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Joined 5 months ago

Moving everything.

This is Israel's version of de-escalating an escalating conflict. Disgusting animals.

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Persons is used in a more formal context like legal document. People is used in conversations. This is generally speaking of course.

I could be wrong here but it may be that your sister is not laughing at your use of the word since it's actually correct. it could be she's laughing at your generalization of "those people" as that can sometimes be seen as condescending or derogatory.

It started off as people who are involuntarily celibate due to unfortunate circumstances. It ended up being co-opted by individuals incapable of self-reflection and self-improvement to understand that their celibacy is entirely based on their lack of hygiene and attitude towards women. They would rather blame the world for their problems instead of owning up to them and making positive changes in their lives.

Does identifying as an incel automatically come with those negative beliefs around gender and society, or should those two have separate terms?

Absolutely, yes. Incel culture is one of misogyny and sexism. People identifying as incels are typically the ones who blame women for not wanting to have sex with them while doing nothing to make women actually want to have sex with them.

My advice to you OP is stay far away from individuals and communities identifying as incel or pro-incel.

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You can buy a raspberry pi and have Pihole setup on it. It'll act as your local dns server and block any ad domains for the whole household.

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What kind of judge signs off on a request to keep a teen treatment facility open after a girls death and the regulators saying "They haven't done enough to improve so we're revoking their license"?

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Well if Israel says that then it must be safe for him. ....Right?

If it's enforced it kind of loses it's charm and appeal, no?

We'll know after the election.

It might be that these endorsements help bring in some more moderate Republicans to her side but there's also a very real possibility that she disincentive the more left leaning voters from voting for her as well. Remember, Hillary lost because she didn't do enough to incentivize people to vote for her. She just relied on people hating Trump and didn't rely on people actually liking her. Regardless, this is all conjecture. It's too early to tell and no one will have a definitive answer until the results are in and a winner is announced.

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The thing that gets me is that if prosecutors like Harris know that sites like this is used for human trafficking; where is the bragging that they helped take those people down? Just like the article states, all they did was take down the site and let the actual offenders roam free. Everyone knows how flexible and versatile the internet is. Take down one site and several take it's place. When you brag about taking down a site and not doing anything about the reason why the offenses on the site exist, then you're just working to score political points.

EDIT: In case it wasn't clear in my comment I want to stress that I am commenting on why prosecutors like Harris brag about taking down these platforms without ever bragging about taking down the human traffickers using said platform. I am not criticizing her for not going after the owners. I know she went after the owners. The article talks about it. But it also talks about not doing much to actually helping the people who need help.

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I see where you're coming from. Just keep in mind that the original intent of the group has been stolen a long time ago, something like 10 years ago at this point. At this point these people aren't a sub-group of incels. They've completely co-opted the term and rebranded the incel term. Anyone who was originally incel for the right reasons has run off so far away from this term they might as well be in another planet. And I don't blame them, who wants to be lumped into misogynistic assholes who fantasize about killing and raping women as well as underage girls simply because they think they're entitled to sex?

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Borrow someone's computer? Use one at your local library?

There's no problem with that. It's clear based on your responses that you're just trying to understand it and wrap your mind around it. Just thought to give you a heads up about the term in case you start using it or something.

A 1 year suspended sentence for having hundreds of CP pics on his phone? That's just ridiculously low.

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It's a capitalist invention and, therefore, will be used for whatever capitalists deem it profitable to be. Once the money for AI home assistants starts rolling in, then you'll see it adopted for that purpose.

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These countries you're thinking of are usually attacked regularly where survival is an everyday struggle. For people who dedicate their everyday to survival; it's only expected that they would be fighting back.

In terms of funding...a lot of rich people would love to take advantage of people in this kind of situation. You could also easily make the argument that these rich people help cultivate this kind of situation for their own benefit as well.

The article is more of a critique on the political landscape surrounding climate change in America for the past 20 years. It mentions all the presidents since Bush and how the talk has changed but the fact that it's still not enough. Despite it being a big issue for voters.

But for more than 20 years, the networks running the presidential debates — and the candidates on the debate stages — have decided that climate change is simply not critical enough to voters to warrant substantial attention. Never mind that more than a third of voters in the U.S. say that global warming is “very important” to their vote, or that an additional 25 percent say they would prefer a candidate who supports climate action — to pundits, climate change is an ancillary issue. Very soon, however, this will have to change. Polls show that climate change is a top issue for young voters in particular, and that 85 percent of young voters can be moved to vote based on climate issues.

It does critique her stance on fracking but I consider that fair game since she did vote for it and advocate for it in the debates.

As Kate Aronoff wrote for The New Republic, Harris could have put forward a number of facts about fracking’s failures, rather than wholeheartedly embracing it. Oil and gas companies depend on billions of dollars in annual tax subsidies, for instance, including a massive bailout during the pandemic in 2020. “Fossil fuel companies thought [fracking] was too expensive to be worth doing until the federal government poured billions of dollars’ worth of funding into basic research and tax breaks,” Aronoff wrote. “But leading Democrats, including Harris, seem incapable of talking about the downsides of fossil fuel production.”

