Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

grte@lemmy.ca to World News@lemmy.world – 223 points –

“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands.”

-Anthony Bourdain

At first I didn't believe. Now I just want to know where the new outhouse is going to be installed.

interestingly i heard that his heart has already decayed into extremely rich bitumen. they're planning a memorial where once a year they extract a tablespoon to light a small flame and the smoke will be blown into a cambodian infant's face

Not super familiar with him, not sure why he's getting shat on all over Lemmy and praised in the news, and I don't care enough to research him. Could someone give me a TL;DR?

There's a lot, but the shortest version is that he never saw a war crime he didn't like, and he was in a position to make a lot of them happen.

He was in charge of American foreign policy during and immediately after the Vietnam War. TLDR he made policy decisions that led to the deaths of probably over 4 million people.

Could someone give me a TL;DR?

No. But I can do you better: Part One Kissinger | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

Im not sure who he is either but people are pumped about it

Give it a week or two. Hell will reincarnate him and send him right back. Even the Devil can't stand Henry Kissinger.

I had always assumed he died decades ago.