
0 Post – 197 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Actually that is not true your interactions are very authentic. Beep boop.

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Also true for hangovers

I could do with a weed patio

I'll change it later...

It's more complicated than that. Like saying there is a fire in a theatre when there is none, saying transgender are undercover perverts and a danger to society when it's not supported by evidence will get people killed. Freedom of speech is great and all but when your lie and put people in danger there should be consequences.

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What a cute duck

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I like looking for couples. It also seem they know and enjoy each other more.

That's the price she was willing to pay to get her nose fixed. I mean all that cocaine didn't leave much in her bank account.

I'm for legalizing all drugs but some drugs like cocaine should come with meeting with a therapist to see if you are doing the right thing for what ails you.

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A Trump rally in Nashville?

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Good job playing into the hands of the conservatives. If they can't get your vote they'll push arguments like yours in order to win.

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I feel like that logic could be applied to a lot of the things we do for fun.

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Holidays, shorter days, colder weather affects depression a lot.

And there is a correlation between being very active on social media and depression.

Online Social Networking and Mental Health

Just be nice and patient with them they deliver most of your content for free.

We need to change the way we interact with social media.

My advice, points don't matter and you don't deserve anyone a debate.

Drop the phone or press back and go next if it feels toxic.

Internet should serve you and not the other way around.

If you have something to share, make your essay in a different post with the appropriate documentation and let it sit for someone else to find.

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Being out of touch with reality is what it takes to vote Republican nowadays.

You can thank corporate-owned "local news" for that.

There are rag to riches story but the billionaire club usually requires a richer start.

How old is this post?

"Enculeur de poules mortes" which basically means dead chicken fucker. It's translatable but sounds so much better in french.

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Excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between straight and cis?

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And lasers, and gps

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Classic cops, only taking cases seriously if it directly affects them.

Asexual memes are never horny.

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Thanks for asking for all of us. In Quebec, we call that an inflatable neighbour (translated)

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As a father of 4 boys, I find it sad that young men want a world on fire. There are a lot of good male role model out there, let's promote them, seems that would be more conducive.

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Remember all those immigrants coming through New York being inspired by the statue of conformity.

Not worth the effort.

Just look at what Microsoft is doing when selling Azure. Suddenly, they can offer good rebates on licenses. Sounds like unfair monopoly to me...

She's gonna grind that final judge.

I'm more of the mind that government intervention without clear child abuse is overreach but that's just me.


You're too generous with all those dots and free space.

Watch out! Lemmy is full of Fudd that are not part of the cult. You need actual data to convince them and not even just the comparison of 2 numbers but something that takes into account the comparative size of both industries.

Don't worry, you will be able to laugh at them after your gambling addiction pays up.

(Jk you might not even be a line goes up guy but you do seem to have a lot of the crypto bible memorized)

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Middle managers are also against it. It's not like they have friends at home...

Even scarier, they rub their whole arms together.

You preaching to the choir buddy.

Don't forget the visit counter!

We're not safe anywhere because people move. Borders ar nothing more than a concept.

You only need something in common for the 6 first odd numbers and "teen" for it to be true for all odd numbers.