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Depends on how obscure a meme is. At least with people in their 20ies, even the ones who arent internet people will know the more popular memes

Unless it's badger, badger, badger era. These kids don't even know about Trogdor, the Burninator.

I was a kid when that came out and definitely only know it because of "AntiqueMemes" content lol

Did you know Homestar Runner at all?

Used to watch Homestarrunner on dial-up.

Would take about 20 to 30 minutes to load a 3-4 minute toon.

Don't miss that part of internet antiquity.

I do miss when videos used to fully buffer though! Now, if I have a crappy connection and I pause to let the video load, it mostly doesn’t.

I always thought it was the same thing as Homestuck and avoided both!

Oh, you missed out so much. Fortunately, the site is still mostly usable, though last time I checked, the games did not work.

That is definitely not true these days. Too much internet out there.