Pizza Hut franchises in California lay off all delivery drivers ahead of $20 minimum wage increase to – 669 points –

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With higher delivery fees! Why on earth would anyone even order Pizza Hut after this? If I'm paying obscene delivery fees and jacked up menu prices through doordash or whoever anyway, I'm getting better food than that. Or just eating at home like I end up doing every time I look at the total from one of those services.

It doesn't even make sense as sure, Uber doesn't pay drivers much and Pizza Hut won't have to employ them, but customers will have to pay more. So Pizza Hut could have just said "due to increases in wages we have to implement a delivery fee", and actually paid their drivers. They'd rather do this dramatic 'omg we have to fire them' thing though.

Its a punitive measure. Our lords want to send the message that further wage legislation will not be tolerated.

I agree. It might make financial sense for them as far as reducing payroll and management costs, but it seems just as likely to reduce their sales by as much as that saves. To me it feels like a political statement "how dare you expect us to pay employees!" where they pretend it's not possible for them to make it work. Which is fine. If a business depends on paying subsistence slave wages, it should just close.

Oh no, whatever shall we do if they put themselves out of business?!

Boomers keep threatening the collapse of the fast food market, "no one wants to work anymore". Like they think anyone is going to miss the absolute shit that is fast food. Why are we supposed to care?

"In retaliation we shall destroy their Pizza Hut. Let us see how the uppity peasants like that!"

Sucks to be them when they refuse to pay for any staffing and close.

You are vastly overestimating the brain dead American population that will see the higher price, order delivery anyway, and then stop thinking about it.

Like, they just don’t think about how it will affect their finances at all. People order takeout and delivery every day without a second thought.

To be clear I am not victim blaming the poor, but we are beyond late stage capitalism here. They won.

No. In the days you maybe added $3 to an order for delivery and added a tip. Now you pay a $5 delivery fee and tip plus 20%-30% markup. They cornered and ruined the market and only those with too much money will simply not care.

Except that's not what's happening at all. Go look at Just Eats stock price after aquiring grub hub for a few billion. Turns out, people actually do scoff at the delivery price of these services.

I've only ordered from the big ones to avoid fucky delivery services. It just eliminates the point of it.