Walz asks crowd to picture Trump making a McFlurry in first solo speech

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Walz asks crowd to picture Trump making a McFlurry in first solo speech

Trump ‘couldn’t run that damn McFlurry machine if it cost him anything!’ Walz quipped

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on Tuesday hit out at Donald Trump’s anti-union record as he promised that he and Vice President Kamala Harris would take the pro-labor agenda that made his state one of the best places to work and bring it to the rest of the country.

Speaking to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union in Los Angeles, the Democratic vice presidential nominee — the first labor union member on a presidential ticket since Ronald Reagan ran as a Republican in the 1980 election — slammed Trump’s record while touting Harris’s background as a former fast food worker

“You know Vice President Harris grew up in a middle class family, picked up shifts at that McDonald’s as a student. I keep asking this to make a contrast here, can you simply picture Donald Trump working at a McDonald’s, trying to make a McFlurry or something?” he said.


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Taking aim at his opponents, Walz told the audience of union members that “the only thing” Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, know about “working people” is “how to take advantage of them.”

While Republicans are still trying to come up with a goofy nickname for Harris, Walz is openly discussing class consciousness.

I don't even think Harris has a nickname for trump. She just says he's old and has to go. It's very matter of fact. "We're not going back".

I prefer politicians that don’t stoop to name calling.

Politicians that act like children by using nicknames in attempts to disparage others is just plain weird.

It really is, isn't it. And I'm so glad we're finally saying so out loud. It's peurile, it's immature, it's disrespectful... But it's also astonishingly weird. It's a weird thing to do. It's a grown man behaving like the most annoying of schoolyard bullies. And that is just plain weird.

It's weird that a thrce-married, multiply-affaired man is the head of the party of "family values."

It's weird that a man who lived in a gold-plated penthouse in NYC is considered to represent the "common man."

It's weird that a 34-time convict is supported by the "law and order" party.

It's weird that a "billionaire" has to solicit donations from regular Americans.

It's weird that the man who can't quote even the most well-known bible verses is supported by religious organizations.

It's just... weird.

It's especially weird that a man who embodies every single deadly sin is supported by those Christian religious organizations.

Fascism is full of contradictions. By design.

No ideology other than acquiring power and control by any means necessary.

It's just… weird hypocrisy.

The party of hypocrisy. Their only consistent value.

I don’t even think Harris has a nickname for Trump.

As it should be. Let comedians and random people on the internet call him things like Fuckface Von Clownstick.