
23 Post – 228 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Calling Burger Becky just the winner of an eSports tournament is underselling how badass this woman really is. Nothing against the post, I like it because it shows that we've always been here, but Burger Becky is a straight LEGEND in gaming.

So first, why am I calling her Burger Becky? Because that was her office nickname because she had a drawer in her desk specifically to keep hamburgers. That's not what makes her legendary, but still is.

Then Rebecca was one of the founding members of Interplay. As in OG Fallout Interplay. She was one of the lead developers of Wasteland, the Bard's Tale series, Out of This World and many others. After founding interplay, she went on to do a lot of port work. Her work on the 3DO version of DOOM is an insane story, Stop Skeletons From Fighting has an amazing video on it.

Later in life, she moved onto consultant work. From Wikipedia "During this time, she also provided consultancy work directly for other companies: She acted as "Senior Engineer III" for Electronic Arts, upgraded engine code for Barking Lizards Technologies and Ubisoft, optimized code for Sensory Sweep Studios, acted as senior software architect for Bloomberg L.P. and Amazon, provided training on Xbox 360 development for Microsoft's development studios, and worked on the kernel code for the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 4 at Sony." Nowadays, she runs a company called olde skuul, probably best known for porting Descent 1 & 2 to modern machines.

I'm skipping over a lot of things because her legacy is fucking huge. An extremely famous game developer who has been extremely important to the history of the craft.

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Oh boy, more of Moss starting shit. This is literally bait that doesn't actually communicate anything, along with communicating something you never actually said. Moss, quit with the shitty bait posts and ableist slurs, you are a drama starter in your own community and it isn't appreciated. Malicious compliance towards Ada is a dick move.

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Thank you for providing good context on this thread. The original comment was ass, but not important overall. If the mod hadn't decided to explicitly defend it, this wouldn't even be a conversation. This entire discourse would have been avoided if it wasn't for a shitty mod post.

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I will wait I will wait for you (to vote for Brexit)

Someone made a comment saying that they'd be down to fuck a trans man if they hadn't transitioned yet because he likes women. It was controversial, but then one of the mods here decided to post a screenshot of that comment on the main, and the people in the comments were fucking horrendous. It's all "I'm an ally, but..." statements. Some of them were fine, but even the best ones were just people taking the opportunity to say that they don't wanna fuck trans people. And that's fine, you don't have to be attracted to trans people at all, but a trans safe space isn't the spot for that discussion at all.

The mod shouldn't have posted what's essentially bait, nor should they have not actually moderated the thread after posting the bait. I'm pretty sure the instance admin ended up having to handle it. The guy who made the original comment is saying it was him, but that's not really what matters. This controversy was more about properly moderating the space than anything.

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Quote from an interview with her

Becky: And then when we had dinner with the family, I was the one serving the meals while everybody else was eating around there. And of course I didn’t get a plate. And then by the time it was all done, I would eat the leftovers. And of course if they saw me eating the leftovers, I would get punished.

Adam: As an adult, she’s never totally gotten past this food insecurity. Coworkers would spread rumors about her hiding burgers in her desks to nibble on when no one was looking.

Becky: Honestly, there’s truth to that. I was not picky about the condition of the food I was eating because I was conditioned from my earliest memory to the time I got out of that hell hole that food is life. Don’t be picky about it, because otherwise starving is your only other option.

Wow you're ignorant of the alt-right. I grew up in this shit. Alex Jones was on this shit like a decade ago.

Oh God, Mormons are an entire fucking rabbit hole, By far the craziest mainstream religion, there's no comparison to me. A church based on saying all the quiet parts of modern Christianity as loud and proud as possible. For example, in the first book of the book of mormon, the Lamanite tribe are a bunch of sinners so they and all their ancestors are cursed with dark skin. Mormons believe PoC are literally the result of a curse by God. That's not even getting into the insane fan fiction that is putting fake romans in the Americas thousands of years ago. Or God telling Nephi to kill someone he already ran away from because he needed the family genealogy records.

