Republican Brags About Sabotaging Border Security Deal to politics – 295 points –
Republican brags about sabotaging border security deal

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Obligatory Fuck Ron Johnson.

How this brainwormed shitbird won re-election in 2022 (when all other Wisconsin statewide elections went Dem) still baffles me.

He ran an effective campaign of comparing brown people like Mandela Barnes to danger and fear. On the other side, the Wisconsin democrats underestimated Barnes’ polling and put almost zero effort into a campaign they assumed they wouldn’t win based on those incorrect polling numbers.

Ron Johnson exploited racist fears. The democrats assumed Mandela would lose and ran their shitty campaign as a self fulfilling prophecy.


Probably the classic reason: corruption and fraud.

Racism and like always, a ton of eligible voters didn't vote.

I'm looking at you chucklefucks in Milwaukee.