Permanent ban on last day with Apollo app. Called u/Spez a cunt in a message πŸ˜‚ to Lemmy – 1638 points –

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The little rectangle with a triangle out of the bottom, beside the downvote buttone, saves comments for later enjoyment. Happy Lemmying!

Thanks, it doesn't work or I don't know where to find my saved posts. I'm using wefwef, so I tought it'd be a feature yet to be implemented.

Ah shoot, just logged into Wefwef and see it doesn't have it! I'm using Jerboa and it does have save functions if that's an option for you :)

Wefwef has a save button but I don’t know where the saved content goes.

If you've got a way to access your user profile via a browser (mobile works too), you can see your saved posts there.

On any page, click/press the hamburger icon on the top-leftmost part of your screen. It'd open up a menu (or an area) where you can see your profile picture and username at the very bottom. There's a triangle next to your username, click/press that.

Another menu/area opens up that has options "Profile", "Settings", and "Logout". Click/press "Profile" to see your user profile.

You're then taken to a different page (which you can directly go to via https://your.lemmy.instance/u/your_username, for example:β€Œβ€Œβ€ŒΒ There, you can choose between "Overview", "Comments", "Posts" and "Saved." That last link (to your saved posts/comments) won't be visible to others (I tried).

PS: I tried looking for the same in wefwef, but I can't find it as well.

PPS: Weirdly enough, it might be faster to just go directly via the address bar of your (mobile) browser if you know what you're doing, lol!

Edit: Typos and shit. Added PPS part.

Ironically, I accidentally found the saved part yesterday trying to find something I posted, but that was quite an informative guide! However, apparently something you save via the wefwef save button doesn’t actually save, the button seems just for show. Thought it was a .world bug at first, with the influx of Redditors happening yesterday.