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Joined 13 months ago

So the short answer is that it's complicated. Long answer is (with the caveat that I'm not an attorney and we have one that guides our licensing board) that those are crimes of moral turpitude, which are considered when evaluating a new application or renewal. Per state law, the existence of a conviction isn't enough on its own to deny the license - the board has to consider things like length of time since the crime and the applicant's conduct since then. I genuinely have no idea what would happen if someone was in jail. I mean, I'm sure their license would be denied, I'm just not sure if they'd even be allowed to renew or maintain ownership in the first place. It's never come up. More than likely, they'd sell it or transfer ownership before it ever came to me.

I don't know NJ liquor laws, but if they're similar, I can see them saying sorry, the conviction was too recent and you've shown zero remorse, no license for you. That said, I have no idea if Trump, individually is considered an owner, or if the license is under a subsidiary company where everyone knows it's ultimately his, but he's not involved in any of the day to day, so the establishment can remain licensed. Frankly, it's not going to hurt him as much as the people who will lose their jobs if the license goes, but I'll be interested to see what happens.

Anyone applying for or holding a liquor license is entitled to a hearing if they're denied. That doesn't change just because it's Trump. I do liquor licensing in a different state and you really can't just take it away without due process. He may well get to keep the licenses, because his conviction wasn't related to liquor laws, and for us, that's one of the only times we can revoke one. This is really not a case of him getting special treatment.

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In this instance? Probably. We just had a hearing for a guy charged with bigamy and DV, and he got to renew his license. We have another guy who owns a bar (thank god not in my city) that's known for being a dangerous shithole, and he keeps getting licensed somehow. Most liquor laws make it pretty hard to essentially take away someone's livelihood, regardless of what you or I think about it. I wish it was treated as more of a privilege than it is, but Trump is far from the only felon with a liquor license.

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Yeah I can see that. I guess where I have an issue is that the old white guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood a few years back was taken alive (and he's far from the only example) and it's like, why is it that they can negotiate and talk guys like that down but don't bother to even attempt to de-escalate with brown kids? Or brown adults, really.

That's where I'm at. I moved back home after my divorce about 8 years ago and it's been really nice. My mom and I have always been really close, and it's nice to spend more time together as we get older. I'd rather pay rent to her and help with the bills than pay a landlord, too.

After reading the rest of your comments, you could've just saved a lot of time by saying you don't know how the government works. And if anyone else happens to read this and think, "Hey that's a good point," no, it isn't. It's ignorant at best, actively malicious at worst. Sounds a whole lot like many of the comments trying to get people not to vote.

Weird, I appear open to pushing Clarence Thomas into the Grand Canyon. He's such an astoundingly shitty human being that I don't understand how he lives with himself.

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I mean, I get that, but there's no amount of money that could make me do the things he's done because I'd hate myself in a way money can't fix. He (and the rest of the conservatives on the court) have hurt so many people and I don't know how they aren't even a little bothered. It's like they're legal robots who can't feel empathy.

I didn't the first time, but I did after reading your comment.

That's why I hauled ass to the doctor and got a bisalp scheduled asap. I ended up getting them to agree to a hysterectomy this year, which is what I really wanted, but I wasn't willing to take a chance on that not happening. I'm no longer in the young category, but I was only 38 and potentially still fertile (and way more likely to have complications from being "geriatric").

I suspect NK will kill their families if they refuse to come back, but I'd be completely unsurprised if some fake their deaths and try to disappear.

I tried to rewatch John Tucker Must Die as something to have on in the background the other night, and wooow did that not hold up. I only made it to where they give him estrogen (which is insane and terrible) and he starts acting like a stereotypical "girl on her period" before I bailed. So many of the movies targeted at teenagers and young adults in that era are so bad. They went all in on punching down, and the amount of rape and sexual assault is wild in retrospect.

I know parents didn't know how bad these places were years ago, and the people running them put on a good show, but anyone still willing to put their kid in one after they've been pretty thoroughly exposed should lose all of their children. This shit is sick.

Huh. Have any of them considered a job? If the mom was capable of driving her child to another state to murder some people, I bet she could drive for uber or something. Or be a getaway driver for other criminals, idk.

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It's definitely way less work. If you get hired for an hour, you're pretty much expected to be fully engaged in, if not sex, then at least being entertaining in some way. With the type of sex work she did, she was never getting paid for time spent sleeping or eating (and definitely not hanging out and shopping), unless that was someone's kink, I guess. I had a series of sugar daddies in my early 20s, and don't let anyone tell you that's not sex work, and I definitely made less per hour than a more traditional prostitute, but I also put in a lot less energy. Plus, it came with a lot more perks.

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I'd be more interested to know which Trump staff members haven't committed crimes at this point.

