14 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They get paid 274k...DC is expensive, but anyone that can't live very comfortably on that is awful with money. Being awful with money will lose you a TS clearance because it makes you susceptible to bribery by spies. I would think it would also be a disqualifier for a SCOTUS judge for the same reason.

I think maintaining a TS clearance should be a requirement for all positions above a certain level in the federal government. Not because they need access to TS information, but to ensure they are at a lower risk of bribery, adversarial interests, and criminal activity. Getting a TS clearance isn't terribly hard. Just generally have your act together. As long as you aren't a train wreck, a drug addict, a criminal, an untrustworthy asshat, or have connections to adversaries, you will pass adjudication. TLDR: A TS clearance would ensure high level government employees are minimumly functional humans.

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Alan Turing, a mathematician and gay man, is right up there with Oppenheimer, Churchill, Macarthur, and Stalin in level of importance towards the allied victory in WW2.

I'm a veteran. A lot of really good troops in technical fields tended to not serve all that long due to better quality of life outside of the military. An ace technical troop is worth their weight in gold.

Various types of mechanics and technicians, logisticians, network admins, equipment operators, pilots, various engineers, and other technical troops are the real power of the US military. Most of those are more technical than physical.

It isn't brawn that keeps around 100 USN ships deployed around the world at any given time. It isn't brawn that gives the USAF a 48 hour turn around time for operating anywhere in the world. It isn't brawn that keeps large ground forces supplied at bases all around the world. It is education, brains, and training.

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I wouldn't listen to the everything is exaggerated and it is really just fine. We are boiling frogs.

Our economy hasn't collapsed, so there isn't going to be any dramatics like a movie or show

Rioting won't do anything. The GOP voters and media outlets will frame at as anything that isn't far right is bad.

In many ways, things are bad. We have large parts of the country completely dependent on cars. One of our chief judiciaries should be impeached. A former state governor actually faced criminal charges for far less than Clarence Thomas has been doing. The GOP is trying to dismantle public schools via privatization/vouchers, textbook manipulation, and gagging teachers. The GOP just might nominate Trump even though he is facing so many lawsuits his nickname should be The Defendant.

Right now, the Democrats far outnumber the GOP, buy the GOP has way better turn out. Saying vote constantly is to use our best defense, overwhelmingly defeats of these people in the elections. If all eligible voters voted, things would be quite different

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He isn't afraid. He is sending a message. That message is, in the words of Eric Cartman: "Respect my authority!"

I.e. it was meant to dissuade people from questions or comments that reveal his fascist beliefs.

The kid shouldn't have apologized, as he was just asking questions, and not in the dishonest way.

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Why does Israel need military aid? They are by far the superior force. Their response to it is worse than the US response to the 2001 attacks.

I'm not against parking a carrier group off the coast to prevent some other country from taking advantage of the situation, but I don't see why Israel needs US help.

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The US Navy has more heavy aircraft carrier groups than the rest of world combined. The US has 11 out of 22. It also has the world's largest and most advanced air force. Old US Army equipment is working wonders for Ukraine against Russia, the supposed next best military.

Not to mention the US has a massive arsenal of working ICBMs and SLBMs.

I'm sorry, but nobody stands a snowballs chance in hell against the US military.

Regarding Iraq and Afghanistan, nation building and occupying are two different things. Kind of like ruling verses obtaining power are different.

ETA: Think about that during presidential elections.

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I would think they would keep at least 1 of each model/trim of vehicle for testing these things. This leads me to believe one of the following:

  • Too tight of deadlines
  • Cheap management won't pay for testing time or units
  • Culture of pencil whipping
  • A bad apple didn't do their job, which should be caught by procedures
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I'm not all in on prison abolitionism, but I think this is a good step in legal system reform. Most people in jail probably aren't much of a threat to society.

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A number of measures to help students concentrate are taken during the annual event such as closing the country's airspace and delaying the opening of the stock market.

