Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices singing or reading in public

FundMECFSResearch@lemmy.blahaj.zone to World News@lemmy.world – 622 points –
Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices singing or reading in public | CNN

GOP - "Write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!"

“Wait… you just pass a law and women can’t talk? Call the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. We have the final solution.”

Does the law also apply to Marjorie Taylor-Greene?

Is there a way to make it only apply to Marjorie Taylore-Greene?

Pfft, they stole that from Project 2025, Appendix F

For the Taliban, women are sexual slaves whose sole purpose is to be baby making machines: they're not human beings.

For the Taliban, women are sexual slaves whose sole purpose is to be baby making machines

What a backward society. Under that thinking, a post menopausal woman would be useless.

Don't forget that they have to cook and clean as well.

No they are extremely human. Human beings are completely capable of this complete dominance of each other. Dont ever dehumanize these atrocities. It paints a picture that we didn't do it. We did.

I don't think they were calling the Taliban less than human. Rather commenting on how the Talibam view women as less than human.

Yes. I'm talking about the Talibans' sick and perverse mind. The Talibans do not view women as human beings.

I think they meant "the Taliban doesn't consider women to be humans"

Its explaining that dehumanization is how this shit happens

Never ask about:

A man - his wage

A woman - her age

A talib - what they do to a boy aged 5-12


And I wish I hadn't.

Be glad you've not been born there to learn it first-hand. Afghanistan is what rightards want for Europe to become under their reign and other label. This menace is real and you can oppose it.

Why are they so afraid of women?

Conservative Sunni Islam's attitude towards women basically boils down to men needing to see as little as possible of them, lest they become uncontrollably rapey. Shia are a little bit less misogynistic, and Sufi are significantly less so.

Conservative Sunni Islam's attitude towards women basically boils down to men needing to see as little as possible of them, lest they become uncontrollably rapey.

I find that so utterly bizarre, like, you can't control your sexual impulses like a normal person does unless every woman in your field of vision is dressed like a Halloween ghost?

It's the woman's fault, obviously!

Edit: also, your comment is ironic given your username. One of the GOAT sexual deviants...

Sunni Islam does not prescribe women being fully veiled nor does it forbid schooling. The Taliban are following tribalism not Islam.

I used "conservative" for a reason. Sunni men writ large consider the hijab mandatory, but not face coverings.

There is no conservative version of Sunni Islam which prescribes it. The word conservative means to adhere to tradion.

Worlds first university was created by an Islamic Sunni woman.

Full face coverings were only prescribed for the women of the Prophet. This is universally accepted.

What the Taliban is following is nothing more than tribalistic misogyny. A red pill cult. It has nothing to do with Islam.

I guess it's just a coincidence that the most conservative Sunni countries are aggressively misogynistic? Unless Wahhabists are actually secret feminists.

Wahabism originated in Saudi Arabia, which worked with the British to overthrow the Islamic Caliphate.

Anything originating in Saudi for the past few centuries should be taken with a large amount of salt.

Islam Doesn’t Deny Women Education, So Why Does the Taliban?

"Saudi misogyny is actually the fault of the British" is the second-most hilarious take I've read all year, right behind "making fun of LLMs for being bad at math is ableist" (an actual post I read on Mastodon).

The Caliphate was Islamic. Saudi waged war against the Caliphate.

Nothing here blames the British for misogyny. That is a strawman.

It's more like societies with endogamous communal family structures like Islam -- not even Sunni in particular. The worst misogyny historically doesn't even happen there though but in exogamous communal family structures, things like widow burning in India, feet binding in China, or rape of your daughter-in-law in Russia: In the endogamous setting, all the misogyny is happening within a clan structure that includes the woman's close kin, while in the exogamous setting she's on her own.

Anthropologists are still very much in the process of figuring stuff out but particular family structures correlating to differing preferences in political ideology is a very interesting topic, it's mostly thought of as representing deeper social values and ideal that are hard to get a handle on. No I won't link Todd right now the guy has gone off the deep end regarding Ukraine, his stuff is worth reading but don't only read him -- not just because of Ukraine.