Funny how I knew it was Anna Paulina Luna just from that description. She's a nutjob.

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I leave the whole thing set up in the guest room so I don't have to mess with it, and I'm a woman, so most of my dressier tops are less complicated than a men's button-down. I plug it in, wash my face, and it's ready to go, and it really is only about 2 minutes to actually iron. Maybe twice that if it's a particularly finicky fabric (which I'm slowly eliminating from my wardrobe).

Not necessarily in terms of sheer craziness, but the lying about every part of her background is pretty identifying.

Man, I iron all the time. I'm not like, ironing underwear like a crazy person, but I have a lot of shirts that would be straight up unacceptable to wear to work without it. It takes like 2 minutes.

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Wow, I can't believe Democrats would say something like that. Gym Jordan is not an insurrectionist.

He's an insurrectionist and a pedophile enabler. Get it right.

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Be strong and gay. Got it.

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Nothing says, "we're definitely not planning to do some war crimes, and for sure no genocide" like banning people from telling the truth.

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One of the most common complaints I read about dating apps is how many bots there are, so yeah, for sure add AI into the mix. That's definitely what people want. Also, if you have to use AI to start a conversation, what are you gonna do when you meet someone in person? Match has really done the most to ruin online dating over the last several years, though, so this just seems like another step on the same path.

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I'm really enjoying all the right wing women getting offended by this. Like, no shit these men don't respect women, they never did. You're not different or special just because you're a giant pick-me, and conservative men only put you on a pedestal when they can use it to insult liberal women. Cry more about the situation you put yourself in.

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With higher delivery fees! Why on earth would anyone even order Pizza Hut after this? If I'm paying obscene delivery fees and jacked up menu prices through doordash or whoever anyway, I'm getting better food than that. Or just eating at home like I end up doing every time I look at the total from one of those services.

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It's not just for dog fighting. It's backyard breeders who are hoping to make a quick buck, so they get the easiest dogs they can access, which is almost always pits, sell the puppies for whatever they can get, and then dump any of the ones they can't sell. I see them constantly on nextdoor, and it's appalling. And the kind of people who buy pit puppies from some rando are also the kind of people who dump them when they get too big and "oh we can't keep up with their energy."

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Why does Fetterman, the largest senator, not simply eat the other senators?

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Most of them? Generics are frequently the same thing from the same manufacturer with cheaper packaging and no/very little marketing. There are very few things I've ever tried that were noticeably better in the name brand.

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Hey guys, be fair. Maybe he was just stealing to support the baby he had with a child who was "over 14, so it wasn't statutory rape, we totally swear.'

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You know when people complain about privileged white men who always feel like they need to make every conversation about them? This is the man. He's the one we're talking about. If this isn't a very late, bizarre April Fool's joke, he really thinks he did something with this. What an absolute clown.

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Good. It's what he deserves. I was 9 or 10 when that happened and I remember thinking it was so gross and being confused why people were just with it? I'm glad people are calling him out now - better late than never, I guess.

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Pfft, I always buy a frozen pizza specifically because I already know I'm not gonna feel like cooking after grocery shopping because it sucks. I don't even pretend anymore. All that fresh food is for another day.

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"Sorry all you poors don't like what I said about how you're getting a little uppity, and you deserve to be homeless if you don't like the pittance I offer you." Sure bud, I totally believe you're super duper sorry about being a complete piece of shit. After all, a couple of days is surely enough time to totally reevaluate your worldview and grow the part of the brain that creates empathy.

Fuck this guy. I hope he gets eaten by a dropbear.

Didn't Trump literally already say he was bringing back the Muslim ban and making it worse? But ok, I guess vote for him anyway. Most republican voters vote against their own interests all the time so they'll fit right in until they're deported.

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Gotta say, I'm really enjoying watching this backfire on her so hard. She's a horrible person and it's what she deserves.

They're going to end up with a bunch of people complaining to the manager about the price not matching the sign, which already happens, but it'll be 10x worse.

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Brb, bout to post this on nextdoor and watch all my neighbors fight.

Seriously though, this dude made a post on there today about how he's "been wearing his army gear the last few days and no one has thanked him for his service." I would walk into traffic if I was ever that embarrassing.

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I tried to swipe some word earlier and it decided what really wanted to say was ConocoPhillips. Why the fuck is that even in the dictionary in my phone? When would I ever want to say that?

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That's true - it bums me out that more people didn't follow through on their threats to leave, but I did and I don't spend hours doomscrolling every day anymore. That alone is a good outcome. I learned to embroider to keep from picking up my phone over and over during the blackout and it's one of my favorite hobbies now. Also a good outcome. For me, the protest was a success. Reddit can make every stupid choice under the sun, and it doesn't impact my life in the least anymore.