JD Vance is more unpopular than Sarah Palin

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 646 points –
JD Vance is more unpopular than Sarah Palin

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I feel dirty saying good things about Sarah Palin, but she was brought on to fire up the base and did just that. Vance has managed to alienate the base. I don’t think the incels even like him at this point.

Yeah people forget how long people looked favorably at Palin. The response to Vance meanwhile was an immediate and visceral "no thank you"

Of course the incels don't like him. He argues that childless people should pay higher taxes. How did anyone think that would go over with the "never even had sex" constituency?

I think the incel crowd generally want to strip women of their rights because they see women's liberty as a main reason they can't get laid.

So, I'd imagine the childless cat women thing could hit with them because they'd be like "yeah, women should stop being so up-tight and have my babies!"

Or something like that.

yeah, single women with no kids are childless cat ladies, but single men with no kids are just victims of the uncompromising selfishness of childless cat ladies. sounds about right.

The dumb thing is: they already do. I get a deduction for my kid.

I am sure the calculus had nothing to do with what the incels want - it's not like they are going to change their vote.

Sure, but you get rewarded, they would get punished. The outcome might be the same, but for a ideology built on grievances, the vibes matter

Incels would agree to pay more money if it harms women. All incels hate each other, men who aren't incels, themselves, and women. That's in ascending order. They are full of hate.

Yes they would. And yes they do. And yes they are


Incels also hate the cruel world that made them and the politicians upholding it. The problem with women isn't, according to incel ideology, that they refuse to pick a partner. It's that they pick the wrong partners. That's where the dreaded "nice guy" comes from.

So according to incels this doesn't harm women enough but rather creates a tax on "normal men" for being "normal". (And then they turn around and call themselves degenerates because their ideology isn't the most consistent)

Also if you are in these communities for long enough, then it becomes part of your identity. That's how we get stuff like wizardchan. (People who believe that still being an incel at 30 makes you a wizard). And this is an attack on that from the outside.

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