it's time for my trump card to – 889 points –

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Well either she is unneccesarily using a gaming Laptop for non-gaming.

Or she uses her private gaming laptop for work and doesnt separate between those two spheres, which is unprofessional and potentially dangerous in regards to privacy security.

unneccesarily using a gaming Laptop for non-gaming.

I don't see why this would be an issue, it's a computer after all.

Using her own machine for sensitive work like that, on the other hand, I do see the point. Unless there is some sort of dual boot setup involved.

If she bought a gaming laptop specifically for work (this is the way you end up with a gaming laptop that’s not also your personal laptop) then it’s a silly, unnecessary, ill suited decision. There are other laptops with better battery life, cheaper, lighter, etc etc etc…. That fit the lawyer usecase better. Why would a lawyer buy a gaming laptop to lawyer?

IANAL but I don’t think you need discrete graphics for lawyer applications. But who knows, maybe she’s running an ML model locally to tell her what to do.

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