Early Mormon church was literally a patriarchal white ethnostate cult. Quite literally the y'all-quaeda, complete with heavy ephedrine use and prophecies in paper bags. They believed that they were God's chosen people, that the needed to bring in a new culture to the world because the mainstream had strayed too far from Christianity to be saved. This included the English language. A new alphabet is just in line with what Brigham Young did after Smith died, turn the cultiness up to 11. He wanted to seceed from the US and declared war at one point to try. Trying to keep his people only recieving one stream of information that he can control just makes sense.

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Asperger's is pretty ableist, albeit not popularly known as ableist. It was pretty much the term for the autism that Nazis saw as a superior subgroup of people, from the name of a Nazi doctor. While being autistic could get you killed by the Nazis, being diagnosed with Asperger's would have been a good thing. It's essentially saying that you have good autism and not bad autism.

Not saying anything bad about the meme because most people don't know the origin of the term and who doesn't love the ass burger thing. But I'm never gonna see the use of a Nazi doctor's name for this sort of thing as normal and will educate people at any opportunity. It would be like saying conjoined twins have Mengele syndrome. Yeah he started a bunch of research on conjoined twins, but he usually just brutally murdered them.

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You know what's even more praxis tho? Just continuing to use Lemmy without relating it to Reddit. Lemmy and Kbin should exist as their own things, not just "those Reddit alternatives". This site's identity shouldn't be tied to another site.

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Thank God. THAT post earlier was shocking me.

When I was in high school, I heard someone say "I don't know why poverty exists when we can just 3d print money". What the 3d has to do with this, I do not know

I have no idea what the history of 196 being queer is, but it was an extremely queer subreddit. I think it has something to do with how many trans people also happen to be shitposters.

It seems very "chaser" to me. In other comments, the poster mentioned how he was attracted to "post op trans women and pre op trans men". Grouping those two demographics together in this way will never be seen as not chaser.

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This isn't your community

That one thread of the dude saying he isn't attracted to post-op trans men because he likes tits and the comment section that is just "trans people are too sensitive". If you don't wanna date trans people it's fine. But being like "oh nooo, your boobs are gonna go away" is a joke

Someone asked if a straight guy would fuck a trans man, straight guy responded by saying he'd be down to fuck a trans man if they hadn't transitioned yet. In a later comment he said he was attracted to post op trans women and pre op trans men. It wasn't aggressive transphobia, but grouping trans people by their genitals in a space like this isn't going to be appreciated.

The real problem came with the thread the mod posted. If I didn't know better, I'd assume it was a baitpost. Mod made the post then quickly disappeared after people in the new thread started their "I'm an ally, BUT..." comments. Original commenter said he can't be friends with trans women because they all have chips on their shoulders. Someone said trans people are the Karens of the LGBT community and weren't wanted. Just a lot of shit that shouldn't be on an instance that is literally a trans safe space.

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Proof that people from off of Blahaj zone are weak

Someone who fetishizes trans people. You find trans people hot? That's totally fine, you can have preferences. But grouping post op trans women and pre op trans men sexually is saying that they're being viewed as women regardless of their identity.

If you wanna fuck a trans person, it should be because you're attracted to them. Maybe you like boobs and penis together and that's fine. Maybe you like a masculine chest and a vagina. You can be attracted to a certain intersection, even if that intersection is a straight one. But fucking them because they're trans and exotic is chasing. If you like women, fuck trans women. If you like men, fuck trans men. But don't just randomly flip them around like there's no difference to you.

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Slurs aren't cool or funny

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Ironically, started loving muscle mommies after I came out as trans

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I hadn't heard of the site until I saw this headline, it just made me laugh

White people just aren't used to eating beans because it lacks the taste of suffering, so anytime they eat beans they shit their pants

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I rember 🤠

Lead was used as a flavoring agent for a very long time amongst the upper class in history. Often added to water or wine to make it more sweet. Obviously it's fallen out of favor now that we know what lead does, but it was a big deal in Rome.

So yeah, humans historically prefer lead water for some reason.

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He uses slurs, does harassment campaigns against leftist people of color and is overall a giant chump that is far more of a reactionary than any leftist. He's the "leftist" YouTuber for people who never had their Ben Shapiro/Sargon phase and don't understand what's wrong with that style of content.

