
6 Post – 164 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They are external ports for water cooling. They allow you to run the pipes to an exterior location, and I have never seen anyone use them ever. I would leave the rubber grommet as it generally looks nicer than the hole.

21 more...

"We've gone ahead and synced all your files to the cloud! Create an account to access them once again.

Enter your email: ______

[ Click here to delay the inevitable ]"

I disagree.

  • XP felt like it was mine.
  • 7 felt like it was mine
  • 8 felt like they were trying to force something on me.
  • 10 felt like they were pushing bloatware like a cell phone. At least l could remove some of that?
  • 11 feels like they decided it's their computer, I'm just renting time in it by watching ads. You could remove half the programs by default and I would not miss any of them. Do I need a version of minesweeper with micro transactions? No!
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Things have been working fine for me, so well done and take whatever time things take.

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They took away awards so that they could use it to bribe moderators?

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Good bot! I didn't know I missed having a summary until now

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I would like to move that all evidence of my client doing anything wrong be struck from the record.

I think most developers can see the writing in the wall there, but switching mid-way through a project will be costly and time consuming. If the changes were fully rolled back, I would still bet many would finish what they working on and then switch for their next game.

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Mate, I think they were sarcastically saying that one of the reasons there aren't government run programs to help people is the claim that churches and charities will do that instead. In this case a church attempted to do so and was instead punished, which is quite ironic if they are supposed to help those in need.

1 more...

This just keeps getting better!

Either his actions were treason and the sentence is death or his actions as president were untouchable in which case the president can shoot him without reprise. What a dangerous precedent to set!

Because then words like "evidence" and "premeditated" get thrown around.

Forcefully removing an employee's clothes without consent. Yeah, seems like there should be consequences for that.

Honey, wake up, Lemmy is posting bean memes again!

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Yeah, inverse thank you.

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"I know that isn't true. It isn't logical. I should just stop thinking about it. WHY CAN'T I STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!"

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There would be a good governmental oversight: drug companies may no longer advertise their products to the public. I don't think anyone has ever seen a drug commercial in a positive light; if the drug was effective and worked well you wouldn't need to advertise it.

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OH MY GOD! THE SANDERS SLAMMER! He may not be getting up after that one!

The only reason to still check Twitter is to see if they have moved off Twitter yet.

The best time to plant trees is 50 years ago. The second best time to plant trees is right now.

I don't think an inflatable wrench would work very well.

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They could probably just do that. Just move to a different career path and show support for an animal activist group; they would get a chance to talk about a cause they support, talk about their father on camera, and honor what so many people remember him for.

We work for an explicitly evil organization, but we're terrible at it.

Ah, yes, the U-nyan.

Hermes faced Zoidberg looks like Hank Hill.

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It's important when selling a product to collect user feedback and real-world test results.

I had to go check if that was real, and sure as shit it is!

I need 6 lanes so that I can drive as fast as I want and pass EVERYONE! Especially those people who are already passing everyone else, those slow bastards!

Now that is commitment to the bit.

7 more...

"I didn't realize that the big button labeled self destruct would be a problem if I push it. I just wanted more space for my money printing machine to print more money and the button was in the way!"

Better, faster, doesn't ask for money, installs in a moment.

Just not the same since they scraped the entire cast. 90's kids know what I'm talking about.

Losing my morals? Goodness no! My morals would be the only thing left, as there would be no one who could stop me. Justice for the wronged, help for the needy, and punishment for the wicked that knows no limits.

Is there a tyrant that threatens peace? Bound and delivered to the United nations. A disaster trapping civilians? Every injured person into the first hospital bed available, worldwide in a moment. Hell, I could read every medical book ever and become the most studied doctor ever.

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The gay apocalypse? The cockpocalypse!

That's way more fun than zombies!

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I think it's akin to vibes and voodoo. You attempt to "will" something into happening like making someone else think about you so they contact you.

The fun example is trying to make someone's head explode with your mind because you hate them but are unable to attack them physically.

"shitposting for legibility" is the best thing I've heard today.

Thorough! Jet's Checklist for Dealing with Spontaneous Combustion sounds like a lore item in a game.

Expedite leaving Florida.

Sent me to the dictionary on that one.

Diarise, or diarize, means to write something into a diary.

That dog's eyes are so big you can almost see the art on the fridge.