Probably because many local women would outright reject the Taliban, as partners and as masters, if they had a say. Educated women especially would run circles around them.

I feel like the Taliban rule workshopping is something like, "Okay, everyone write down ANYthing that get you off or arouses you. Alright, let's see... 'women's feet,' yeah, banned. 'Clothes,' okay banned. 'Women singing.' Y'all some fucked up, but also banned."

Isn't beards required because a smooth faced man might cause impure thoughts?

I don't know about you guys but even as a straigh dude, especially glorious beards can also have me staring and acting unwise...

I say ban all beards.

As another straight dude, I don't know what you're talking about. I happen to have unrelated photos at the ready below.

What often grates on me is the "We never should have left Afghanistan! Look at what they're doing to women!!" folks abutting the "We need to respect their customs. These theocratic dictatorships are just like that and there's nothing we can do" folks who turn a blind eye to all our allies on the Saudi Peninsula, the African coast, and the Indian subcontinent get up to.

You need both in order to execute a new campaign of regime change, because arms and troops have to flow through friendly bases in India or Pakistan to get to Afghanistan. But the end policy only ever seems to be "we permit you to be horrible, so long as you're committing these horrors on our team".

Would love for a genuine trans-national feminist movement. But when feminism is a dead letter in our friends in Japan, Poland, and Israel, how the hell is it supposed to penetrate to our enemies in Bad Korea, Afghanistan, and Cuba?

But when feminism is a dead letter in our friends in Japan, Poland, and Israel,

The fuck

We don't need to respect their customs. We need to respect their people, including their people's need for emotional healthy relationships which are often in conflict with elements in their cultures that only feel entitled to dominate.

We don’t need to respect their customs.

We do if we want to move military personal through their territory without resistance.

Back when Americans were occupying Afghanistan, we had a seemingly unlimited tolerance for sexual abuse of minors and narco trafficking in the state. We needed the warlords to secure territory and the drug lords to underpin the local economy, in order to contain reactionary religious ideology.

Only after we left did we rediscover our duty to Afghan civilians.

people’s need for emotional healthy relationships which are often in conflict with elements in their cultures that only feel entitled to dominate

I don't know how else you describe detonating the world's largest fuel bomb over Nangarhar Province, if you're not describing it as "entitlement to dominate".

We weren't in Afghanistan handing out hugs and flowers. We were killing dissidents en mass in order to suppress revolt.

You're describing the political reality and I get that, it's expedient. But that doesn't mean it is also moral.

No, not at all. But then neither is looting the Afghani Treasury and sanctioning the country into a state of national famine.

Once, I talked with a Muslim, and I said that they are afraid of women. He told me that they aren't afraid of women; they respect them so much that they have to cover them and do all these kinds of things

Obviously. How else would they protect them from their uncontrollable male urges?

/S in case anyone gets confused...

"We protect them like diamonds!"

"So you protect them like objects?"

Well I'm happy a war was fought to liberate them and bring them the joys of deMoCRacy and cheap beer

The war in Afghanistan was lost the moment Bush switched gears to invade Iraq.

He pulled resources out that never went back, and then Obama did the same to fight ISIL. And then Trump pulled even more out just because.

As the years went on, more of the security was offloaded to a corrupt interm government that never quite managed to become self sufficient.

When Trump did his pull out, he got Congress to pull funding. That funding was all that wa keeping the Afghani military going.

Then Biden had to finish the pull out, and he did not stick the landing.

Also bonus fun fact. The Taliban is very likely going to start the world's first Water War. They've been damming and diverting rivers that their neighbors rely on.

Also, not making sure that the Afghan Army had all-female battalions.

Can you believe it, MAGA has more in common with the Taliban and Russian neo-nazis than being American? At least, their platform reflects an obvious roadmap to these destinations.

This is taking victim blaming women for the mens' reactions to their existence to a new level of so stupid it won't work and will actually have the opposite effect in that people are MORE frustrated, sexually or otherwise.

Yes, we know, radical Islam forbids joy of any kind. What a miserable existence.