I see where you're coming from but at the end of the day "Pro-Palestine" implies that these people are only protesting it for Palestine, and not the genocide. If the situation were reversed where Palestine was committing a genocide against the Israeli people then these people would not be "Pro-Palestine". Remember, a lot of people around the world think that Palestinians want to ethnically cleanse the Jews (which is 100% not true). They use this as an excuse to justify what Israel is currently doing. This is what I meant by saying it has an implicit bias. It's a very polarizing situation and the media is making it worse by labelling everyone either Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestine. We're meant to believe that by picking a side you forsake the other. Which is not the case for a lot of people.
This isn't about them. A disproportionate amount of women are victims of violence, sexual assault, and rape. Their safety should take priority over the feelings of others. If a man actually sympathizes with this they wouldn't have their self esteem take a hit and would instead understand why actions like this are necessary as we work to address this issue in our society.