1 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Joby’s production aircraft is designed to transport a pilot and four passengers at speeds of up to 200 miles (321.87 kilometers) per hour, with a maximum range of 100 miles (160.93 kilometers). I

Back in my day we called these contraptions “helicopters”

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I worked for a cloud company that rhymes with frugal. They had sent a customers data into another customer’s environment. The customer who unknowingly received this data had to be locked out of their environment for a week until they were able to remove the other customers data.

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Shouldnt i be getting carbon tax credits for all this environent im saving

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I would like to give apple credit for not rebranding USB Type-C and claiming they invented it.

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This whole incident probably took place from automation. As others have stated they changed the profile photo and the system needs verification. The software probably has a hash value for the photo and when they changed the photo the hash value changed triggering the chain of events. You guys are really hung up on hating him but he probably had nothing to do with it other than the initial design verification.

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Theyll decide when you can no longer play the games.

Thats it? If you had a fighter jet, you’d do two chicks at the same time?

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Unity’s president of growth, who sold 37,500 shares on September 1 for roughly $1,406,250, and board director Shlomo Dovrat, who sold 68,454 shares on August 30 for around $2,576,608.

You could buy an f-35 fighter jet in myrtle beach for that kind of money.

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Do truckers have a union?

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The last paragraph he calls out that he doesnt want to hear this.

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So much for saving the planet

As their customer, i cannot afford to buy their vehicles either.

Your browser doesnt like your certificate. You setup the networking correctly because its able to get the certificate.

This is for college books? Or just books in general?

I don't wait to be asked how much I am expecting to be paid. I generally ask the HR person what the salary range is for the role. You have 8 years experience so you can demand the top end of that pay scale.

How many miles does it have?

Its because majority of the politicians are dying off. Their brains are shutting down.

Its on the light poles with the lost cat.

I would stay isolated until you turn up negative on a test (assuming the current tests pick up on the new strain). Realistically that takes 3 weeks.

I sacrifice a chicken.

I liked slack when i had it. Microsoft and zoom have been eating some of their market share.

Its probably using someone elses code from github.

What kind of tests were performed to verify this works? How long have you been running this script in your environment?

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You’re not wrong.

Get a copy of vmware (esxi) or proxmox and load it on that secondary pc.

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Ive been using esxi (free copy) for years. Same situation. Being able to spin up virtual machines or take a snapshot before a major change has been priceless. I started off with smaller nuc computers and have upgraded to full fledged desktops.

I would say that conservatives are generally older folks. They spent their whole life learning things one way and then got to their mid to late life to only be told everything they learned was wrong or a lie. Now they don’t want to bother learning a new set of lies to only be told later on, that too was wrong. The younger generation needs to grandfather them in and let them pass on and only worry about the younger generations.

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Can you elaborate on them running drugs?

no deal

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They probably stalled computer evolution for two decades.

Especially for war

As long as I have enough oxygen and food.

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Chkrootkit isn’t an antivirus.

Why is the vin number scratched off?

When i was 8, I use to think if i dug far enough i would get to china.

how much of the 20tb is used?

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an NPC

According to urban dictionary