it's time for my trump card to – 889 points –

Plot twist: She’s mining shitcoin with the courthouse electricity. She’s smart enough to know that’s the only paycheck she’s getting.

Judge: “Counsel, why is your laptop running so loudly?”

Lawyer: “It’s…uh…fuming at the witch hunt that my client has endured.”

I choose my facts carefully and this one is the one.

So, alright, in her defense, I have that particular laptop and a) it's not that heavy, b) at least the AMD versions can go up to 8-9 hours with the mux switch off, and c) it actually has a great typing keyboard. It is absolutely a kickass mobile workstation, especially if you need the performance to do other stuff like edit video (or game, obviously).

Now, would I have switched the RGB off during court proceedings? Yes, I would have switched the RGB off.

She knows it is serious boss battle mode so she needs that rgb for the extra performance boost.

Yeah I actually think this is really cool because buying this sort of laptop, you have to know a thing or two about computers and intentionally buy it. It's not a default choice, she had a reason to get this specific category of gaming laptop. She's probably a gamer with a watercooled rig at home, but as a lawyer is often on the go between clients, and she wants to get in on some sidequests and grinds whenever she can.

It's also possible that she just asked IT to buy her the fastest laptop they could find. I choose to believe that she's 4th ranked in the world in Destiny 2, though.

"Jesus that 6-stack just crushed us in the crucible. Clan tag TeamTrump? Top player's name is BarristerBetty?"

I'd bet my left but she has no idea it can be turned off let alone how to turn it off.

I've done some work for lawyers before in the it field and I would place a hefty bet of $10 that the reason that she has that laptop is that her old one broke down and she told her it guy to get her the most powerful laptop available.

Lawyers are not really known for being technologically savvy, same for doctors and teachers, but they often have a lot of money to burn for tax purposes every year.

Yeah there are so many lawyers with AOL accounts. I personally know one who is a powerhouse, won awards and whatnot. But outside the courtroom? As dumb as a bag of bricks, super naive, was shocked to learn they are an attorney, let alone the go to attorney in their field.

RoG laptops are legendary for quality, I don't blame her for having one.

Let's not go nuts here, either. ASUS software is genuine garbage and there are lots of bad polish details all over the place.

But they make pretty weird, nutty choices that are often unique and cool, so I sometimes put up with their nonsense just for that.

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This just screams "Rich-looking lady who knows fuck all about computers goes into shop to ask what laptop she needs to run Excel"

or... she's a gamer and she travels a lot

No, no. This is a female and females aren’t allowed to game.

Could also be that Asus knew a picture like this would come out, so gave her a free laptop to get the ROG brand in a prominent place.

prominent place in front of Trump's defense? That's probably bad publicity

Oh God! I bought an Asus transformer tablet back in 2013! Am I gonna have to defend Trump?!?!

And you should question why aint she in the kitchen making pies and babies! /s

Yeah I wasn’t thinking that women can’t game, my thought is that lawyers can’t game

I would hope if she was she would have a seperate not-gaming Laptop for work.

Would be more professional, but shes Trumps lawyer so I guess there is not much to expect in the way of professionalism.

What exactly is the problem here? What's wrong with using a gaming laptop for work?

Well either she is unneccesarily using a gaming Laptop for non-gaming.

Or she uses her private gaming laptop for work and doesnt separate between those two spheres, which is unprofessional and potentially dangerous in regards to privacy security.

unneccesarily using a gaming Laptop for non-gaming.

I don't see why this would be an issue, it's a computer after all.

Using her own machine for sensitive work like that, on the other hand, I do see the point. Unless there is some sort of dual boot setup involved.

If she bought a gaming laptop specifically for work (this is the way you end up with a gaming laptop that’s not also your personal laptop) then it’s a silly, unnecessary, ill suited decision. There are other laptops with better battery life, cheaper, lighter, etc etc etc…. That fit the lawyer usecase better. Why would a lawyer buy a gaming laptop to lawyer?

IANAL but I don’t think you need discrete graphics for lawyer applications. But who knows, maybe she’s running an ML model locally to tell her what to do.

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nothing (besides a waste) unless it means you are using your work laptop to game.

