Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window. to Ask – 248 points –

Pretty much the title. I've been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it's easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?


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Losing my morals? Goodness no! My morals would be the only thing left, as there would be no one who could stop me. Justice for the wronged, help for the needy, and punishment for the wicked that knows no limits.

Is there a tyrant that threatens peace? Bound and delivered to the United nations. A disaster trapping civilians? Every injured person into the first hospital bed available, worldwide in a moment. Hell, I could read every medical book ever and become the most studied doctor ever.

Lmao yeah but what about when somebody pisses you off? Like that's kinda the whole point of this question but good job taking some weird moral high ground ig?

Also, what if your ideas about "wicked" and "good" aren't the same as mine?

For example one of us could see Xi Jinping and the Chinese government as quite evil and actively carrying out a genocide, while the other of us might believe that to be western propaganda and that the Chinese government is generally benign.

What about when the death of the wicked means a power vacuum and strife for a region a la American imperialism?

Anyway just trying to get some interesting conversation related to the topic at hand.

I mean think of if someone pisses you off now, you don't automatically go and fuck with them anonymously, even though it's infinitely easy to do.

Bound and delivered to...

Bruh you're a better person than me. Aint nobody got the time to drag over some weak ass hitler wanna be halfway over the world. Much rather just grenade diplomacy them wherever they are, as another lemming mentioned in this thread.

EDIT: Just occurred to me that this would actually entail investigating and confirming their crimes beyond all doubt. Now I understand the appeal of just dropping them off somewhere with people qualified and trained to do that.

Goes to show that morals aren’t a hindrance, but a guide. Without morals, who are we?

Yeah but you'd walk through the occasional locker room too. You know, when it makes sense for like, justice and stuff.

What are you, twelve? You have a superpower like this, you're going to get all the partners you want