
1 Post – 244 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nobody went and flipped the breaker for the jacuzzi? People like that obviously need practice dealing with inconveniences.

The devs have been working hard to hammer out those troublesome edge cases. There's a lot less of them than there was a year or two ago.

IIRC Nvidia needs explicit sync support to work reliably. It's fairly new and might not have landed in some distros, especially the stable releases.

IPv6 has a policy of throwing more address space at stuff to make routing simpler, though.

IPv4 will individually route tiny slices of address space all over the world, IPv6 just assigns a massive chunk of space in the first place and calls it a day.

IPv6 has privacy addresses, though. Stuff on my network generates a new random address every day and uses that address for outgoing connections, so you can't really track individual devices inside my network.

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The impact they're hoping it'll have is people will think this isn't the right time to buy an EV so they'll keep buying Toyota gas cars. That's why Toyota is constantly in the news regarding battery tech - it's to support their fossil fuel business.

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We didn't used to have tracking, you know? You used to just put up a billboard or put an ad in the newspaper and you just hoped it'd lead to new customers.

It's a bit weird that the advertising people implemented fine gained tracking without asking anyone and now we're just expected to pretend there's no other way for advertising to work.

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I wrote a bit of python earlier, do I have to send you a cheque?

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It turns out that people don't become more conservative as they age, they become more conservative as they gain wealth. Millennials and Gen Z aren't.

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I'd argue that power is more the issue. All that processor time the antivirus spends scanning and rescanning is a chunk of battery gone.

If you want to make a greybeard feel old, find a floppy disk in his cupboard, pick it up and ask him why he 3D printed a save icon.

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Richard Stallman unjust power quote

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Remember to check that you didn't sign off with "Kind retards".

Top picture: NSFW

Bottom picture: NSFL

Demotivational poster with a picture of a shocked looking cat and the text "What has been seen cannot be unseen"

But it’s okay, he forgot too.

Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.

Selling at a loss is how you build volume and reach the economies of scale that drive down costs.

If you fiddle around half-heartedly putting out small numbers of EVs, you'll never come close to competing with a company that puts out over a million a year. A lot of automakers still aren't willing to commit, and they're whining about the position they chose to put themselves in.

Okay, but if they don't have the electricity for EVs they definitely don't have enough electricity to waste 2/3 of it turning it into hydrogen and back.

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It does tell you the actual error, though. Following it up with "Good luck" isn't particularly professional but removing it would just make the message more boring, not any clearer.

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Some have cooling liquid for the battery and electrical components. Some blow cold air over the battery.

And then there's the Nissan Leaf, which just lets the battery cook, knowing that it probably won't die before the warranty is up.

Though it's a bit more complicated than that - sometimes you want to heat the battery or the passenger cabin, and sometimes you want to heat one thing while cooling the other. A good thermal control system can handle moving heat around as well as getting rid of it or taking it from the surrounding air.

An EV doesn't produce so much heat that it needs powerful cooling like a gas car does, but it does come in handy if you want to rapid charge a few times on a long trip. You can get away without it if you're being gentle with the car and live in an area with a mild climate.

I'd argue that if pushing the brakes hard can blow up the brake lines, they already needed fixed.

Hydrogen was the future in the 90s, when the alternative was lead acid batteries. Nowadays hydrogen fuel cell cars don't actually top the charts on range, battery EVs have taken the crown.

Hydrogen promised to be a drop-in replacement for fossil fuels. You still needed big industry to make and distribute it, you still needed filling stations to sell it to end users, you still took your car somewhere to fill it up. Everyone could just keep doing their thing. But it was going to be so expensive to switch over that everyone dragged their heels and kept using fossil fuels, so now we're entering the post-hydrogen car era without it ever arriving.

If we'd had hydrogen fuel cell cars 30 years ago, today we'd have manufacturers putting bigger batteries and charging plugs on them to make plug-in hybrids and move away from expensive hydrogen.

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That many hours spent to pull a stunt like that. And I thought people who played healers in MMORPGs were powered by hate.

they might just have pissed on their own chips

This might be the most British thing I've ever heard.

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Oh, I recognise him. That's George.

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Once or twice I've gone and found another source for the download, copied it into my torrents folder, forced my torrent client to re-scan the file and started seeding it.

Watching a thousand other clients tick over from 99% to 'seeding' is weirdly gratifying.

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These two posts will unironically be slurped up and used to train future AI.

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My electric vehicle, when set to imperial, will display charging speed in horsepower.

Apparently a wall outlet can provide 3.2 horsepower.

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It's not that it's broken, it's that the open source driver stack and AMD cards are a superior experience. The Nvidia Linux driver is just like the Windows driver.

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My point is that gaming could abandon “A/B” in favor of something more like an actual spectrum of Height, Weight, and Gender Presentation instead of just awkwardly renaming the binary? I wouldn’t get so up in arms about gender replacing body type.

Okay, but an in-depth character creation system that lets you pick and adjust individual features is a lot more work than just manually creating two models and asking the player to pick one. Adding that means something else gets cut.

Putting in half a dozen body types and a boob slider shouldn't be a ton of work, but devs who only offer two player models to choose from in the first place probably aren't putting that much thought into character creation.

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It also calls all the customers who don't want to be locked out of the product they paid for 'fickle' and brought up gamergate out of nowhere, so I'm honestly not sure what sort of agenda they're pushing.

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Well, we've now got Steam Deck turning your portable console into a full PC, just connect a keyboard. Also no need to buy a Steam Deck version of that game you bought on Steam ten years ago, it's already there and probably runs great.

It might be that proprietary, single purpose gaming portables are going to lose to more flexible portables even if smartphones are too limited to do the job.

I see your sunflower sumos and raise you a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head.

A bunny with a pancake on its head

It wasn't that they increased prices, they added new fees to things without notice, breaking some business models entirely.

They've only backed down on fees for reinstalling games after it was pointed out you could trivially cost a developer millions of dollars by running an install/uninstall script on a loop.

failed to mount root filesystem on unknown-block(0,0) means the kernel started, loaded builtin drivers and drivers from the initrd, looked for the system partition to continue starting up and couldn't find it.

Maybe you removed a disk and /dev/sdb became /dev/sda or maybe you forgot to add nvme SSD support and the kernel can't read /dev/nvme0n1p1.

Or your disk let out the magic smoke and isn't detected any more.

It'd make the world a better place, but a big company would make slightly less money, therefore it's unthinkable to even attempt it.

See also: vehicle emissions standards

On the Linux side, you get people installing debug builds of drivers, bisecting to identify which commit broke something, doing apitraces, capturing crash dumps and opening bug reports to submit that stuff to driver devs.

You don't really get that sort of thing on Windows, so the drivers try to do it through telemetry. It's how the devs know which games or hardware configs are crashing and need fixes.

If there's something really important on that disk, don't do ANYTHING, just unplug it and hand it over to a data recovery company.

If there isn't anything really important on there, go ahead and try and do it yourself.

Paying $100 to a data recovery company can save you a ton of headaches if it has the only copy of your thesis on there and you mess it up trying to fix things yourself.

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And the more ads they show, the more people install adblockers.

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Reminds me of the time I compiled Qt on a 1GB Raspberry Pi.

electric cars are all automatic

They aren't, really. They don't actually change gears, if you want to go backwards you spin the motor backwards.

Hilariously, jump starting EVs is a thing if the 12V battery dies. And no, you can't roll start them.

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