There are plenty of reasons besides gaming to have a laptop with a dedicated GPU. There isn’t really many low end professional options, they start over $2k. 3D modelling, video rendering, ML and a bunch of other professional uses are significantly improved with dedicated hardware.

Who knows, maybe she’s running LLaMA on it locally so no one catches her using AI to write her rebuttals.

unless it means you are using your work laptop to game.

Why is this a bad thing? Why would you have separate computers, when you can have one good one?

Security issues. It's standard security policy for most companies to separate private and work.

So have a drive for work and one for play. Bill the laptop to work but spec it for what you want at home.

Not even that. She could be dual booting windows with windows on two separate encrypted partitions. There's going to be someone at work who knows how to set it up.

And why can't she know how to set that up if she chooses? Because she's a girl? You people are gross. If you want to criticize her for something, let it be for representing Trump in the first place.

No, she can't know it because she is a lawyer that represents Trump. Why did you though we have a problem with her gender?

She's clearly too young to have her own practice. Whatever firm she works for placed her on his case. Her intelligence cannot be defined by the client she represents. She's smart enough to pass the bar. I'd wager she's also smart enough not to hand her personal laptop to some neckbeard to set up for her. It's highly questionable at this point whether Trump can even get a firm big enough to have in house IT to work for him.

Nothing to do with their sexual identity or gender. It's the fact that the average person doesn't know how to do it. Most people working in a company stuff have IT that sets things up for them. If they can do it themselves, then hell, that's great and I'm happy for them. But I wouldn't assume anything because of someone's gender or sexual identity. I think that's silly.

If you care for a personal example, the company I work for has IT which give us work phones. The IT department set the phones up themselves. Because of the way the phone has been set up, there's incredibly little that can go tits up and there's a lot of security built in (no admin, enforced long passwords, probably more that I'm forgetting).

I'm more than capable of setting up my phone and having it be secure myself without IT doing it. Maybe she can too. Is it a usual thing for IT to thing up in a business setting, (unless you're a programmer) probably.

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This can slow a hacker down, but still a bad bad bad security practice.

How so? If you have 2 partitions encrypted separately with, say, Veracrypt, the worst thing the infected partition could do is copy the other encrypted partition. Unless I'm missing something?

You can download a copy of the encrypted partition and attempt to crack it locally.

Which depending on how deep your cascade encryption goes can require a huge amount of computation. If you're a small business owner running a restaurant or a student, that's plenty of security. If you're the lawyer for a former POTUS in a history-defining trial that might decide the future of the entire planet, I hope to God you're not relying on that encryption.

Then again it might be the same dirt that foreign intelligence already has on Trump, so maybe it doesn't matter either way.

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Or maybe she knows exactly what she needs and decided to buy a ROG Laptop

Possibly, I guess some of us just never seen a lawyer w a gaming laptop. I thought people in those suit wearing professions either use MacBooks or ThinkPads.

I don't really see too many ThinkPads tbh. I wish there were more representation for them

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Today when I walked into the Trump case court I saw something I dread every time I close my eyes. A lawyer had brought their new gaming laptop to courtroom. The Forklift she used to bring it was still running idle at the back. I started sweating as I sat down and gazed over at the 700lb beast that was her laptop. She had already reinforced his desk with steel support beams and was in the process of finding an outlet for a power cable thicker than Amy Schumer's thigh. I start shaking. I keep telling myself I'm going to be alright and that there's nothing to worry about. She somehow finds a fucking outlet. Tears are running down my cheeks as I send my last texts to my family saying I love them. The judge enters, and the lawyer turns her laptop on. The colored lights on her RGB Backlit keyboard flare to life like a nuclear flash, and a deep humming fills my ears and shakes my very soul. The entire city power grid goes dark. The courtroom begins to shake as the massive fans begin to spin. In mere seconds my world has gone from vibrant life, to a dark, earth shattering void where my body is getting torn apart by the 150mph gale force winds and the 500 decibel groan of the cooling fans. As my body finally surrenders, I weep, as my court and my city go under. I fucking hate gaming laptops.

