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"Occasionally answering the questions" is not a passing grade for this debate. The minimum bar was "appear competent" and Biden couldn't pull it off. Trump didn't "win", but it's easy to see that Biden lost. I'm still going to vote blue, but Biden/Harris WILL lose us the election.

Kamala Harris is a reincarnation of the hyena of auschwitz. Actual, factual psychopath.

We have answered the question: can you scream with no mouth?

The answer is yes. The scream is coming from the eyes.

Kamala is plenty bright. She's just a psychopath. Zero emotional intelligence. She has no emotional empathy for any other living being whatsoever. This woman openly laughs at slavery and human rights violations. She is the modern day equivalent to the hyena of auschwitz.

As someone who is taking Kaiser Permanente to court over their refusal to release documents, let me confirm that grievance coordinators are the most useless wastes of oxygen ever to steal air on this planet. Even having your lawyer send them the actual text of the law they are currently violating, they will refuse to do anything not explicitly outlined and approved by their policy. Fuck the law. Fuck common sense. If it's not policy, it doesn't matter.

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A child with agency?!? Making decisions?!?? Not in MY white fright dystopia they wont!! I was abused and therefore I am entitled to abuse any child I see, because I am a child in my mind! Why would I ever address my own deficiencies when I have a political figure to scapegoat every decade or so?

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17 after being groomed for ~3 years when dingus tried to meet up and the parents went loud with twitch. Grooming a 14 year old girl is generally considered in bad taste.


No, 11,000 were effected by the recall. There's way more morons with money in this country. I'm in CA and I saw 3 of them on my 10 minute drive to my favorite pizza joint.

Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds is one of my favorite scifi books and it deals with this question in an interesting way. It proposes that Time is the great filter. Life exists in this galaxy, but intelligent life is so fleeting when considering galactic distances that the probability of one sentient lifeform finding another during their "peaks" is vanishingly small. Extinction, societal collapse, evolution to a higher form, whatever you want to imagine, it all gets in the way of the fantasy of meeting a thinking being from another planet.

Time itself is the filter. I don't think we are the first, but I don't think we will every find any other intelligent life. The universe is too big and our lives are far too short to make any sort of attempt to travel or communicate across those distances ourselves. I'm also not entirely confident our idea of what a society is will last in any meaningful way over the timespans required. Our longest lasting dynasties rarely make it more than a couple hundred years. Space is just too big for us to work with using our current understanding of physics.

Maybe I'm biased because I'm a welder, but it always made more sense to me that electricity flows from the negative. Like , if the positive moved, wouldn't you change the element of the wire after a while? It also helps that you can tell the difference if an arc is positive or negative relative to the stinger depending on how the metal reacts, at least to a welder. I know that doesn't make any sense at all but it does to another welder lol

How about you just post the OF link?

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Welder. I make the sparky sparky hot and sticky with the metals.

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Boycott Israel

I found the zionist shill. Can I have a prize?

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NDA's are legally unenforcable anyways. You know what's totally legally enforceable? Shunning plague carriers. Lmao I honestly hope you get out of yout typhoid mary phase before you kill someone you care about, but we all wish bad things happen to bad people.

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That's how virus carriers work. Blood clean of any way to stop the spread. Lmao gimme that muddy bloody soup full of every antibody known on this planet. My body is full of legions of Rambo mfs looking to fuck up any intruder on sight. Your blood is an open field with a welcome mat and a bottle of wine. My infection is killed off in hours while yours sets up a nice summer home to come back every year.

You know where clean bloodlines end up? On headstones.

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"Both have inhuman ulterior motives"

Palestine wants to be free

Israel wants to genocide Palestine and live in their homes

Yes I can see how wanting liberty and self governance is exactly the same as wanting more land for your historically landless people regardless of how many natives you have to kill. Completely balanced

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Sure you can. If the average is over 24 hours, then any time the phone line is open they're getting higher than the average number of calls. X2 if you include weekends and holidays.

I work with cops everyday. ACAB

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No no, it's beyond the environment. We took the mining operations and moved them outside the environment.

