Biden Says Civilians Being Killed on Both Sides in Gaza. The Ratio Is 45 to 1. to World – 156 points –

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If only he could do something to help stop it.

It is insane that he’s digging his heels in on this. It’s going to stain his legacy (which he cares a lot about) pretty severely.

LBJ had Vietnam, it’s looking like this is Joe’s hill to die on

Certainly the hill his re election ambitions died on, but im just happy they're dead.

Unfortunately, due to how deep Israel and the US are in bed together, I can guarantee you, regardless of who takes the seat things will remain status quo. It's not something you or I get to choose.

And therein lies the basis of voter apathy.

No I'm anything but apathetic, There are a lot of other things I do believe we get to choose on and that We can absolutely fight for I just don't think this is one of them.

That being said, I really, really hope I'm wrong.

He’s only the PotUS, it’s not like he has any influence or power. All he can do is override congress to send Israel guns and cash.

Which means that he could also not override congress and not send Israel guns or cash.