1 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The article might as well have said, "The Cincinnati Euchre League privately trashed Biden's top campaign advisers at Million's Cafe this weekend," because I have a similar lack of interest in what they'd have to say.

  • from dev's notes about the third year - 2023 - The grind*

I haven't reached 1M SPM yet, but I might get there before we release :).

Factories be growin'!!

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you might be looking at an entirely different kind of portal.

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Anyone that thinks the Orange Buffoon has a plan other than get as much cash from the marks as possible is willfully ignoring the obvious.

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And for a short while, twitter was silent.

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Now run your straw through a concentric larger straw and pump -30C glycol through the annulus. You can get your 96C tea down to 54C in seconds! Think of the efficiencies gained!!

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If ultraconservative justices are against the new rule, that's how you know it's working.

4D chess. I didn't realize that I can win a court case by insulting the judge and his family, and then appeal it and say, "See? The judge was prejudiced against me because I behaved like an asshole!"

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There's no way they can permanently prohibit him from lying, but they can permanently get paid each time he does.

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I, for one, welcome this new definition of Traditional American Family Values!

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"It's true, your honor. This man has no dick."

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We've gone full circle - North Korea and South Korea wage a proxy war among western belligerents. Now if Seoul could just propose an end to hostilities along a particular meridian...

sounds like EU really dodged that bullet. Good on them.

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I regret that I canceled already due to the October '23 price doubling, so I can no long illustrate my displeasure at this bullshit.

Judge Merchant to the Trump defense team: “I just want to make you aware… the People have presented 10 exhibits. You have presented nothing.”

A common refrain.

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That's pretty cool that they showed the avatars of both Meta users!

you dropped your crown, king.


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First they came for extremist gamers and I did nothing because... fuck those guys.

don't threaten me with a good time.

75 y-o shouts at sky.

I haven't heard Alice Cooper since I stopped listening to the Wayne's World soundtrack in the 90s. I guess I can continue to not hear him with impunity.

a flaming

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That $0.25 bit is pretty brutal.

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Minuscule Music and More. It's on the miracle mile right next to Kohls.

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conflict-avoidance often leads to lying, and lying will lead to greater conflict. The truth will set you free.

Every time a puppy dies, a new cop gets its badge.

fine-no-jail-time = cost of doing business.

Unless the event was to hide from Trunp in a place that he'd never find them, they were right to laugh in your face.

I knew there were some unsavory-types here on Lemmy, but I didn't know there were f'n monsters here. How do you sleep at night, you ghoul?

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s'cuse me, you dropped this

Ads. I loathe them. I will not engage with your community that forces adds.

Sure, I miss Reddit, and Youtube, and Netflix, etc., but I'm happier having stood for my principles.

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Some high ceilings up in here.

I saw that line, buried at the end of the article, and shouted at the screen, "Yeah, you fuckin' should!" I want to live in the world where the president is terrified of the consequences of his or her actions.

ahhyes, the crushing and unrelenting march of time.

This was given to me during a Process Safety class in college, and I'll never forget it: in the workplace, "Always have a stupid-question buddy." Try your best to direct your questions to someone who's not your boss as you learn the ropes. That way, you can be comfortable asking those questions on basics that really need to be asked in order to do your job properly, and not look like an idiot to the person that performs your performance reviews.