes. He would have just fired people until he got a yes from whatever federal employee could do it

No, because that's the entire point of project 2025. He wants to replace all those federal employees with political appointments so that he can actually do things like that. Trump would have loved it if he could just fire people until they do what he tells them to do. Thankfully that's not how most the federal government works. He wants to be able to control every Federal agency but thankfully that's not the way it's set up. It will be if he's elected though.

I think of America more as a swarm of 50 plus angry pigeons tied together at the neck with string.

Like a rat king with wings?

Wouldn't that be if they were connected at the tail? This is more of a disorganised avian garroting caused by a constant futile bid for meaningful independence.

Trump has never won the popular vote, his 2016 victory was based on highly gerrymandered areas with low populations and a high number of electoral votes. America is being held hostage by wealthy donors.

Yet he was leading in popular vote pols for a solid 9 months before Biden dropped out. If Biden had stayed, he would likely have won the popular vote.

We’ll never know, the only “poll” which matters is the election.

A poll is just an estimate. Obviously we will never know. But were the election held a couple months ago (vs Biden) Trump would have about an 85% chance of winning according to the best statistical models. (Source: used to work as data scientist for a major pollster and obsess over this stuff for fun)

What were the projected odds for Clinton beating Trump in 2016? I remembered it being nearly a sure thing in the reported research polls but I may be remembering it completely wrong.

60% about

Problem is media reports on 60% as if it is a sure thing, when 40% is a really big chance…

Yeah that's much worse than I thought. I also remember thinking, "there's no way that many people are so willfully ignorant and will also vote." How wrong I was.

I pray for y’all.

The US already has millions of Christians.

He said the other day in the interview that his base is 75% of America, so...

They aren't worried about alienating his base. They don't want to galvanize hers.

They don't care if he says it. They just care if he gets caught saying it. Big distinction. They know their candidate is a racist shit bag.

"It's ok. He says negative things about a lot of people."

This is the excuse I got when I pointed out video of TFG mocking the disabled reporter to a die-hard Trumper. Also, she has a kid with Downs. Still didn't break the Trump spell over her. She used to be normal.

"That is not language President Trump has used to describe Kamala, and it's not how the campaign would characterize her."

The most interesting thing about this statement is they have set Trump up to fail. Because you know he's going to say that into a microphone at some point during this campaign.

I give it 3 weeks

20 bucks, he will say it during their live debate. If it happens. Last time I checked, Donnie chickened out.

Reports say he walked to an unoccupied room, looked over his shoulder, and in a hushed tone said, "Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch..."

He actually called her a bitch though, right?

"But you really said that to her, right?"

"Y... yeah, fo' sure, you know it." looks around

The GOP openly accuses the left of being literal demons who sacrifice babies to Satan. J.D. Vance wrote the foreword for a book called Unhuman that, again, accuses democrats of literally being demons. We’re past the point of decorum.

Well sure. He wouldn't have called her the N-word yet. She just became black.

Everybody knows you have to be black for a minimum amount of time before being called the N-word.

Doctor delivering a black baby: "Well ain't you just the cutest little fella!"

A timer goes off in the background.

"Get a job, n-!"

So, should Kamala play into this by walking out to the podium at her next rally to Meredith Brooks's "Bitch" to troll Trump?

"I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother" might play better than just acceptance of the term.

That’s funny, cause he’s the whiniest bitch who’s ever run for office.

“Bitchy Kamala, that’s b-I-t-c-h-y Kamala thinks I’m weird. “

Seriously what’s with the spelling of the nicknames lol that seems new for him but now he does it all the time

It's all about branding. Gotta TM that Laffin' Kamala for t-shirt purposes.

To be frank, if he ran with Bitchy Kamala, I would hope Harris co-opts it to Bitchin' Kamala. Because I would wear the fuck out of that shirt.

Minnesota State Fair is in a couple weeks and the DFL booth always brings the fire with their shirt selection. I’ll definitely be buying a few this year.


Land of 10000 rights -


Thoughts and Prayers -

And my favorite so far, Madam President-

Okay. I love how they made the pride flags into a mosquito.

Edit : it’s just the compression. On a second look…. Eh… not so much.

I saw my first "Midwest princess" hat in the wild today. At a beach in Florida.

It's not about the spelling... Trump has trouble reading so he always sounds things out that he doesn't quite understand or when he's unsure of himself. It's a pretty standard coping strategy for people who are still learning to read.

He does this constantly: Whenever he slows down (weirdly) during one of his endless rants it's usually before a word he has difficulty with. Examples of words he regularly has trouble with: China nuclear, Venezuela, felony

In the past he's said, "United Stage", "respectered", and often starts making noise sounds like, "ding!", "boom!", and "bam!" to distract from his mistakes... Like some elementary school kid in class that's been forced to read out loud.

My personal estimate is that he has somewhere around a 4th or 5th grade reading level. After reading this, if you hear one of his speeches it will suddenly become so obvious that he has trouble reading that you'll wonder how you never noticed before.

Everything that's ever appeared on his teleprompter is the simplest words possible except in cases where avoiding complicated words is impossible. I'm certain he practices these special words with his handlers regularly and tries to repeat their emphasis of certain parts of words which is why he says some words strangely (e.g. whenever he says "China").

It's for his base to know how to spell it when they regurgitate it thoughtlessly on all their smedia accounts.

I thought it was because he’s afraid he sounds like he's saying "lion" instead of "lying", and he doesn't want to risk sounding complimentary.

Seriously what’s with the spelling of the nicknames lol

He loves the poorly educated so much that he has to go to extra effort to make sure they can understand his extra bigly smart joke.

Since this was said “in private”, it doesn’t seem like a very big deal (especially compared to things he’s said in public).

I would imagine that every candidate in history has insulted their opponent in private.

Probably yes, and I don't necessarily blame them, everyone has to blow off steam

But the choice of language is worth considering

Maybe I'm more politically correct than I like to give myself credit for, but I curse like a sailor, and I still don't tend to call anyone a bitch, male or female. I'll call them a asshole, moron, idiot, motherfucker, piece of shit, lazy, a fascist loofah-faced shit-gibbon, worthless low-down good-for-nothing greedy bastard, waste of space/oxygen/carbon, dirtbag, sleazeball, whiney, shit-head, coward, dumbass, creep, weirdo, pervert, dumb, two-faced, spineless, and countless other insults, they're all on the table, and I'll wish all kinds of unpleasantness on them up to and including death.

But bitch (and also cunt) is kind of an inherently gendered insult. I don't consider being a woman to be a bad thing, so I don't use those words, even behind closed doors. Same way I don't use slurs against LGBTQ people, different races and ethnicities, people with disabilities, etc. those don't ring true to me as insults so I don't use them as insults.

And I think the fact he does use that kind of insult shows a lot about how he thinks.

True. When it comes to Trump, though, my expectations are already incredibly low. He called members of the KKK “very fine people” while he was serving as President. The bar is on the floor when it comes to this guy.

Kinda maybe.

Bitch & bastard are gendered insults, but does using them make one sexist? It's subjective and dependent on the intent of the user.

We already know that Trump is misogynistic, as well as a litany of other traits and circumstances that make him completely inappropriate to be POTUS.

We should focus on those factual issues rather than engage in supposition about Trumps intent regarding something he may have said in private.

Just sounds like narcissistic rage to me, Harris should respond by telling Americans that they deserve a leader with better judgment and impulse control