That is what thinking of the children really looks like. Here in the US we just make stupid age verification laws for porn sites like it is going to make porn hard for teenagers to get.

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Misinformation or disinformation? It sounds nit picky, but there is a huge difference.

Those spreading misinformation are simply mistaken and possibly swayed by good information.

Those spreading disinformation are deliberately trying to deceive people.

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Dozens of other nations: "What they said!"

So much to unpack here.

GNU is not a Linux variant. It is a set of programs and shared libraries.

ISO 9660 has nothing to do with compression. Just calling it ISO isn't a good idea for an intro class like that because it is a set of MANY standards. They should have put a little side blurb and called it ISO 9660 in the table.

tar is an archive tool. It has no compression.

Why no mention of compression algorithms algorithms vs archive tools?

Why not have different compression algorithms and their tradeoffs?

ETA: jar files are just zip files for Java libs/programs. You can open them with zip file tools.

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Strunks Elements of Style should be mandatory reading every year of high school.

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Which is blatant incompetence considering there is a very straightforward RFC covering domain names.

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What's also mind boggling is the USAF F-15 has zero combat losses and is the OLD air superiority fighter. The USAF can start operating anywhere in the world with a force larger than most other air forces in < 72 hours.

When pulled over, any interaction beyond what is required by law should be not answered or answered with something along the lines of invoking the 5th. There are a bazillion YouTube lawyers that all the say this.

If you need directions, put in something that isn't the abortion place, but has it along the way, like a national park or other tourist place, some conference, etc. Then put in the real destination when you get across the border.

Registering to vote takes less time than filling out the forms at a dental visit.

What does being white have to do with anything?

ID is just to identify you, it has nothing to do with voter eligibility.

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When is the last time you went to a hospital and saw a chiropractic department? When was the last time you went to a hospital and saw an orthopedics department? I have never had an MD recommend I see a chiropractor, but I have been sent to an orthopedist who sent me to PT. It worked.

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The entire situation is a dumpster fire. Hamas resorting to random acts of violence instead of a targeted attack dooms their cause. Giving in to terrorism sends the message that it is an effective strategy, encouraging more of it. Israel's reaction is almost as bad. Everyone is being punished for the actions of a few. The antisemitism from people like this hurts the Palestinian cause too.

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Which is completely irrelevant to the legitimacy of chiropractic.

Juries have a LOT of discretion regarding damages in civil cases. The damages are what the 12 jurors say it is.

I don't think people are all that left. I think conservative has been misused so much it is almost a drop in for fascist or laissez fair capitalist.

E.g. abortion. The conservative mindset is to keep regulations to a minimal and defer to the medical community. Overruling Roe was pretty radical and goes against the recommendations of the medical community. It is also government getting into people's business.

E.g. climate. Wouldn't it be more conservative to err on the side of caution and do things that are a good idea anyway and reduce GHG, like renewables and reducing car dependent design? Replacing street cars, trams, and rails with cars everywhere was a pretty radical move.

I can keep going with examples, but I think that is clear enough.

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Lots of things are holding us back.

  1. Too much risk starting a business. There is no guarantee you will get a job as good as you left if the business fails. You can lose the opportunity cost on investments so you can retire or cover a major expense. Health insurance is usually provided by jobs, so you risk access to medical care.

  2. Health insurance is provided by employers. Changing job carries risk of getting insurance that will screw you over or have more out of pocket costs than any raise can make up for.

  3. Housing costs are so high moving is risky. Buying a place to live at these levels could land you underwater if the market crashes.

  4. Transportation almost requires a car, which are money pits even if you get a reliable car that is efficient and you DIY maintenance. You still need parts, insurance, registration, taxes, and fuel. Driving in the United States of Asphalt sucks because traffic jams are frequent in many areas. Since it is practically mandatory, you get to share the road with high people, irresponsible people, people driving cars that are unsafe to even look at, sleep deprived people, and people that for whatever reason can't drive well.

