Permanent ban on last day with Apollo app. Called u/Spez a cunt in a message 😂 to Lemmy – 1643 points –

Not sure I'm fully onboard with this to be honest.

I mean, we're all adults living in a civilised society and you missed an apostrophe, it should have been "you're a cunt", not youre.

We all know better for next time ;-)

I’m actually proud of this and might frame it for my office 🤣

I'd be thrilled to know I personally offended a CEO

You should. I printed out a screenshot when I got blocked by Rudy Giuliani on Twitter lol

Wait a minute, why does Reddit call it a ban? Normally, account bans are called suspensions unless it's a shadowban. I got one for abusing the report button, and they called it a ban. Why is Reddit mixing these terms? It doesn't even make sense at all.

As you should be. This is my first comment here and fuck spez, the greedy cunt.

On a fine Monday morning, Steve Huffman, known colloquially as Spez, awoke from his gold-threaded sheets in his penthouse, sipping on his ethically questionable yet preposterously expensive civet coffee. He looked out his windows, the horizon offering the perfect view of his kingdom, his creation, his Reddit.

Having decided to raise the cost of API use to levels that would make a NASA engineer's jaw drop, Spez had embarked on a mission to squelch third-party apps, steering users towards the official (albeit buggy) Reddit app. He chuckled to himself, confident that his plot was as foolproof as an uncrackable safe.

Little did he know, the storm was brewing.

As he logged on, dressed in his favorite power suit, he noticed the eerie silence. Subreddits, once buzzing hives of memes, jokes, and shower thoughts, were now as barren as the surface of Mars. The once-mighty r/AskReddit, now reduced to a ghost town, echoed with digital tumbleweeds.

Confused, he navigated to r/pics. The screen loaded and his eyes were met with an endless scroll of buttholes, every variety, shape, and color imaginable. His newly nanobot-manicured eyebrows knitted together in bewilderment.

“Must be a new meme trend,” he said, shrugging it off.

He then moved to r/science, a bastion of intellect and reason, only to find NSFW content occupying every single thread. The Higgs boson was being discussed in a manner Einstein could never have predicted.

“What in the name of...?” He blinked, checking whether he was still on Reddit and not some obscure corner of the dark web.

He decided to investigate, opening his mailbox. "Surely my loyal subjects will inform me what's going on," he mused.

And inform they did. His inbox was flooded with messages, each more colorful than the last. "Spez, you're a legend!" one began, before ending with a plot twist, " being a daft cunt."

"Has everyone lost their minds?" he wondered, failing to connect the dots.

He banished anyone who dared cross him, banning his way through his subjects like a monarch with an itchy trigger finger.

As the day wore on, Spez grew restless. His grand plan was not unfolding as expected. But, in his characteristic arrogance, he was certain that the chaos would soon subside and he would ascend as the one true app lord.

In his plush office, surrounded by screens showing falling Reddit stocks, he clutched a crystal ball he bought from a New Age store, whispering, “Soon, my Reddit will be worth billions…” The crystal ball, deciding it had enough, promptly rolled off his desk and shattered on the Italian marble floor.

In the end, a day that began with grand ambitions ended with a lonely billionaire, surrounded by pictures of buttholes, an inbox full of profanity, a shattered crystal ball, and a kingdom in chaos.

Unbeknownst to him, the Reddit community reveled in their rebellion. They might not have won the war yet, but oh, how they celebrated the battles. As the moon replaced the sun, one phrase echoed throughout the kingdom of Reddit, repeated in posts and comments, whispered in DMs, etched into the heart of the rebellion,

"Fuck Spez."

I need this entire comment printed out and framed. Its composure is truly artistic!

Let’s sing all together:

Well Spez is a cunt, he's a big fat cunt, He's the biggest cunt in the whole wide world. He’s a stupid cunt, if there ever was a cunt, He's a cunt to all the boys and girls.

On Monday, he's a cunt, On Tuesday, he's a cunt, On Wednesday though Saturday, he's a cunt, Then on Sunday, just to be different, He's a super King Kamehameha Cunt.

