Former Georgia election workers sue Rudy Giuliani again, asking judge to permanently stop him from lying about them | CNN Politics to politics – 510 points –
Former Georgia election workers sue Rudy Giuliani again, asking judge to permanently stop him from lying about them | CNN Politics

CNN — Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the two Georgia election workers who won a nearly $150 million verdict against Rudy Giuliani for defamation on Friday, have sued him again, asking a federal judge to permanently prohibit him from lying about them.

The lawsuit comes as Giuliani has continued to make false statements about their work as absentee ballot counters in the 2020 election.


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There's no way they can permanently prohibit him from lying, but they can permanently get paid each time he does.

Ignoring a court order can lead to jail time. Not enough for being part of an attempted coup, but I'll take any of these assholes getting any time in jail at this point.

Dude will be 80 next year, likely ANY jail time is a death sentence.

My plan for when I am in my 70s is to not be a traitorous lying sack of shit so I won't get thrown in jail and die there. That fucker has been dodging consequences for decades.

My plan for when I'm 70 is to die in the water riots. Or possibly shot dead by Google Amazon compliance agents for using an adblocker.

He'd play the "too sick for jail" card and show up to court with an oxygen tank

"He's not sick! His black fluid has probably just leaked out of his head again. Dump some 10-W30 in his ear and haul him away!"

Didn't work for Harvey Weinstein. Fuck him.

Lol I remember Weinstein and his Walker with tennis balls on the feet

Except he wouldn't be wearing a nasal cannula or oxygen mask, because it would smudge the caked-on orange shit he smears on his face.

Right now I'd settle to see Rudy in an orange jump suit because of these lies while going to court in Georgia

No judge is going to issue a civil court order restricting someone's speech in perpetuity (and if they did, the judge would end up in hot water). That's just not what they're for.

I'm just imagining a court-appointed accountant sitting next to him with one of those ticker devices, clicking it over and over again

With the closest side of the dude drenched in cheap hair dye and flop sweat.

I'm curious what remedy there is for someone defaming you that's broke. Imagine Rudy getting sued into bankruptcy. On paper, he could have no assets and no income but mooching off the rich fucks still shielding him. What's to stop him from defaming people then?


We did away with debtor's prisons long ago.

I think you could jail him still for the original offense and not have it be a debt issue. The court finds him guilty for defamation, but he has no assets to sell, so he's sentenced to jail time instead.

Jail him for defamation, I'm sure it can carry a sentence, but not because he can't pay. We're back to debtor's prisons in that case.

Since Rudy is such a proponent perhaps Trial by Combat? Ruby vs Rudy cage match.

Match him right and maybe it could be like The Viper and the Mountain.

Rudy vs Alex

That’s called being “judgement proof”. It’s not an established legal thing, but it’s something lawyers will jokingly refer to. Because they know that even if they successfully get a judgement against the offender, there’s zero chance of actually collecting the judgement. No assets and no income? Good luck collecting on that million dollar judgement, because the court’s actual methods of recourse are limited.

You could potentially put a lien on their assets, so you claim the value if they ever sell. But if they have no assets, there’s nothing to put a lien on. You could potentially garnish their wages. But if they have no income, there’s nothing to garnish.

Honestly at this point with Rudy, seize and sell the fucking clothes off his back and the pen in his pocket. Throw him in an orange jumpsuit and off to jail with him after that.

There are a few ways, bit of line and a hook or needle, stapler, sharp knife, pliers, and a bowl.