  5. Child care. We get so little parental leave that isn't even paid leave and pay out the ass for early childhood care. If you have more than 2 small children, it is probably cheaper to hire a private nanny.

  6. Shitty shit. Shitty toys. Shitty furniture. Shitty appliances. Shitty clothes. Shitty shingles. Shitty carpet. There is a lot of shitty shit out there that should never have been made that is long term more expensive than good shit. All that shitty shit filling our shitty houses that we drive home in shitty canyoneros took energy and materials provided by or extracted using fossil fuels. Then it was shipped using fossil fuels. Then when a fire/tornado/hurricane/whatever wrecks our shitty shit we have to pay a shitty insurance deductible and a higher shitty premium.

What kind of non-coding work do you need done?

We wouldn't take China and China wouldn't take us because of highly interdependent economies and nukes. It would be suicide for both of us.

To get the hell outta dodge. It is the best way for a young American with few ties to get a fresh start in life.

You start getting paid the second you leave, you get health, dental, housing, food, gym membership, discounts, job training, and education paid for. If you lock into your contract a specific job, it takes longer to ship out, but you won't get stuck doing IT if you want to work on tanks or planes or whatever.

I'm not delusional, there is a very real chance you will see combat of some sort. Even POGs (basically non combat jobs) that are deployed to bases in active conflicts will get the joy of being on the bad end IDFs (indirect fire attack, basically mortars, rockets, artillery, etc).

Source: Been there down that.

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Hmm. One of the four from The Good Place or The Doctor.

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Mine is hard. Ben Sisko, Chido Anagonye, Janets, Margaery Tyrell

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I wouldn't be surprised if that is a take away by some people. The rebuttal:

It is a book about how to write unambiguously and clearly.

Clear writing isn't useful? Think about arguments about phrases in the Constitution. Clarity would make those problems go away. I could name half a dozen STEM applications of quality writing off the top of my head:

  • User Manuals
  • Grant Proposals
  • Research Results
  • Emails to clients or coworkers
  • Project plans
  • Text books
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Perhaps we should create a new unit. Some options:

  • Chidi stomach ache seconds
  • Chidi indecision minutes
  • Shawn chuckle seconds
  • Trevor star rating
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This comment is dope and smart brained. I give it an 8.

This all comes back to school board elections. How much information is typically available about school board candidates?

Maybe if you provide a few examples, it would help provide some insight?

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I just had another thought. I wonder if it will eliminate a lot of escalation and fleeing due to people being afraid of going to jail?

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I highly doubt it. I don't remember any of incidents.

Source: Old millennial born in the 1980s

I'm assuming you are in the US. The problem with being broke is it is stressful. Stress impacts decision making, causing a cycle. The US is a capitalist society that educated people to behave as socialists with regards to business, career management, and employment.

The people that REALLY need financial planning advice can't afford it. Those that can use it to go from rich to richer.

The best thing you can do is get some help going through your expenses to see what you can optimize. Once you start getting a little bit of a breather, you will feel a lot better.

I've been following the FIRE community for close to a decade, so if you want, I can probably help you find some fat to trim.

Because that would require a constitutional amendment. The GOP would lose the most so not a single red state or GOP senator or congress member would vote for it. Amendments take a 2/3 majority or a constitutional convention, which requires 2/3 of the state governments to agree to it, which is even harder to pull off.

You don't seem to get it. It isn't the admin or mods I'd worry about. It is getting sued by one of the many media outlets whose articles you have posted in the entirety. Remember when Napster was a thing and teenagers were getting sued by RIAA?

They'll argue with Stallman about what GNU is.

This comment needs more attention. Sometimes I wash Lemmy had awards like Reddit to make important things visible.

Never would be allowing someone to scream racial slurs and ignoring it. Rarely and sometimes should be replaced with "it depends". Always probably means the same thing as sometimes since you aren't going to shout down a good speaker that you agree with. The whole survey doesn't make sense when you stop to think about it.