Have you ever met Reddits Spez? He's the biggest cunt in the whole wide world, (La-la-la-la-la-la-la) He's a mean ol' cunt and he has wangy eyes, He's a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt.

Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, He's a stupid cunt! (Woah!)! Reddits Spez is a cunt, And he's such a dirty cunt! (Cunt!)!

I really mean it, that Spez, he's a real big fuckin' cunt, big ol' fat fuckin' cunt, u/spez! Yeah, cha!

Don't do it BeardyGrumps....


I'm warning you....

Any ongoing crowdfunding for your upcoming book? Give me a link please? You got me interested. Anything published already?

"an endless scroll of buttholes"


I'd be saving your post if I knew how to do it.

The little rectangle with a triangle out of the bottom, beside the downvote buttone, saves comments for later enjoyment. Happy Lemmying!

Thanks, it doesn't work or I don't know where to find my saved posts. I'm using wefwef, so I tought it'd be a feature yet to be implemented.

Ah shoot, just logged into Wefwef and see it doesn't have it! I'm using Jerboa and it does have save functions if that's an option for you :)

Wefwef has a save button but I don’t know where the saved content goes.

If you've got a way to access your user profile via a browser (mobile works too), you can see your saved posts there.

On any page, click/press the hamburger icon on the top-leftmost part of your screen. It'd open up a menu (or an area) where you can see your profile picture and username at the very bottom. There's a triangle next to your username, click/press that.

Another menu/area opens up that has options "Profile", "Settings", and "Logout". Click/press "Profile" to see your user profile.

You're then taken to a different page (which you can directly go to via https://your.lemmy.instance/u/your_username, for example:‌‌‌ There, you can choose between "Overview", "Comments", "Posts" and "Saved." That last link (to your saved posts/comments) won't be visible to others (I tried).

PS: I tried looking for the same in wefwef, but I can't find it as well.

PPS: Weirdly enough, it might be faster to just go directly via the address bar of your (mobile) browser if you know what you're doing, lol!

Edit: Typos and shit. Added PPS part.

Ironically, I accidentally found the saved part yesterday trying to find something I posted, but that was quite an informative guide! However, apparently something you save via the wefwef save button doesn’t actually save, the button seems just for show. Thought it was a .world bug at first, with the influx of Redditors happening yesterday.

This if Fucking magnificent 🤣

This is pure, artistic and linguistical gold. Bravo!

You use your words prettier than a $20 whore.

Tried to record an amusing audio of this but fucked it up

I read it in David Attenborough's voice. It was glorious.

You should read it in The Narrator from The Stanley Parable's voice next.

Claim you're Australian, and live in NSW.

Show that it is your constitutional right to call any leader a cunt

Sue Reddit

To be fair, Tony Abbott is actually a total cunt, so the case result was always going to be.

I'm pretty sure he was a laughing stock across the world when he was in.

Then US one upped us.

I tagged him in messages for a few days calling him a cunt but never got banned. I guess DM was the thing to make it be effective?

Like 3 days ago I got a site wide ban for posting a picture of the comments spez altered on TheDonald like 4 years ago. Reddit has gone downhill ever since Pao got the CEO title and has only gotten worse under spez.

It was going downhill before thar. Pao was a scapegoat. spez and kn0thing fired Victoria Taylor before Pao even took over.

Pao became CEO in Jun2015. Victoria was officially fired Aug2015. Some would say its just a happy coincidence.

1 more...

do you happen to have a link for that image? would love to post it myself 😅

Pao was hired to do a specific job, she did it, and then she was sacrificed. She was 100% a scapegoat.

1 more...

called /u/Spez a cunt

This is inaccurate, /u/Spez lacks warmth and depth and has never given anyone pleasure.

Must be a fun place to work 🙄

Sucks because it used to be an awesome job I bet

No, they talked about it, it was brutal, they were overworked for a good while, then when the money came in they went dumb corporate.

There was a while where they said the stress felt like it was worth it then everything fell apart, this was around when pao was in charge and the ama lady got fired.

