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He also controls the satellites used for communication on battlefields and has already turned them off unilaterally during an important Ukrainian operation in the Black Sea.

He can run Twitter and Tesla into the ground, but SpaceX needs to be nationalized. Its compromise is a national security threat.

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Here we fucking go. We’re about to find out how far down that rabbit hole goes.

The right wingers get almost everything wrong, but I 100% believe that the 1% in America are into all kinds of fucked up shit. The rule of law has failed, and their money and power has insulated them from consequences.

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I blacked out in my hallway due to blood loss,” she says in the video. “I developed a heart condition called AFib. It means my heart doesn’t work right anymore, and it fucks up. So, if I get too excited, too hot, too much in pain, too traumatized, if somebody yells at me too much, my heart fucks up. So, I have to regulate for my heart to keep active, otherwise, I could have a heart attack and die. I have to deal with these side effects for the rest of my life because of abortion laws

Even if you want to ban abortion generally, you can make clear exceptions that avoid situations like this. They know that and chose not to. The cruelty is the point.

Verified, so that’s clearly him. Ask him why his dad was in Dallas when JFK was shot.

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How are these shooters getting so close to a former president? Did Trump pick his Secret Service detail personally and end up with the protection detail equivalent of the Bad News Bears?

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The parasites in his brain create an irresistible urge to capture and devour more parasites in roadkill. I’m not sure how that translates to a legal defense, but I’m betting he can afford lawyers who can figure it out.

The Prion Defense?

Resigning requires feeling shame for your actions. Vance has absolutely no shame.

Keep in mind that his private communications have leaked. He talked about what a monster Trump is for making immigrants feel unwelcome and unsafe.

Vance is not like Trump. Trump was raised to be a monster and not intelligent enough to question anything. Vance, OTOH, is smart enough to know better. He chose to be this person. He willingly, voluntarily sold his soul to the MAGA devil. That’s why looking at him and listening to him makes people’s skin crawl. There was a person in there once who was forcibly evicted in favor of a monster.

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"The Harris campaign released a new schedule that shows she will be appearing in the same city at the same time as every scheduled Trump rally. The campaign has employed official 'crowd counters,' who will be monitoring both the attendance and crowd retention for every rally. The Harris Campaign will then post live updates on crowd size and early exits on its new account on Truth Social."

Edit: Forgot to add /s

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Ukraine needs to be allowed to go weapons free in Russia proper, destroy their air defenses, then start hitting refineries and other high value targets throughout Russia and especially near Moscow. Then, peace talks can be productive.

Taking aim at his opponents, Walz told the audience of union members that “the only thing” Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, know about “working people” is “how to take advantage of them.”

While Republicans are still trying to come up with a goofy nickname for Harris, Walz is openly discussing class consciousness.

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Even down to a caveman level, the role of a strong man was to be the protector of the tribe/family. Using your strength to protect others is what makes a strong man.

Inflicting your insecurities on others and feeding your ego by attacking vulnerable people are the actions of a bully, not a strong man.

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She really dismissed it over the appointment of a special prosecutor? Completely insane, but the fake Supreme Court will probably rubber stamp it. America is so fucked.

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Tate announced to the world that he was moving to Romania, because its justice system is completely corrupt, and you can get away with anything if you bribe law enforcement.

Romanian cops must love arresting this guy over and over again.

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”[Putin’s] new decree blows the lid off the establishment's agenda, letting freedom-loving folks bypass the usual bureaucratic nonsense like language tests or history exams," Jones posted on X. "If you're ready to reject the insane policies of your home countries that push these destructive, anti-human, neoliberal agendas, Russia is rolling out the red carpet!”

Based and fuck off to Russia pilled

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The Israelis don’t treat Palestinians like they are human beings. They don’t care to make generations of enemies with their war crimes.

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Project 2025. Mass deportation, followed by mass incarceration, followed by actual slavery using prisoners for labor. They're going to make untold billions if Trump wins.

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The flavor of British food and the beauty of British women made British men the finest sailors in the world.

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On arrival, you will be provided with a military uniform with minimal bloodstains, a rifle from WW2 that may or may not work, and free transportation to the beautiful Russian countryside of Kursk.