If she was actually smart she wouldn’t be using a laptop for gaming. 👍

lawyers can frequently be required to travel or wait. IMO this makes sense, especially if you want to play something during down time.

Not everyone has the space for a dedicated nerd setup like you suburban twats do.

Exactly and she's a lawyer, so if she really wants to game at a serious level she needs a portable rig she can use between clients. She probably has a rig at her condo.

I once lived in a 150 sq ft. motel room, and I still managed to set up a desk with a dual monitor gaming desktop at the foot of my bed. It can be doable in a small space.

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I game on my Aorus laptop just fine. Runs recent releases very well, and it's nice to sit on the couch to play them.

Why gatekeep people for the things they enjoy? I mean, this is Trump's lawyer so I'm sure she's a shitty human, but still.

Lots of people use their "gaming" laptops as working stations. I barely use mine for playing, but I like to have a big screen with full keyboard and a nice GPU for my work, and something I can take with me if needed, for example for a long work trip. I also have a smaller laptop for things on the go.

I usually get the last generation of slimmest gaming laptop because they easily cover any game I'd play at a LAN party and can handle media creation and rendering.

💯 she got it for the RGB

My Boomer dad bought a ridiculously expensive gaming laptop because he "wanted the best computer" and still believes that more expensive = better. He uses it to surf the internet...🤦

Next time buy a laptop for him. But get him a chrome book and charge him for the best? It's. It stealing if he was going to lose the money alway right?

My Boomer dad bought a ridiculously expensive gaming laptop because he "wanted the best computer" and still believes that more expensive = better. He uses it to surf the internet...🤦

If she uses one computer for work and entertainment, and has to have a laptop for work, then she is smart to have a single machine capable of everything she needs.

This makes no sense in the modern age where we have products like the Steam Deck prove form factor and quality are both achievable

Would you rather remote in to your desktop from a steam deck?

Steam deck runs everything that I'd want to play on it locally, way better than remote streaming. It's punching way above it's weight class. I'm almost done with elden ring on it and I'll be moving to cyberpunk 2.0 if it's as good as people are saying

Hold the phone, better than streaming from a local beefy desktop?

Streaming is universally dog shit. I tried streaming elden ring and it was unplayable because of the latency. Meanwhile running locally I've put in 30+ hours.

Ah, shit. I guess streaming might work a bit better cabled though. Good thing it manages locally

Steam deck doesn't have as much horsepower as a modern gaming laptop does it? It's just very well preforming for the price?

I haven't bothered with gaming laptops in a while, but it seems like the work valve put into Proton is paying dividends. Steam deck is punching far above it's weight class. Apparently a lot of games now are running better in Linux via proton than natively in Windows, which is kind of mind boggling. I don't have to do any troubleshooting and everything runs great. I'd guess to get comparable performance on a laptop you'd have to spend 2-3x as much. Last time I used a gaming laptop it struggled on any 'current' games with lots of fuckery to get it running smooth.

But like I said, I've long been out of the gaming laptop scene because I just never found them worth the trouble. Steam deck is the opposite of that and I play it in favor of my PC more than I care to admit.

I think it suggests there's a game she can't go without, and she went out of her way to get a heavy af laptop with shit battery life, just so she could be able to play this game whenever she had time between her lawyer duties.

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Exact opposite on either side of dumb. Ones got a fucking thinkpad the others about to own newbz in fortnite

But which one runs Linux?

That Thinkpad looks too new to run Linux. Your best bet for optimal support is a machine that's about 3 years old

I think they sell new thinkpads that come preinstalled with Ubuntu

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On the last day of trial the parties are going to come to a binding settlement agreement based on the outcomes of a 1v1 on Rust between councilors.

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Asus RoG laptops are so underestimated for productivity. The AMD chips have fantastic battery life and performance.

Recently set up an office on a couple of them, granted it was not this high end of a model but it’s stupid to ignore them for office use.

Also I guarantee she didn’t pick this. This was 100% advised to her by her companies IT group after she repeatedly said her computer was slow. It’ll run all the spyware she downloads with enough cores left over to run excel.

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The guy with a ThinkPad deserves massive props. Hell to the yeah for the ThinkPad gang