This is not a situation in which everyone, including oil and gas companies, can get a slice of the climate solutions pie. Science shows that fossil fuels must be phased out expeditiously for the health of the planet. But the severity of this crisis — and the aggressive action necessary to abate it — is not adequately captured in Harris’s debate response. In fact, her embrace of fracking and her focus on boosting oil and gas development alongside clean energy production is emblematic of one way in which Democrats and past Republicans have historically overlapped on the climate issue.

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Last month, after a meandering legal saga in that follow-on case, the website’s 76-year-old co-founder was sentenced to five years in prison on a federal money-laundering charge. He reported on Wednesday to begin serving his sentence, while his lawyers appeal.

That was the co-founder. Not the actual perpetrators.

A supervisor should understand the concept of respecting people's boundaries. You could always say something like "Hey I'm not really in the mood to talk right now" or "This isn't something I want to talk about". Just a fair warning if you do this, you might get labeled as the odd one the same way you mentioned if you go to HR (the HR one would be a bit worse if I'm being honest).

It's been brought up in previous debates as well. Again, the article mentions that. The message of the article is how little it gets addressed given how much of an important topic it is for voters. Even if it does get brought up in the debate saying "The amount of time for it as well as the points made were not enough" is still a very valid thing to say and that's what the article is about.

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What industry OP?

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Except my comment wasn't regarded the California DoJ. It was regarding Kamala Harris. She spearheaded the initiative to take down the site. She talked about it and used it as a talking point on how tough she is on human trafficking. Except, what actions did she actually take on human trafficker's? Why go for the platform that is easily replaceable and not the actual people perpetrating it? All she ended up doing was creating an environment that is less safe for sex workers and victims of human trafficking.

Completely missed that part where it talks about climate change is a big issue for the majority of voters according to polls, did you? I even quoted it in my comment for you, and you seemed to ignore it again.

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You know, instead of going from "Harris did address it" to "Climate change isn't important", you could have just said "I didn't read the article so thanks for pointing out the actual message of the article, here is why I agree/disagree with it". You know that's a completely ok thing to say, right?

To increase engagement, I propose we have some idiots volunteer to respond to every scientific article and achievement on Mastodon with ridicule and skepticism.

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People get sick, yes.

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Israel loves Hamas. Let's them justify their persecution of the Palestinians and the ongoing genocide. They don't want to end Hamas until after they end the Palestinians. That way they get more land to colonize.

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I don't think they were calling the Taliban less than human. Rather commenting on how the Talibam view women as less than human.

A member of what appeared to be a largely pro-Israel audience policed Gibney’s language, interrupting the producer to clarify that Netanyahu had not yet been found guilty. The attempts at seizing control of the narrative, both on screen and off, didn’t end there.

Don't you love when people make this argument? "Well he isn't actually convicted of blatantly committing war crimes. Just well known for it."

The incriminating evidence in the interrogation videos have already been leaked and reported on by Israeli media. But the videos will never be shown to the public (at least legally) in that country. According to Gibney, Israeli law grants privacy to subjects who have been photographed in official proceedings, which would make publication of the footage illegal. “It’s a peculiar law to Israel [that] doesn’t affect the rest of the world,” Gibney said.

Good thing the internet exists.

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The problem is Russia has the very real capability of really screwing up a good chunk of the world before they get wiped off the map. It's kind of scary if im being honest.

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School probably.

Honestly, what's more surprising is the numbers are that drastic. I didn't think we have that many Gen Z users here.

EDIT: Actual reason can be found here:

Thanks SorteKanin for providing the context.

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Words are empty if not backed up by actions.

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This is how rapists justify their actions. With disgusting remarks like this that try to lay the blame with the victim. I feel so sorry for the wife, this is one of the worst things to go through as a spouse.

You're perfect ❤️.

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Some random building used for parties that one person pays for regularly so everyone else can stand in social circles and talk about random topics because they have nothing better to do.

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If only he could do something to help stop it.

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Call me naive or stubborn but these aren't points I would compromise at all with.

Abortion rights: People have the right to bodily autonomy. Anything less means that you don't own yourself.

Gun Control: People have a right to live safely and without fear or going to school to be shot up or at the mall. The fact that gun violence and school shootings are a regular occurrence is not a good thing.

Climate Change: Every single scientist is literally saying the next few decades will see some of the worst weather patterns in human history and that's even if we go to 0 emissions starting tomorrow. This will affect humanity on a global scale and cause unprecedented population displacement and suffering.

Any compromise on any of these posts means you are causing some kind of demographic to suffer and die simply to appease the egos of individuals who lack empathy.

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Go Karting is a very fun date idea. I think the wrong thing was to make it a first date kind of thing. Assuming you didn't know each other beforehand, the first few dates should be the kind where you actually talk to each other to determine compatibility. Stay being awesome though. Think I might take my wife go Karting. Haven't done it in a while.

Like gambling, gaming can be an addiction that can really affect people's lives.

Her secret weapon is addressing that generations top concerns?

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