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Joined 1 months ago

These people might have been alive if they had never been kidnapped by palestinians.

Tabula Rasa. It was a first/third person sci fi mmo shooter/rpg with craftable mechs, It lasted for a bit more then a year before it shut down, and no private servers have ever been created.

Gundam : Universal Century Online. Picture Star Wars Galaxies with combined arms mecha warfare. Start on foot, buy a jetpack, mine some ore, built a tank/jet/mech, fight in the war. It lasted about as long as tabula rasa before it shut down. It currently has no private server.

Firefall. First/third person sci fi mmo shooter/rpg with craftable mech suits. bla blah, shut down no private server ever created.

tl/dr: I want a new mech mmo. Or even just to be able to play my old favorite mecha mmos.

have you tried kenshi?

the State of Palestine would need to be acknowledged as a bona-fide state and Hamas recognised as the government of that country.

The State of Palestine is acknowledged as a bona-fide state and Hamas recognised as the government of that country, by 145 states - more nations recognize Palestine then Taiwan.

If October 7 was indeed a genocidal attack (as it clearly was under international law) then the israel's actions are not genocide, they are a response to genocide, as the intent of the Israel-Hamas war is not the destruction of palestine but the destruction of the genocidal organisation Hamas.

So you acknowledge the fact that hamas uses human shields to protect its military assets?

The terror attacks against jews in the levant started in the 1850s, as a protest against the tanzimat reforms which granted jews equal rights in the ottoman empire. Before the tanzimat reforms jews were legally second class citizens.

Ever hear the saying "Equality feels like oppression to the privileged?" The founding father and first president of palestine, Raj Amin Al-Husani, the person who signed the palestinian declaration of independence and the declaration of war against israel in 1948, was a member of the richest land owning family in plaestine and next in line to inherit the throne of jersulem, which was given to his family as a wedding gift by the profit Muhammid when the family's head married the profit Muhammid's daughter Fatima after the islamic conquest of jersulem.

"Raj" is a title. It means "prince".

The tanzimat reforms were a direct result of the patriarch of the Al-Husani clan getting offended and killing a group of christian pilgrims for displaying non-islamic holy symbols in public in jerusalem, which angered the Pope so much he threatened the ottomens with a trade embargo from christian nations unless equal rights were granted to people of other faiths.

The Morrowind expansion for Elder Scrolls Online could have been the greatest thing ever, if they had just straight remade TES3 in the ESO engine, following the failed Neverine that literally existed in lore during the era ES was set in. Instead they just released an expansion set in morrowind with a story that had nothing to do with tes3's storyline.

The original chant In Arabic is “Min al-mayyeh li-mayyeh, Filastin arabiyyeh” which means "from the water to the water palestine is arab".

Here are protestors at Columbia University chanting "Filastin arabiyyeh" while waving palestinain flags.


"The trucks were hijacked by terrorists so we bombed the terrorists."

Fixed it for you

Hamas issues press passes to its military spotters. The transmission of military intel makes people valid targets under the laws of war. That is a valid excuse for bombing journalists.

Typical fascist doublespeak, the enemy is both too strong and too weak. They are strong enough to do genocide, but too weak to actually do genocide so they have to do a hidden conspiracy super secret slow motion genocide which means will literally never actually finish the genocide they started.

So it's only genocide, if you redefine genocide to mean "crippling the sovereign functionality" instead of "destroying the people".

Maybe the billionaire islamo-fascists dictators who rule palestine with an iron fists have incentive to lie about genocide. Do you also believe former Republican state representative and grand wizard of the KKK David Duke when he says that zionists are committing genocide against white people in the Americas? Do you believe Putin when he claims zionist ukraine is committing genocide against russians in teh Donbas?

genocide has a very specific definition under international law and "tortured and terrorized" is not genocide. It is torture, and terror.

Do you consider Hamas' terror attacks and torture of civilian hostages to be genocide against Israel? Of course you don't. Why? Is it the lack of effectiveness of your genocide that makes you OK with it?

In order to consider it genocide I would say there has to be a risk of actually finishing genocide.

Do you consider palestine's attack against civilians on oct 7th genocide?

If the attack against the music festival was worse, you’d be happy to consider it genocide? How many people does it take for a murder campaign to pass your “genocide” barrier? Is that in whole numbers, or as a percentage of population?

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Typical fascist propaganda the enemy is too strong and too weak at the same time.

That is why the jews are strong enough to do genocide but are so weak they have to do super secret stealth genocide to hide their actions, so the end result is their genocide is literally the slowest and least effective genocide in all of recorded history.

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The only difference with Gaza is that it’s a bigger camp, and instead of being overworked, the inmates are repeatedly forced to move from one area to another to another.

The main difference is that the elected government of Gaza can stop what is happening at any time by releasing the hostages and surrendering.

If you can stop what is happening by releasing the hostages and surrendering, then what is happening is not genocide, it is a military operation to rescue hostages and defeat those responsible for kidnapping them.

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There were multiple conventional non-nuclear bombings during world war 2 that caused more deaths in one night then in the entire 75 year conflict. For example, the bombing of Tokyo which used conventional weapons.

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Israel’s grand ambitions extend at least as far as driving all Arabs out of the territory

This is just projection. The only side who's goal is to drive people from the land are the people chanting "from the river to the sea palestine will be arab".

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The main point here is being against the violence, of which israel is largely responsible.

The violence began before israel even existed. Israel is not responsible for violence against jews.

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Anytime someone says they believe in the genocide in gaza I have to wonder what other antisemitic conspiracy theories they believe.

Do you believe ex-KGB agent and neo soviet klepto-fascist President of Russia, Vladimer Putin, when he claims zionist Ukraine is committing genocide against Russians in the Donbas?

Do you believe republican state representative, KKK grand wizard, and christian fascist David Duke when he says zionists are committing genocide against white Americans?

If not, then I don't know why you believe ex-KGB agent and islamo-fascist president of Palestine Mohammad Abbas when he says zionists are committing genocide against Palestine.

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slaughtering everything in Gaza

Bro, the us killed more innocent people in 1 night of bombing in ww2 then israel has killed in it's entire 75 year existence.

The life expectancy in gaza is currently higher then in egypt, where Israel is not slaughtering anyone at all. At the current rate of death it will take Israel more then 1000 years to kill everyone in gaza.

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80% of American jews self identify as zionists.

Are you honestly arguing that american jews who have never been to israel and have never served in any military are valid targets to be killed by the palestinian 'resistance'?

"In one instance, a prisoner in his 40s was handcuffed and forced to bend over a desk while a female soldier inserted her fingers into his rectum."

TIL a cavity search is rape now.

Reminds me when the report came out that 98% of palestinian women were sexually abused in IDF captivity; a UN investigation discovered that according to islamic law lifting a hajib is considered sexual assault so every time a palestinian women was searched for explosives they considered it the same as rape.

After subtracting all those instances the IDF was show to have the lowest percent of rape in the entire world, so of course the palestinians used that as proof that Israelis were so racist against palestinians they didn't even want to rape their woman. They literally flip flopped from "IDF rapes us too much" to "IDF doesn't rape us enough".

That was the exact moment I began to question the palestinian narrative.

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Did you say the same thing about palestinians on oct 7th or do you have some sort of antisemetic double standard where you think it is acceptable to judge all israeli's by the actions of a few, but do not think its acceptable to judge all palestinains based on the actions of a few?

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