27 Post – 225 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh no! Businesses whose 'innovation' is doing end runs around labour law, leaving? How sad.

64 more...

It feels like a threshold has been crossed. Reddit related content is there but not so dominating as before. People are memeing other things, news and politics discussion is popping up, particularly popular posts from more niche communities as well, it feels like a much more healthy mix of content now compared to the beginning of July and especially compared to when I joined during the reddit blackout.

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Now if they could just take this lesson and apply it to the rest of the 'information' that is supplied by the media environment they have immersed themselves in.

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One reason why Musk bought Twitter this week is because he had little choice. The world’s richest man spent months trying to back out of the $44 billion purchase agreement he originally signed in April. But the uncertainty was so disruptive to Twitter’s business that it sued him in the Delaware Court of Chancery to force the deal’s completion, and a judge gave a Friday deadline to complete the deal or face a November trial that Musk was likely to lose.

This is all bullshit. Self-aggrandizing lies to give the appearance that this massive failure was all in the plan. The guy was trying to play games with stocks and got caught. He's a dumbass with no idea how the business he didn't want to own but was forced to buy in the end works. It's not deeper than that.

I'm sure his daughter hating him is very upsetting but it's not why he set 40 billion dollars on fire.

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You're thinking about it the wrong way. Despite a major hub of lemmy being down if you have an account on another instance you can continue using the network nearly as though nothing had happened. Individual instances may have greater or lesser reliability but the social network is very robust.

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Have you considered that Elon Musk is a dumbass rather than a super genius?

The guy didn't plan on buying twitter. He was made to after he tried gaming the system and fucked it up.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see a schism at some point. American Catholicism is being influenced greatly by evangelical Christianity and the political project that exists around that.

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Hasbro is a terribly run company which is currently in the process of butchering the couple golden geese it has.

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They will. My experience community building thus far is that if you can build up one anchor community to the point where people are organically sharing content and commenting, other adjacent communities will start to generate the same sorts of things with smaller subscriber bases because that anchor community is keeping people's eyes here. Just a question of time.

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This is marketing. If they really wanted this they would lobby for it, the same way they get all their other interests looked after.

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Jordan Peterson announces he's launching a new scam.

Those fried eggs were premade and came from a case in the freezer. 100%.

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Powerless to change Reddit. You can always do what I did and use lemmy instead.

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Considering that 'opportunity' they gave to long term reddit users it seems like this fleecing was planned from the get go.

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What is this article, haha?

It's no surprise that the former trader would quickly catch on to the commodity of choice in his new environment. He has been a professional trader for much of his career. In 2013, he got his first intern gig at Jane Street Capital, swapping exchange-traded funds before cofounding his crypto-trading firm Alameda Research in 2017. A year later, he figured out how to arbitrage bitcoin between the US and Japanese markets.

Yes, with his lengthy four year career before getting into the scam business he was certainly a master of his craft, lol.

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Pretty much any program I use I try to shift over to vim style keys. This guy's reach went far beyond vim to me.

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When I signed up and they asked me how I heard about them I said a Lemmy post so I'm going to go ahead and take 100% credit for this.

But seriously, that's pretty cool.

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I hear you but Apple's stance on these issues also stops something like an F-droid Iphone equivalent.

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I'm going to go ahead and not have something with the build quality of a Tesla attached to my brain, thanks.

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If they ignored warnings from even relatively friendly states then I find it difficult to see the whole thing as something other than sacrificing some of their own people so they could wring some propaganda out of the event to shore up support for their war. When it first happened and they tried to lay the blame on Ukraine I figured it was more a case of, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste," but it really seems like they knew it was coming and allowed it to happen.

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Gotta figure out how to make AC roll coal.

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“Eligible” you note skeptically? Yes. Unfortunately, there are a ton of imposed legal restrictions defining when, who, and how we do this. So while our goal is to give all redditors the same access to stock as institutional investors (why should they have all the fun?), our lawyercats can confirm we must follow specific rules explained below.

Really angling for a certain demographic, huh?

Still better than the 'gig economy'. If making worker's lives more precarious makes your life better, fuck your life.

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What's yours? Are you suggesting Jewish folks can't stand against Israel?

Seems like you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of, here?

Not every virus is human compatible. I wonder what the actual chances one of these ancient viruses thaws out, encounters a human before the elements degrade it, and then manages to actually infect said human is.

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Yes, when you make a post look at the line where the 'save post' button is at the bottom of the entry. There will be two overlapping squares. That's the crosspost button.

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So then if someone requests that Gmail delete all their email data, is Google then responsible for making sure any emails sent out from it's server to another is also deleted from those external servers?

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It seems like the growth of trucks should play a big part of it, too. When I was young the majority of vehicles on the road were cars. Where I'm at, at least, it seems like the majority of people are driving trucks with a large minority of crossovers, and the occasional 10 year old car.

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The Canadian law in question has specific provisions in it that would pass any lemmy instance by.

— Companies impacted by the Online News Act must have global annual revenue of $1 billion or more, “operate in a search engine or social-media market distributing and providing access to news content in Canada,” and have 20 million or more Canadian average monthly unique visitors or average monthly active users.

source (archive)

That's literally half the country, by the way.

There was never any chance this law was going to impact any lemmy instances.

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I don't know about any clients but if you block the bot and the bot the reposts will drop by like 90%.

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Great post. It seems like a lot of people aren't used to using the product of community efforts over commercial efforts and their expectations and feeling of entitlement match that experience. Like they've bought a product and want to complain to the manager when they experience a problem.

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However, there is already a crowded field of Republicans running to replace Buck,

The most important sentence of the article. She can switch districts if she wants. Can she win a primary?

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Are there no laws about public officials accepting gifts from the community there? Or, you know, bribery? I've had public service jobs a lot less important than that and I'd have had a big headache accepting a $25 gift card from a community member let alone an additional yearly salary.

::: spoiler spoiler Definitely Elon Musk :::

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Yeah that minoritarian Supreme Court is pumping out great decisions, letting a minority rule is clearly the way forward and not totally insane babble.

About six-in-ten Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases

Fox News poll finds voters overwhelmingly want restrictions on guns

Increasing share of Americans favor a single government program to provide health care coverage

If political results in the USA followed popular will instead of the fucked up system it runs, it would be a much better country. Trust democracy more.

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"Mr. President, the terrorists have taken hostages. What should we do?" "Bomb the building." -A psychopath

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They only thought they moved away from RSS feeds. A whole bunch of the internet is built on Wordpress which publishes an RSS feed by default at website.url/rss or website.url/feed. Which means a shitload of sites are running feeds even if they don't advertise it (or realize it).

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I already dipped. By the time I cancelled I wasn't using the service enough to justify paying for it monthly, anyways.

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