Sean 'Diddy' Combs arrested to – 332 points –
Sean 'Diddy' Combs arrested by federal agents in New York

Sean Combs, known as Diddy, was arrested on Monday, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, issued a statement saying, "We are disappointed with the decision to pursue what we believe is an unjust prosecution of Mr. Combs by the U.S. Attorney’s Office."


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Here we fucking go. We’re about to find out how far down that rabbit hole goes.

The right wingers get almost everything wrong, but I 100% believe that the 1% in America are into all kinds of fucked up shit. The rule of law has failed, and their money and power has insulated them from consequences.

Went full deep dive when epstein was going on. Agreed.

Ghislanes dad getting a funeral with mossad present hmmmm

Very interested to see what comes of this.

Don't turn this into "The Jews are behind it all".

Dont turn "the Mossad" into "the Jews" because thats racist af. Israel and its state arms are behind many horrible things that shouldnt be conflated with non zionist Jews.

I didn't know Diddy, Cosby, Musk, Trump were Jewish...

Not 'the Jews' but the israelis.

Israeli gov intelligence, NGO firm NSO (pegasus virus), etc have dirt on everyone, I'm sure.

Epstein and the Maxwell family were mossad op(erative)s

Edit: from my reply below:

Four separate sources told me — on the record — that Epstein’s dealings in the arms world in the 1980s had led him to work for multiple governments, including the Israelis.

Except there is literally no evidence for Epstein being an Mossad op. People are pulling that solely out of the relationship of Maxwell sr to the Mossad.

There's evidence of Epstein getting a plea deal for being an FBI informant.

Epstein had hidden cameras in his houses.

Epstein had hard drives and CDs labeled with Young [Name] + [Name].

And you can't just dismiss Epstein => Ghislaine Maxwell => Robert Maxwell => Mossad.

Epstein obviously gained his wealth by dealing in kompromat. What we don't know is the level of state sponsorship.

Lord no.

Rich people have connections to states. He specially appears to have been a mossad agent.

Not trying to insuate that junk about jews controlling the world.

Not all Jews are Mossad, but all Mossad are Jews. I wish we could start seeing the "not all jews" excuses in exactly the same light as "not all men" coming from incenls.

It's known he used to work for them, so not really compelling conspiracy material. If you believe what Acosta said about epstein though, that's some gas.

I mean, it's their first accusation because they are there when it happens. They're trying to get in front of the story and make noise so when the pictures of Epstein and Trump together get released, they can just hand wave it as Trump investigating Epstein even know there's never been anything like that released.