Melbourne Symphony Orchestra cancels pianist’s performance after dedication to journalists killed in Gaza to World – 555 points –

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Israel’s grand ambitions extend at least as far as driving all Arabs out of the territory

This is just projection. The only side who's goal is to drive people from the land are the people chanting "from the river to the sea palestine will be arab".

Just ignored all of my comment to get upset about a rhyming chant, did we?

You have the projection backwards. It’s the genociders who project into that chant.

He even had to change the ending of the rhyme to make it fit his worldview.

The original chant In Arabic is “Min al-mayyeh li-mayyeh, Filastin arabiyyeh” which means "from the water to the water palestine is arab".

Here are protestors at Columbia University chanting "Filastin arabiyyeh" while waving palestinain flags.