That sounds about right, it's been coasting on the momentum from past glories since then, and we were protected from the worst of it by third party apps and good mods and communities in smaller subreddits. Both things they're now ripping apart. Curious to check Reddit again in a couple years and witness just how bad it got.

Should definitely be banned for not using an apostrophe

Surprises me that you get banned for it but whenever someone else call another person that - they get away with either a warning or nothing happens. Lol.

I edited all my comments to Fuck u/spez and deleted them and then deleted my account. They ruined a decent thing.

Same, then they perma-IP banned all of my accounts, lmao.

That’s what happens when the CEO starts taking advice from Elon Musk on how to run a social media company.

FYI, they go beyond IP and use browser fingerprinting to ban all your accounts.

There's also a hilarious bug in reddit logic that can let you ban innocent users this way :3

I hope you did all this behind a good ad blocker/DNS filter or else you just increased engagement with the site and potentially their ad delivery network. They also collect the analytics, think advertisers won't pay for metadata related to a cohort of users mass exodusing? I love the decentralized setup here, this is really cool. Let's get more time and engagement here instead and stop providing our data to Predditers.

The only time I don’t use an adblocker is on my work computer because they are so locked down. If I have to go there again I’ll use a VPN just to fuck with their engagement.

Glad to see my permanent ban for reporting one fucking Fox News post on politics for blatant climate change denialism is on level with this. For using the report function to bully/harrass ffs. Laughable!

Place was becoming a shitehole months before these API changes anyway.


An r/Politics mod banned me for "homophobia" because I said that children in kindergarten should learn what parts of their bodies adults shouldn't touch. I never figured that one out.

So the mods are pedo sympathizers as well…. Unbelievable.

I got a couple of bans from automod because some precious mods get offended by you overwriting your comments with Power Delete Suite. Some of the comments were like 5 years old or older that were overwritten and got me banned.

I got a bunch of automod messages too when I did it. If you edit a message, automod reviews it just as if it was a first post. If the edit breaks the sub's rules (as it will if you used a generic message for all your posts as I did) then it'll get blocked. Don't think that's being precious, just how automod tools work.

The message I received specifically mentioned editing past comments so the rule they made specifically targeted this. There was nothing in the post that might ordinarily get you banned.

Ran it yesterday on 10000+ comments, and only got notifications from bots asking not to run scripts. Like 200+ of them. No bans

Same, although only from comments I’d made on r/askreddit.

Most subs didn't care but from memory one of those that did was /r/elderscrollsonline.

As I mentioned only a couple of subs had mods with egos so precious that they'd have Automod check years old comments for goodbye messages and automatically permanently ban you.

Well tbf spez is a cunt. A big, silly, greedy cunty cunt.

What's somewhat depressing is that he didn't have to act like that. It's done in no favours at all and yet he still chose to be a complete twit.

Sweet what kind of stuff do u do? Thinkin about sharing some of mine on here tbh

They banned me a few days ago and didn't even have the courtesy to tell me why. I asked and got no response.

It's part of the migration plan to help users move away from the platform.

Just sign up as a reddit refugee, I approve. Also since I have no fucks left I've been using my alt account to troll r/conservative. Happy to be here, the thing with replacing mods and forcing communities to reopen was just so fucked up.

I do consider trolling in /r/conservative to be a party foul in the "don't feed the trolls" category.

But eh, it's all going downhill over there anyway. We're just happy lemmings relaxing on the hill as the city burns down in the valley.

It only took me one comment to get banned there and it was a legitimate question lol. Biggest bunch of crybabies on the internet, I have to laugh every time one of them brings up free speech or echo chambers.

As a conservative myself, I can say for certain the mods in that sub suck. They are exactly what they rail against, pisses me off so much.

Gonna have to troll the democrats now. Oh wait they don't need any help with that.

I reported him for help, he might be get suicidal when reddit bombs. Don't want him to take the easy way out now.

Much like on twitter, you can insult us common folk (and landed gentry), but insult a celebrity or rich person, and that's a ban.