If she wants to brainwash and destroy the mind of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone,” he said

These quotes aren’t random gaffes. Vance has some bizarre, Puritanical views on women. Barefoot and pregnant kinds of views.

Trump is a clown in decline with no future. Vance is the would-be leader of the Gilead envisioned in Project 2025. Under his eye.

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Worst VP pick since Palin. He presents as your smartass alt right troll cousin that you think about skipping Thanksgiving to avoid, and his only real appeal is speaking out against the "elites," who were all inconveniently in the list of his personal contacts that were accessible to the public because the RNC forgot to set his Venmo to private while "vetting" their VP pick.

It's a clown show. The MAGA camp thought they had it in the bag for a few weeks and made some incredibly stupid, sloppy decisions.

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I feel dirty saying good things about Sarah Palin, but she was brought on to fire up the base and did just that. Vance has managed to alienate the base. I don’t think the incels even like him at this point.

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”And he is really into Pokemon cards right now, he’s going through a Pokemon phase... I mean he’s really into it, so he is trying to talk to me about Pikachu and I am on the phone with Donald Trump, I’m like ‘son, shut the hell up for 30 seconds about Pikachu,’” Vance told the podcast.

Wow. Maybe Vance should have gotten some stability in his career before he had kids. Maybe figured himself out a little better and grown as a person until he was ready.

Children are a life-altering obligation, after all. Maybe Vance would have been happier if he focused on his career first. Of course, that’s a deeply personal matter, and I would never assume that I know better than someone else what is best for their life.

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Harris exceeded high expectations and Trump failed to meet incredibly low expectations.

Let the spin begin, but I saw what I saw.

The strategy of getting the public to ignore the war by sending oppressed minorities into the meat grinder falls apart when the friends and loved ones of those you’re telling to ignore the war become POWs.

All of the sudden, the treatment of prisoners matters. All of the sudden, the war becomes real.

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I try not to be that guy, but the song is called The Imperial March, and that name makes it so much funnier historically.

Witness video shows Dvontaye Mitchell, 43, lying on the ground and crying for help outside the Hyatt Regency hotel as security guards pin him down with their hands and knees. Mitchell can be heard grunting and yelling apologies.

What makes people like this? What kind of disease infects their minds that makes them capable of doing this to a fellow human being? That's not just standard racism. It's inhuman.

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It’s important to understand Russia’s current economic situation. The sanctions have been brutal, but China has managed to keep them afloat. A significant (nuclear) escalation would turn China against Putin immediately.

China’s economy is also in a precarious position right now. Their massive housing bubble is in the process of bursting. Xi will not tolerate instability on that scale.

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Using AI to take away a woman’s agency and force an image of her to do what you want?

Trump feels free to do it and to do it publicly. It’s weird as all hell.

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Anonymous sources have confirmed Buttigieg and his husband do not maintain eye contact during sex and always say "No homo" immediately before and afterwards, thus confirming their straightness.

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People want progressive ideals as policy, but losing the messaging war for 4 decades has taken its toll.

You cannot associate these policies with an ideology. Just call it common sense. Or the Fuck Billionaires Agenda. Whatever.

You can’t undo decades of media programming by telling people that they would all agree with you if they just paid closer attention. Losing strategy.

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“Wait… you just pass a law and women can’t talk? Call the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. We have the final solution.”

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As the great war hero, Neville Chamberlain, once said, “The Nazis are perfectly reasonable people. Just give them 90% of everything they want, and we can all be friends. They promised they would only do a little genocide on the weekends. No big deal.”

The important thing to understand is that groceries are a small part of a much larger system that exists to extract money from everyone and give it to a small number of people.

Those people own everything. Politicians, courts, the news, the police, etc. All the institutions you think of as part of society that exist to serve the people actually serve the interests of this small group of people, the extraction class.

They cause or at least refuse to prevent most of the suffering in the world, including yours. They’re destroying the planet itself with their unbridled, untethered greed. And they try to control opposition to them by owning the media, as well as the digital platforms we use to interact.

The only war is class war.

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If Taylor Swift spearheads voter registration drives in swing states and Pennsylvania specifically, the race could be over.

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The slow-moving dildo of sanctions rarely comes lubed.

Laws that help regular people are communism and bad. Laws that help rich people are capitalism and good.

It’s baffling that this idiotic messaging has controlled American politics for 4 decades.