Israeli settlers torch West Bank village to World – 487 points –
Israeli settlers torch Palestinian village in West Bank

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The Israelis don’t treat Palestinians like they are human beings. They don’t care to make generations of enemies with their war crimes.

The only thing Israel seems to value about Palestinians is their land.

not true! look at all the riots and almost civil war that happened when a judge said maybe you don't have the right to rape palestinian prisoners!

their orifices and screams are also valued. something something chopping wood.

Did you say the same thing about palestinians on oct 7th or do you have some sort of antisemetic double standard where you think it is acceptable to judge all israeli's by the actions of a few, but do not think its acceptable to judge all palestinains based on the actions of a few?

There's that word. "Antisemitism". Put it back in the deck Moishe, It's not winning you any arguments.

Likely they did.

Although I’d like to correct that they should be condemning the IDF and Isreali settlers, and not all israeli people. Just like you should be condemning Hamas, and not all the palestinian people. (which I’ve seen you’ve incinuated correctly).

Although I would say, based on other comments I’ve come across from you, you are likely a Zionist. Minimising the number of deaths in Gaza, and a lot of whataboutism.

Both sides have a lot of hatred and resentment toward each other. The problem is that the power balance is extremely heavily in favor of Israel, and they are able to exert their will on the Palestinians through force the Palestinians have no answer for.

But yes, killing innocent people is bad whenever it happens, and no, not all Israelis are bad, just the government, military, and settlers. One admittedly horrific massacre does not give Israel license to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, which is precisely what is happening right now.

Yes let's compare them together:

A group of designated terrorists, absorbed into, a military force, that forces all European and North American citizens to join their forces and continue it "killing" and "stealing" of other people land. Compared in haterd for people who got their stuff stolen, killed, and oppressed in their damn land.

It is like police killing black people and a politician goes on about how trust between the community need to be built again. When it is one sided oppression.

the thing is, as shown here, there are no zionist civilians. not one. they are all armed ready and not just willing but eager to fight.

that isn't to say there aren't any sort of resistance, but while they're not quite partisans yet, friendly fire is not the same as killing civilians.

80% of American jews self identify as zionists.

Are you honestly arguing that american jews who have never been to israel and have never served in any military are valid targets to be killed by the palestinian 'resistance'?

‘I’m not the one killing you, but I do support the people killing you, and may even be financially aiding their efforts.’

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