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Joined 11 months ago

Anything illegal posted on a remote server will bring legal trouble to you as a server admin the moment it federates onto your instance. Therefore I completely understand them defederating from instances with a high risk of illegal activity.

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Omg he had hired the replacement already and forgot to fire the guy... what a mess, and what an idiot

What always bugs me about this is that they had the boys in underwear. Like, if it's fine to symbolize with clothed girls, why do you need to do it differently with boys?

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They should have trained the Afghani women who have an actual reason to fight against the Taliban, instead of the lazy men who instantly capitulated.

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"Hualongdong region of China", CNN?

Are you sure about that?

Because I'm pretty Sure we are talking about the Hualong CaveĀ (in Chinese "Hualong dong") in the Anhui province. Which is where HLD6 was found.

Granted, the paper itself writes the location confusingly, but it doesnt take a long time to research the finding site.

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The idea to prompt people who want to subscribe to a publication with "enter your email or ActivityPub address" is great

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Come on, this list of reasons was written by an LLM

Michael Jackson. Having his career fail during the childhood "Jackson 5" phase. Better for him and a lotta other people.

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He was on the board, it's not like it was his project or anything. Imo he wanted to create a protocol, not a platform. "Improve Activitypub" like they always claimed. But then Bluesky realized that they can simply build their own platform and be Twitter 2.0

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The oppression in previous generations definitely is a big factor.

The second big thing is that the majority of LGBTQ+ people is bisexual. And there were a lot of bisexual people who would, in previous social climate, identify as heterosexual due to living in a heterosexual relationship.


A bit weird that they didnt want proof of misconduct, but hey

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That photo (I've seen it circulate on the internet myself) is a photoshop. Every reputable source says that no one knows what happened to that man, and we have no evidence whatsoever of him getting run over.

Let's see how many servers actually implement ElastiSearch. It's kinda resources-heavy.

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Search only works if your instance runs a search engine installation. Typically this is done by the admin installing ElasticSearch:


To be fair the Ukrainian army knew that they were not supposed to use Starlink for military purposes. The company entered into a contract with the Ukranian government particularily for civilian use.

But yeah, I still agree with you.

Since the last major lemmy update there is a federation issue that could be the reason for your problems. Some servers/instances have fixed that problem, some still run on the version that has problems.

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I get why people are anti cars. But those who want to take cars away from people who enjoy them and who are trying to behave responsibly just suck.

Sure. Like @The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world or @fossilesque@mander.xyz or @Blaze@reddthat.com or @otter@lemmy.ca or @brucethemoose@lemmy.world ... and there definitely are more people that I see regularly and simply cant think of their names right now

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Ah yes, only in the country with the world's biggest population and an android market share of 95%

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Also, the rumours say that the board wants a careful approach while Altman wants to blast ahead without ethical concerns. I'm definitely not on his side

Of course her name is Leona. Pure lion energy lol

The reality is that in any other country a private organization (=a party committee) decides who is the candidate for their party, and therefore who the public can vote for

Well either she is unneccesarily using a gaming Laptop for non-gaming.

Or she uses her private gaming laptop for work and doesnt separate between those two spheres, which is unprofessional and potentially dangerous in regards to privacy security.

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Tbf from the short time I've been on bluesky it seems like their algorithms are very good, I have followed the people I'm interested in and seen 0 nazi posts so far

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Crushing people with tanks

Just a heads up, while it is established that the CCCP killed tons of people on that day, the idea that people were crushed with tanks is disputed in academia and mostly considered inaccurate news reporting.

The famous "tank man" photo shows a guy standing in front of a tank in order to prevent them from moving tanks to another part where the protesters had gone. We have no evidence that he was driven over by that tank.

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It's nothing particularly new. ECOWAS intervened militarily in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea Bisseau as far back as the 1990s.

Hm, his statement in response to the Guardian is very unusual for someone accused of sexual misconduct. Either he feels very safe that he can hide this, or he really didnt do it and somehow is the target of a campaign.

Edit: The Guardian article literally has names and photos of the women who accuse him. That's enough to convince me that they indeed were violated by him.

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Regarding 3: you can. On Mastodon, simply meantion the lemmy Community in your Post and it will be posted to that community

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Individual Wikipedias have individual designs and Individual design features.

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And the Keyboard Layout is standardized by regulations in multiple parts of the world, I'm not sure if Microsift can actually influence the layout there...

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Depends on how obscure a meme is. At least with people in their 20ies, even the ones who arent internet people will know the more popular memes

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The only thing about this I can somewhat understand is that it wasnt one car, it was two cars and a motorcycle. I would probably be a bit scared if such a big group of people suddenly show up to my rural house.

But 1. shooting them, and 2. while they were already driving away, is what makes this so deranged.

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With a couple I know, they had the class photo of one of their sons at the fridge one year. Seemed weird to me too, so I asked. Turns out the son had wanted to hang it because he had always had trouble with fitting in in previous schools, and this was the first time he really was friends with those kids and invited them over as well.

That seemed like a good reason to me personally.

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Steady great work, thanks! Also love all the nsfw stuff lol

Because for one, it means the Guardian actually spoke to multiple people and didnt just hear something via three other people. And it means those people are actually willing to have their names and faces known publically. Making false allegations under your real name would be quite stupid.

It's a good thing that such a big instance doesnt Update to hot code immediately

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This. It's not the same post, it's two different posts in two different communities.

Fuck Perussuomalaiset

I dont think I know any person who uses Wordpad. Most probably dont even know that it exists, hidden away somewhere in the starting menu...

Exactly. The UK trapped Assange for years inside that embassy but they didnt dare to actually raid it. That's a step way way too far.