You should try appealing and say it wasn’t inflammatory, in fact really is one lol

Not sure I'm fully onboard with this to be honest.

I mean, we're all adults living in a civilised society and you missed an apostrophe, it should have been "you're a cunt", not youre.

We all know better for next time ;-)

They started the harassment and bullying by overpricing their API. Ban themselves right IACF.

I racked up 10 bans on that day shit posting to mods. Felt good man.

You know for a fact he put that ban through himself too.

On the last day the apps still worked I told spez to get fucked like 6 times. Maybe I got banned. Dunno. Never logging in to find out. 🤗

The whole ban invasion rule never made much sense to me. It's completely unenforceable, there's absolutely no way with their platform for them to tell if a user is using a new account to evade a pre-existing ban, so why the hell are they going on about it?

I'm not sure if you use the app if they can tell it's from same app installation.

If you're going through many extra steps to change your online fingerprint, then you're correct. But there are things they can use to match accounts together. Even a simple IP address combined with behavior from that address can be effective.

In my limited experience with ban evaders while modding on reddit (on a ~100k subscribers size sub), reddit's automatic systems do catch some ban evaders. We would sometimes ban a really angry person and later find multiple comments from different accounts in the filtered queue trying to continue their bickering.

It's enforced, believe me. Even with a VPN. I think they must use browser and app fingerprint, it isn't just IP.

In the end it really seemed like I had been flagged as an undesirable. I'd have what I thought were pretty reasonable discussions at night, and then wake up to another account permabanned. The last couple I didn't even get a link to the offending content, just a message about being in breach of their content policy in some undefined way.

I fucking hated that site anyway.

Don’t threaten me with a good time!

This is an automated message; responses will not be received by deadbeat admins.

Oh no u/Spez got harassed. Who would've thought?

Yeah I'm here because of a perma ban also not just because of the API changes haha. Fuck Reddit, kinda glad they ripped the bandaid off for me. It really was an addiction.

I've just deleted my accounts, I entered 'Fuck u/Spez' hundreds of times into the feedback field.

Dang, that was a sweet idea. Way better than deleting accounts. Great job!

Lmao I've been permabanned so many times, reddit really has gone to shit the last few years...if you dare have an opinion that goes against the majority you're in for a bad time. Fuck reddit.

I'm permanently suspended from reddit for (as far as I can tell) abusing nazis and proto-fascists that were shit-stirring on a sub I moderated

I've deleted my account on my own, to not grant them the last admin power trip. Left them a nice parting message while I was at it.

Not sure I'm fully onboard with this to be honest.

I mean, we're all adults living in a civilised society and you missed an apostrophe, it should have been "you're a cunt", not youre.

We all know better for next time ;-)

I wrote something like this and mentioned him in a comment. And the bullying modcodeofconduct user also hoping to be banned and nothing. I guess I need to go via DMs

Fuck money hungry /u/Spez, an all censoring Reddit admins.

While I side with mods protesting, sadly some Reddit mods are also first class censoring cunts.

This is like when Johnny Sack had to unexpectedly return home to retrieve his sweater he forgot only to find Ginny Sack gorging herself on her hidden stash of snacks and candy while she was supposed to be on a diet.

Lmao I've been permabanned so many times, reddit really has gone to shit the last few years...if you dare have an opinion that goes against the majority you're in for a bad time. Fuck reddit.

90% of the time I see a comment like this, the “differing opinion” was something along the lines of “trans people have a mental disorder and we shouldn’t encourage them to exist by allowing them to transition” or “it should be legal to discriminate against black people”. No one gets banned for their conservative fiscal opinions lol

Lmao I've been permabanned so many times, reddit really has gone to shit the last few years...if you dare have an opinion that goes against the majority you're in for a bad time. Fuck reddit.

Lmao I've been permabanned so many times, reddit really has gone to shit the last few years...if you dare have an opinion that goes against the majority you're in for a bad time. Fuck reddit.

Wow I'm sure you epically owned spez soooo hard in that message