English-language Wikipedia editors concluded: Israel committing genocide in Gaza

geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml to World News@lemmy.world – 698 points –
English-language Wikipedia editors concluded: Israel committing genocide in Gaza

On July 25, after a couple of months of debate, the Wikipedia entry "Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza" was changed to "Gaza genocide." This was done despite the fact that the International Court of Justice in the Hague has not made an official ruling on the matter, in the wake of South Africa's petition to the court alleging that Israel is committing or facilitating genocide in Gaza.

The Los Angeles-based Jewish Journal, which followed the Wikipedia discussion and vote, wrote that the editors who voted on this change claimed to be relying on an academic consensus based on statements of experts on genocide, human rights, human rights law and Holocaust historians.


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Conservapedia views Albert Einstein's theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism,[9] falsely claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer, praises Republicanpoliticians, supports celebrities and artistic works it believes represent moral standards in line with Christian family values, and espouses fundamentalist Christian doctrines such as Young Earth creationism.

I couldn’t have made it up, WHAT THE FUCK lmao

That site is good for a laugh - a complete alternate universe devoid of science, evidence, or conscious thought.

Soon to be condemned and superseded by Magapedia

 falsely claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer

Ironically, they were close to a point that might actually support their views. Birth control does increase the risk of breast and cervical cancer. It also lowers ovarian, endometrial, and colon cancer risk, but they’re not presenting complete information either way, so they could just ignore those parts.

When i first came across that site. I thought it was satire... then i learned it was not and that scares me.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Macron married a tranny, Obama 'accompanied by muscular man in wig'. [146]

Fucking hell. This is the shit they take seriously!