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Joined 1 years ago

My solution for this is just to not spend money in game

This is weirdly sound advice πŸ€”

Quick access to massive credit card info as well. Micro step to "the everything app"?

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This is the one! They're ridiculously effective, so much so that my home provinces is sinking like 250 million into building 5 more of them over the next 5 years

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I thought black and what television was black and white because history happened in black and white. I suppose that means life in colour happened after the invention of colour tv

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I'm always stunned by the numbers that ppl sell out for. I always think it's hundreds of thousands or millions, but its often like 60k... It's nuts.

But then, the CCP is very happy to bully their citizens. Until recenlty in Canada, they were having the Chinese police service muscle ppl under the guise of "diplomatic offices" for "drivers license renewals and other domestic Chinese matters."

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Leaned hopelessness. Can't escape the effect regardless of your efforts so eventually you stop trying

Hahahaha. They hadn't picked their outrage position yet and he was far too neutral πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ditto has a place in the world

This is at the point where just not displaying ads at every corner is becoming a viable business plan

I am utterly shellshocked by how much I'm enjoying Helldivers 2. It's been a very long time since I've daydreamed about going home to play but I just can't wait to blast some bugs with friends most days. It's like I'm 10 again

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I have no idea what any of the states are that make up the chef (not American). But I now forever and a day will be able to find Kentucky

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This is legitimately one of the coolest things I've ever heard of

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This was weirdly nostalgic. And I have a single door fridge

I actually find myself wondering lately "what's so bad about stable (+/- 5%/annum) profits for some stretches of time." Sure you're not eating up market share, but a couple million in the pocket every year really isn't that bad...

I... May not be cut out for capitalism...

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I wanna know his lap times and how long it took

It's not just Americans. As a Canadian we're deeply affected by American situations (plus our own politics). Sometimes the only way to put up with the complex world we live in is a little Squidwardism

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I wouldn't read too hard into it, he's just trolling this comment thread based on his profile πŸ™„

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Exponential increase in climate disasters leads to exponential increase in costs... Yup, that tracks

(Fully agree, that's ballistic)

The lost IQ appears to have translated into uptoots

Companies now want 24 hour productivity, which means they will abuse their workers to keep that cycle going. Worker healthy is probably not even a thought, just: how do we get more out of them?

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This is the best advice I've adopted recently for exactly the same perception. Focus on your life, maybe do your best to have a positive impact on the things that worry you. Decrease your engagement with the news cycle - know what's going on, but only as much as you can handle without it affecting your mental health.

Learn to trust that things will be ok, even if you're not entirely convinced they will. It may not solve the problems, but your sanity matters too

Y'all ever notice how this only ever happens when they find 91 bricks of cocaine?

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Shoutout for Niagara. High quality reliable launcher. Only switched away after 2+ years cuz I got a little bored of the interface

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I've got a batch 1 and, barring some of the issues you'd expect from a new manufacturer, it is exceptional

I gotta be honest, as I'm reading all the responses by hexbearians(?) in this thread, it just sounds like y'all have a lot of fun lol

I think there's an addictive cycle element to it too. A point where it isn't just validating the decisions you've made, but a compulsion to see the number get bigger

Fun fact: some of these dinks are going back on their regret statements, claiming they were a strategy to avoid heavy fines or jail or some such. What they don't know is that this claim then opens them to re-prosecution for the same offenses they may have been acquitted of 😏

I need so much more context

I can't quote it offhand, but I know I've read an article recently about corporations phoning home and I believe Toyota was on the list. I'll see if I can dig it up.

That said, I agree about the Toyotas. Even if they DO phone home and we have to deal with that crap, they're bulletproof and deserve their reputation.

Edit: guess I never ended up reading the whole article, but it was Mozilla. Hopefully this helps:

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Ppl are offering great advice about where to start, and it's what I'd suggest too - start with car camping to get a feel for it. If you overcommit too soon, you could ruin the experience for yourself. I know many ppl who will never camp again because they treated it like a hotel stay, got rained out, and decided it wasn't for them lol.

A couple of resource suggestions - you mention an interest in self sufficiency. Read the SAS Survival Guide by one of your own, John Wiseman. It's my go to for general survival tips and skills, including the ones I hope to never need. But lots of good info just to be aware of too.

Some other great resources can be books on flora and fauna. One I have sitting on my desk is the Canadian Outdoor Survival Guide. Obviously it's for Canada, but it teaches you edible plants and behaviour around some bigger beasties (I don't think that's an issue in the UK).

And a final thought - an old Parks Canada marketing slogan is a really good nature-respecting thing to keep in mind: Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

Nature is in our backyard, but it's home for the animals that live there.

Happy camping! ☺️

I'm Canadian and as an individual not particularly reactive to world events, but even I'm watching the US's next election with anxious apprehension

Just reading this it looks like they had this in their back pocket for a while lol

I... I only learned about this on Friday and it already came up!?

No one ever thinks about the minority 😒

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This thread is a great commentary on grind culture. I feel every word of this. As I understand it, it's in part the mindless pursuit of "success", and the suffering caused by losing a feeling of safety in the world

At the end of the day, life isn't meant to be effective, it's meant to be enjoyed as much as reasonably possible. I'm also on a journey of getting back to my inner child. Only piece of advice I can offer: if it seems a little silly as an adult, you should probably do it.Today as I left the gym, I one-foot-hopped through some hula hoops laid on the ground for the next class. I realised after it probably looked silly, but it also made my heart smile, so: worth it

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The little rectangle with a triangle out of the bottom, beside the downvote buttone, saves comments for later enjoyment. Happy Lemmying!

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I love how massive this community is getting

Key memory unlocked. Oh damn I just remembered the sheer amount of faith I had to remind myself I had in my father's post driving ability

Ah good stuff, thank you!