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Thank you for this it's so cute 🥺

Responding to you here because fuck that thread so much. I have no idea how someone can essentially say "Yeah I'd date a trans man if they didn't have a masculine body" and see no issues with it. Fine with dating someone pre-transition because they're who you want them to be and not who they want to be? It's insane what "allies" say.

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Posting a blacked out screenshot and saying "Ada made me do it" is just weird. You didn't even leave a description. All we see is that you got a DM and there are a bunch of scribbles over it, this is a nothing burger. It being pinned to the top of the community is weird. If you had posted the actual screenshot and made an actual point to what they said and didn't use slurs that insult my child, I'd feel a tad different. But as it stands, this really feels like drama seeking behavior. There is no argument being made, it's just directing people towards Hexbear.

This is the kind of thing that Chapo got banned from Reddit over, the exact event that created Hexbear. If you don't like Hexbear, that's fine. They are generally drama starters, I don't support defederation but I understand why it's being talked about. But you can't call their users slurs, provide no context to what they said, and expect anybody in what is a safe space to be okay with it. It is literally the same thing that makes us discuss defederation with Hexbear, except they don't use slurs.

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Idk, I feel like they'd be smencils. A comedic twist on classic butt sharpies

Vapes = bad for lungs, cigs = plant therefore it's healthy.

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Feel like Gardevoir canonically has a giant fucking cock so it makes sense.

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You could convince me we're in the end times, but this certainly isn't the argument to do it

Just so you know, before I say anything, I am happy that you've joined this community. I don't want anything I say to seem like I'm discouraging you from participating. The overall point of what I'm about to say is that this should be a trans community. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable because you don't know if you're allowed, but at the same time I wish that non-queer people as a group had to have a moment of empathy of "oh this place isn't for me". It's a similar fear to how trans people feel in men's and women's spaces

196 is extremely trans oriented at this point, to the point that I'd consider it a borderline trans community. I like that it isn't fully trans though. You know how often cis people have a monopoly on the conversation on a distributed community? There's nothing necessarily wrong with cis people having that control, but why can't trans people have that same space? Other people are allowed of course, but if we have to enter a separate reality for other people's communities, other people should have to enter ours. There's no way for us to force an equal medium, the best way we can enforce that is by wanting empathetic but easy experiences for other.

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Lol you clearly don't go to the gym if you're saying this. Went to the YMCA as a kid and saw elliptical politics that made my middle school that literally split us into "teams" by economic class look tame in comparison. Because of the death of the third place in western society, any activity that isn't where you sleep or work becomes a third place, where people are kind of inherently judging the people around them, to fulfill this. All the shitty people you went to high school gym with are mostly the same people now, and need a place to continue their bullshit. Some will grow past this, but by that point the next generation of gym shitheads is ready.

The only way I agree with your comment is if you said "people at the gym aren't judging you any more than people outside the gym already do". Maybe it's just the area I live, but everything becomes a game of judgement. It's one thing to say "yeah I'm being judged by other people and I don't care". But to determine that you aren't being percieved at all off of this idea is more delusional than the idea that you are being percieved.

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I miss Google play music. Shit was fire.

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I know what you mean, I loved the joke in middle school. But once I learned what Dr. Asperger was actually guilty of, I just felt so weird using his name

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That's a cute and chubby Umbreon though. Chubby is cute

Not just tolerated, a mod straight up posted a report and said stop reporting it because it wasn't transphobic. Explicitly allowed and defended. If this was just some random comment, I wouldn't care that much, people can be a little problematic I don't care. But I don't want the sort of horrendous bullshit in that thread the mod posted in what I'd call a queer community.

Rice and beans is for those poor people tho 😭 Missing the essential nutrient of "living things suffering" that I need to live. I mean how else do you explain to things that don't speak that you're better than them in every way? Rice and beans only feeds the weak ass flesh water balloon you control, killing feeds the ego.

I'd rather switch to eating Dung Beetles because I can't dominate beans. The rice has no fog of war or technology tree. I don't understand how people eat without just killing absolutely everything in their path. I personally stopped buying beef from the grocery stores and just started going out into the fields at night to drain blood out of cattle's neck. I also really enjoy eating live squirrels and rats I find while navigating the city via sewers in order to avoid my vampiric form from being seen by those poor poor human people.