Zionists can't help but cry regardless of what community they're in. Add lemmy's general stance against apartheid and oppressive government and you have a community primed to "pick on israel" when they're actually just expressing their opinions. The zionists love to make themselves the victim regardless of actual circumstances

Well that's just not true. Look at alcohol or cigarettes as an example. In fact, these chemicals control populations so well that it pisses off governments to the point where the periodically outlaw the stuff. How do you think the drug trade survives? People literally treat their societal problems with chemicals all the time.

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My favorite version of this is a farmhand running over a pig on his way to work and calling the farmer to ask what to do. He says no matter what he does the poor pig won't stop squealing. Farmer says you gotta put him down and he hears a gunshot. Farmhand comes back and asks what he should do about the flashing lights on the pigs motorcycle.

Nah. That's why I do it professionally. The only shit bit is that the longer you're in, the less you weld. When I started I had solid weeks of nothing but burning rod and shooting shit. Now it's all about fitup and tolerance and horseshit with me lucky to weld a couple hours one day a week. The actual satisfaction of putting down a nice bead and having the slag peel itself or oxidize just right never goes away.

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There is no argument for "both sides bad" when one side is currently right now this instant blowing up hospitals, schools, and children. One side is objectively worse and it's the side hiding behind the skirts of "antisemitism" as they carry out an Arabic genocide

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If you liked anthem, might I suggest the mother of all robot ninja shooter games, Warframe?

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We literally nuked them to cow them into surrender rather than spend millions of American and japanese lives in a brutal and ultimately pointless land campaign. We took away their glorious last stand on the home islands and replaced it with instant annihilation, lingering death, and the taste of the sun. It might have spared more Japanese lives in the long run, but it definitely saved a whole mess of American lives in an immediate way. That's what really matters. USA #1 baybeee

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TIG. No cleanup when you do it right and it welds all the things. Dual shield Flux core is also nice because it's pretty much the same as stick but with the convenience of coming out of a squirt gun. Making smoke and sparks is half the fun but somebody gotta clean that shit up at the end of the day.

OF feet pics obvs

It's more like when you work for the government, you're allowed to say what in a personal context. Once you start throwing around a title linked to the government, you're no longer speaking as yourself, youre speaking as the government. The government can tell you what the government is allowed to say.

It's the difference between an employee of the coast guard joining Greenpeace vs. That employee publicly saying the United States Coast Guard is joining Greenpeace. The coast guard can't fire an employee for their own political beliefs, but they can totally fire a guy for saying shit the coast guard doesn't want while representing the coast guard. Public speaking and seminars and shit like this have explicit rules about who can say what and when as a government employee in an official capacity.

Here I am enjoying my little DRG at under 4gb lmao sure I have to move stuff around every time I want to go back to rdr2 or doom eternal or whatever, but DRG has earned its HD space forever IMHO.

To be fair, Morrowind is just that kind of game. It's been many years since I've played it, but I remember it being one of the last truly open world experiences I got from playing games. The plot drops you off in the first city and kind of just let's you go at it. I remember hours of just wandering until I ended up at the city of vivec, which is the mess of floating pyramid temple lookin jobbies out on a lake somewhere. I didn't know shit about anything but it was awesome and that was enough for me. Elden Ring almost brings this feeling back sometimes.

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Lmfao that hasn't been true since Athens invented democracy. Alcibiades was elected plenty and still turned traitor. The average Palestinian doesn't support Hamas, but they're not going to denounce one of the few factions actually fighting towards their goals. Get Israel out of Palestine and you'll be amazed how few rockets will fly

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This should be bread and butter of immersive gameplay. Show, don't tell. If I want a 1.5k word info dump I'll go to one of my stories on royalroad. Letting me make my own narrative will be more enjoyable for me 95% of the time.

Blood money put to good use is still a karmic negative. Amazon dehumanizes people. Israel dehumanizes people. At some point the excuses aren't enough anymore.

Yes but no. Chemically pure lithium reacts vere energetically with water. The stuff in batteries reacts too, but it's more like an unextinguishable toxic hellflare than an explosion. Pretty sure the batteries just keep burning under the water until the lithium is all gone.

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It's an anti-inflammatory at best. If you could feel the effects you probably have way more pressing issues than bum weed.

Someone ELI5 why does a Delaware court have any say over tesla stock options?

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