2 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hi guy

Trump calls him daddy.

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Unfortunately, the target audience also wear shirts which say "I'd rather be Russian than democrat"

They may take it as an attack against themselves.

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Recently watched a documentary called 'the YouTube effect' by Alex Winter (bill of bill and ted) which goes into how YouTube was essential in the current global state of radicalized individuals.

In the earlyish days of the internet (late 1990s / early 00s) I fell deep down the rabbit hole of right wing hate and conspiracy theories..

One subject of the doc explains his descent. It is almost exactly mine. Only these days it is hyper stimulated, laser targeted, data driven, psychological warfare, wrapped in polished, billionaire backed campaigns.

It comes at you from wherever you are.

Crypto bros. Health/hydro bros. incel bros. Christian bros. Muslim bros. Rogan bros. Peterson bros. Elon bros. Tech bros. Anon bros. etc.

By the time a lot of people realize what's happened, if ever, they're already in too deep.

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14 years with an account. A year or so of lurking before that.

Sites come and go.

I like telling stories of the olden days of the internet. Like being user #132 on and having chats with people like Darude (before sandstorm) and Dido (before Eminem). It was an amazing place. Now it isn't.

Reddit will follow.

As they all do

Edit: I also had the comment of the day on Reddit once.

It had 500 upvotes.

I was also a beta tester for duckduckgo. Not the app, the site/engine. When everyone else was putting him down, I believed.

That's how long I was on there.

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Look up how Hussein took power. Or Hitler. Or Putin. Or pooh bear.

There will be no Democrats. Or democracy.

Only bodies.

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Offsets are a game of 3 card monte.

The carbon is still released. We'll never win.

And the dealer gets the money.

It isn't about healthcare.

It isn't hipocritical.

They simply want to control you.

Especially if you are a woman.

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Is the UN allowed to undo its resolutions?

Specifically, the one that created the modern state of Israel:

The Confederacy lost, and were guilty of treason. People want to bring back the Confederacy (actively plotting) - isn't that basically declaring war? Or sedition?

Do as the Germans do.

Confederate supporters are traitors and or terrorists.

Why laws if no laws?

How many people do elephants kill?

How many people do people kill?

People suck.

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Coming soon: the end of the guillotine moratorium.

(This is happening worldwide.

In Canada the average rent for a 1bdrm is now over $2k

5 years ago I paid 800 for a 2 bdrm.

You're lucky to rent a room for that now.

That's why.)

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Billions of the funding to purchase came from members ofthe lovely ruling family of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

You know, the guys who gave Jared kushner 2 billion for... some reason. And who TFG absolutely adores.

Middle Eastern money is a good sign for Musk, with 32% of the original $7.1 billion equity commitment coming from Alwaleed and the Qatari fund.

Was thinking the same thing.

Ironically, a hairdresser. The pastels would probably be too colorful for op's hood.

With the added bonus of all the data potentially being compromised, specs modified, torque intentionally wrong, thereby invalidating every certificate.

Remember when skilled workers were competent, had the time to do their jobs properly, and could write shit down?

Guy with binoculars: "captain, I think that's an iceberg ahead of us"

Captain: "its far away, don't be so glum"


1500 dead people: " "

This has been my Titanic themed ted talk analogy.


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Praise "Bob"

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Tabloid / reality tv drama.


It's not like theres's an NSA backdoor key called NSAkey in windows or something...

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Ah, good ole fashioned collective punishment.

Israel loves this one simple trick.

Linux has some dead pan humour system failure messages. Keeps things fun when everything goes to shit.

I did hit that one once. Or twice.

He's too scared to fly anywhere outside Russia.

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It's not stealing.

It is returning to us what was stolen.

Also, the Weston family live in a literal castle that was built for the royal family.

To the gallows with them.

Does this count? An oldie but a goodie.

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"Free speech absolutist"®©™

(Terms and conditions apply)

When does google have to separate gmail (or is it workspace now) and hangouts, no, allo, no, duo, uh, I mean meet.

Maybe if ms just keeps changing the names of things all their woes will disappear!

Or a three letter agency.


... a disaster for Google humanity.

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Peak symbian was the sony ericsson p1i.

Had a gf throw that thing against a cinder block wall, off a concrete floor, and basically explode everywhere. i picked upthe parts, snapped it back together, turned it back on and left.

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How many brave tokens and/or crypto do I get and/or mint by using their search?

  1. Desktop mode.


  1. Disable JavaScript for site. (Doesn't work here)


  1. Profit!

(addendum: 2.5 using "easy list" block list in vivaldi (a chrome based browser) allows the mbile site to be viewed with only minor annoyance )

Desktop mode does (chrome)


With ublock easylist

It seems the baddies are way ahead of the curve:

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I think he was a senior contributor for the underground cracker mag 1600 back in the late 80s.

They called em zines.

The conservatives will tell you they're lazy and should work harder. Healthcare, and food, isn't a right.

The conservative conspiracy theorists will also rant about agenda 2030.

Agenda 2030, according to these folk, will eliminate the "useless eaters".

What they will fail to do is realize they are furthering the plot they rail against.


  1. Fomo
  2. Dives 60%
  3. ...
  4. profit?

If the end result isn't public execution of the executives who executed the extinction of earth, this means absolutely nothing.

(It will still mean nothing as the damage done is now basically irreversible and the fleeting savage joy of revenge will soon be overcome by the thick haze of the world they set on fire)

Observing and stating what is an obviously exaggerated result is hardly advocating.

But, yes, I do believe the likes of people who put profit over lives deserve the worst.

Not advocating. I wouldn't be sad if it happened. But, definitely not advocating.

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This is the best kind of uno reverse meme.

If you can't take out the battery, it's never actually off.

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And I read every single word on that page.


(Thanks! I'll be sharing this with a tenant here for school for web design.)