How Russia is Influencing US Citizens on Social Media. Russian Intelligence Document "Guerrilla Media Campaign in the US" [Translated] Page 3 to – 2 points –

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How Russia is Influencing US Voters. Russian Intelligence Document "Guerrilla Media Campaign in the US" [Translated] Page 5

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In order for this work to be effective, you need to use a minimum of fake news and a maximum of realistic information. At the same time, you should continuously repeat that this is what is really happening, but the official media will never tell you about it or show it to you.

Yep, that last sentence pretty much sums up right-wing media, especially since "Candidate A" who is definitely not Trump, shhh ran for office around 2016.

Gee, I wonder what the censored bits actually say. It's a total mystery.

And before people say "not Lemmy, we are too small" - It's pretty obvious that a major Lemmy instance is literally a training ground for these recruits before they get promoted to Facebook and reddit duty (either intentionally or otherwise). There have been a few narratives this election which seem to have been tested out on here weeks before getting to Facebook and reddit. "Blue MAGA" was a pretty obvious one they seemed to workshop on Lemmy.

There are certain actors on Lemmy that I'm betting will disappear after the presidential election cycle or significantly pull back their posting.

Basically fanning the flames of "democrat bad, support israel genocide" while also saying "republican not in power, can't blame them!". Genocide is terrible no matter who does it and we shouldn't pretend Republicans would be any better. In all likelihood, they would be worse.