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Joined 11 months ago

Chesterwick Milorganite Hoan the Fourth (no relation)

Plot twist: She’s mining shitcoin with the courthouse electricity. She’s smart enough to know that’s the only paycheck she’s getting.

Judge: “Counsel, why is your laptop running so loudly?”

Lawyer: “It’s…uh…fuming at the witch hunt that my client has endured.”

Joke’s on them - I’m into legislators being comfortable with sexuality.

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My brother in doppelnamer!!

I share a name with a fairly famous actor with a very uncommon name. After the “wait, is your name really XYZ?” comment I just say “yep, no relation.” with a laugh. I get it about once a week. It used to irritate me but it’s a good icebreaker, and they never forget my name.

I am just grateful he keeps himself out of trouble. Michael Bolton is rough, but no one wants to be the other Jeffrey Epstein.

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The point isn’t to cover it up (well). It’s a warning to others who might question those in power.

What this particular Vlad did to earn a defenestration - I have no idea. But no one else will try it anytime soon if they’re also susceptible to gravity-accelerated blunt force trauma.

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Matt wants to get back to his true passion project of owning teenage girls.

Also, is it just me or does he bear an uncanny resemblance to Richard Nixon in the picture?

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Great article and explanation on why Proton and its components are such a game changer. Thanks for sharing!

Ironically, Nier Automata is only listed as “playable” on Steam Deck.

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The man was taken into custody for openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol, which is against the law, Warrick said. Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit. The man arrested did not have a concealed carry permit, Warrick said.

The crime wasn’t being a raving lunatic with a gun - it was the lack of paperwork and a shirt to conceal it!

This is why we need new legislative maps in Wisconsin.

Obligatory Fuck Ron Johnson.

How this brainwormed shitbird won re-election in 2022 (when all other Wisconsin statewide elections went Dem) still baffles me.

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What a spineless traitor to humanity.

I settled on Memmy early on as the least buggy app, but I like Voyager quite a bit as well. I might switch if they let me change the color of upvote/downvote arrows to what my brain expects.

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Fucked around and found out.

Can’t wait for his criminal convictions.

Of course they are - it’s very difficult for a rat to use a lighter.


Almost every TV is a perfectly good dumb TV when it doesn’t know your wifi password.

I feel this in my bones today. Can I add “The Fucking Garbage and Recycling”, since it’s Thursday?

I feel you - she’s nuts and drove the clown car in 2020.

But would you rather have DJT and Ghouliani, or Sidney Powell in jail for the remainder of their gross unnatural lives? Direct testimony against the rest of them helps secure convictions.

The MAGAts will turn on her and make her freedom unpleasant regardless, just waiting for a tweet/truth/x/wtfever from dear leader.

It’s ain’t enough but it’s a start, after 7 years of waiting for consequences.

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I just picked it up to play casually on steam deck, and it’s fun; in the same vein as Animal Crossing with a 16 bit RPG style. Plenty of depth and homestead building. You are correct that it’s a huge time suck, but unlike AC, you don’t have FOMO of missing days/events when you don’t play. It’s been a great de-stress distraction when I’ve needed it most.

Vote for people who support ranked choice / final five voting. That’s the best way to ensure 3rd parties can have a say in US politics and that political polarization is discouraged rather than encouraged.

And yeah, it’s Biden + democracy or Trump + fascism. That was the choice to make in 2020, and it’s still the choice in 2024, my friends. Jan 6th demonstrated how clear it is.

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Holy hell - I had a MAGA woman pontificate about this recently, going on and on about the “mob rule” of democracy. I know how our government works, Tamara, and I still don’t support your fourth reich aspirations.

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Don’t take your toilet shut-off valve for granted. Make sure it still moves regularly, preferably when you’re not millimeters away from getting shit water all over your floor and feet.

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Sorry, it was late and I don’t often annotate photos on my phone. I’ll do better next time.

In 2016, the school's co-founder and director, Susan Gayle Clark, was convicted of child neglect and failing to report and was sentenced to six months in jail.

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No Mail Monday, but I won’t remember until I check it anyways.

I took up biking about 3 years ago, and I definitely have a lot less nervous energy after a ride and can focus on mental tasks better. The post-workout endorphin high may be part of it.

BTW - not personally experienced with ADHD; just came across this in All.

Oh, I’d expect a British ship or two to hang out very near the Falklands for as long as he’s in power.

A heads up if you have a G-Sync monitor from that same era: it may not do variable rate with Freesync. I was ready to pull the trigger and upgrade my 1080 Ti to an AMD card when I caught that detail. So now I need to justify the cost of a new main monitor as well if I want to have smooth variable refresh. Good luck!

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I’ll line up to give you a high five on that! It’s a damn good feeling to hit that milestone. Great job!

Cold brew? Asking for a friend named me.

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I also have a no Samsung policy, because of their refrigerators.

Oh no! Anyway…

See my reply to the parent comment.

City of the Sun is some fantastic Latin-inspired instrumental post-rock. (That’s probably drivel, idk what genre they are).

Their cover of Young Folks is how I found them, but their self-titled album from 2020 is probably one of my favorites of the last several years. It’s a good balance of calming serenades and powerful melodies.

Hon. mention - The Samuel Jackson Five - Easily Misunderstood is another old favorite of mine. Angrier and edgier, but still haunting in its own way.

The Beastie Boys also have a couple fantastic instrumental jam albums - The In Sound From Way Out, and The Mix-Up.

No expert, but here’s my quick and dirty version:

  1. Find an unlimited Usenet provider that works with your budget and location. Plenty of debate out there on which are best, and if you need a second pay-per-GB provider for filling in missing parts or not.

  2. Spin up SABnzbd+ or a similar Usenet client on a local PC/NAS/etc.

  3. the hard part - find a quality private Usenet indexer site that you can get an invite or has open registration.

  4. Download the nzb files for the Linux ISO that you want from your indexer and open it with your Usenet client. (There are ways to feed the nzb file directly to your client, but that’s for next lesson).

  5. Client looks for all of the parts listed in the nzb file on your Usenet provider, then downloads and unpacks them.

  6. Et Voila - Linux ISO appears in your downloads directory.

A VPN is probably unnecessary, as most Usenet providers don’t log who downloads which files. Also, you can often hit your ISP’s max download rate from your Usenet provider, and there is no “seeding” to worry about.

Good luck!