Ever have one of those days?

neanderthal@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 108 points –

Days that nothing catastrophic happens, but lots of moderate things happen all in the same day? You wake up not feeling great, so the morning plans are toast. Then afternoon plans fall through. The stuff you do in the meantime doesn't work out well either. To add insult to injury, dinner just doesn't come out right. You feel like you are the butt of the jokes in a crappy comedy movie. Today is one of those days for me.


All. The. Damn. Time.

Sometimes I wonder if the things I'm perceiving as not so great are actually fine, but my brain is making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be. But either way, the effect that it has on me is unfortunately the same.

Death of a thousand cuts. Those grinding days are more miserably soul-crushing than any single big event

And the worst part of those days is when you feel like it's wrong of you to complain. After all, you just had a series of minor bad incidents happen to you. None of them are THAT bad.

Meanwhile, one of your friends has multiple cancers, your wife's mother has serious medical issues, your son's allergies are so out of control that he can hardly breathe... And you're going to complain that you had a few minor things happen?

Um.... Hypothetically speaking...

Sorry to hear that. I hope your evening at least turns out a little better. If it doesn‘t, I always find some comfort in in the thought that even shitty days only have 24 hours and tomorrow is a fresh start (:

Daily. Plus general insomnia. Any night I don't sleep well the next day is useless.

I call them Wednesdays. My Mental Illness is a bitch.

A significant proportion of them are that day, yeah.

Well, if your day is toast, burn it to make tomorrow awesome. Remember luck favors the prepared. So make a list of parts of your house to maintain or clean or stock up so that future plans have a few backups and already ready

Yeah, sometimes, but I remember: Stress is not what happens to you; it’s how you react to what happens to you.

A lot of the little things that wear you down can be negative because of the way you look at them, or the amount of importance you give them. Looking at it another way, or comparing it to something more important, can change how depressing it could be.

Making breakfast and I drop something on the floor: what the hell, now the whole breakfast is ruined! OR well that was clumsy, let’s see what alternative meal I can come up with, challenge accepted.

Wake up with a headache: aw hell, this is a miserable start to the day, well, I’m sure it’s only gonna go downhill from here. OR Well, I guess I let myself get dehydrated. Drink some water, take some Excedrin, and lie back down for 15 minutes, and then on with my day.

You can train yourself to not wallow, and find that your mindset will change to be more positive, and/or less dramatic. Maybe not now, but every new setback is a new chance to try.

All that being said, sometimes I’ll just slam the bedroom door and lie down in bed and cuddle my cats for awhile.

Hang in there!

I have days where everything goes wrong. I achieve nothing at work and nothing at home. Dinner comes out half-edible. My usual entertainments aren't fun. Not too many, fortunately. The black days really stand out.

The best consolation I can offer is that the ride keeps going up and down and will be up again eventually. I hope that’s very soon and stays there for a long time. Best wishes to you.

i've felt sick since august. my allergies are always unbearable, and i had a cold around then that never properly went away, or blended into the allergies. haven't properly breathed or tasted food in weeks. it's wonderful