Private prison behemoth GEO Group is first corporation to max out donations to Trump Campaign to – 430 points –
Private prison behemoth is first corporation to max out to Trump - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

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Project 2025. Mass deportation, followed by mass incarceration, followed by actual slavery using prisoners for labor. They're going to make untold billions if Trump wins.

Trump never answered the question about mass deportations during the debate. He avoided it like the plague.

He never answered any question... But Biden is old

He mumbled, it's unforgivable. /s

Look man, I know that Trump is 78 years old and a fascist, but Biden is 81 years old and not a fascist. That doesn't really speak to me, you know? Like, I know that Republicans want to make life worse for women, the LBTQIA community, immigrants, Black Americans, set fire to the environment, give every last penny I have to billionaires, sell my children into permanent wage slavery, and ban porn, but I just can't decide if voting for an old man who might not be as sharp as he used to is worth it.

followed by actual slavery using prisoners for labor

The US already has that, they've always had that

The 13th amendment which "abolished" slavery:

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

All while everyone else in America starves because prices will continue to go up for everything while wages don't. Then I imagine they'll strip more workers rights away from us because they love doing that. Anything for companies to get a few extra dollars, even at the cost of our lives.

Wages have been going up. Inflation has been going down. Food production is getting hammered by climate change. Joe Biden is pro union. The other guy is pro slavery and pro dictator.

Inflation going down means prices are going up slower. No question about the rest of it.