
1 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So anyone want to take a guess at the dimensions of the giant "fuck /u/spez" ?

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Hey, does that mean we're finally googleable? That's pretty cool.

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I don't trust it not to break.

Also they're wildly expensive.

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This is just going to push more people to piracy.

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What do you mean? I heard that he sees great potential in the youth.

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What this recent Lemmy trend has taught me is that lots of people have been hoarding memes for years. Hopefully they'd still be out there.

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Can you imagine your purpose in life being "the guy who makes sure people's scarves are good enough"?

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Is that CLAMPS?!

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I'm going to take this moment to intentionally appreciate not having a headache. Thanks.

This image brought to you by the time-period when anything with young people had to have skateboarding, surfing, or roller blading.

It was the law.

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This is how I do it, and literally nothing bad has happened. Break free from the matrix, y'all.

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Apparently they shut down /r/programming after it was discovered. Streisand Effect?

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I think it would add some much needed levity to the public conversation if we started referring to people as "Tumtums"

I highly recommend spreading out and creating accounts on other instances. Whenever one instance has issues or something, I just use another. That's the strength of the fediverse.

Plus, you might find (or create) some cool local posts, which helps spread out content.

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I feel like if I ever have twins, I'm going to stress about that more than is necessary. Like, documenting freckles or using a sharpie or something.

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Yeah, otherwise it would be called "heavy".

Someone wished on a monkey paw

Teeth? In this economy?

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Phones don't handle heat well. I was outdoors the other day trying to take pictures while it was 90-something, and my phone had to cool off in between shots before it would let me use it again.

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You mean his 3 eX-wives?

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Yeah, this is the fediverse's way of telling us to break our old habit of piling on a single site and to spread out.

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Now stack a game genie on top of that, like some cursed totem pole.

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This is somehow more intimidating than uniforms.

The was subtly referenced by Samsung when they decided to charge the same price as a refrigerator for their phones.


Or do, and make him look foolish. I don't know much about Newsom, but Desantis is a terrible public speaker.

(Not that it stopped 45, I guess...)

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Let's not count chickens before they hatch. Complacency turned the 2016 election on its head.

Hey, it's poppinkream!

Looks like we're going to need some teenagers with attitude

(Edit: ...either I unintentionally copied the post title or it was changed, but now I feel stupid. Haha)

Social media even moreso than news, for younger audiences. Doom posts gets engagement.

I'm not who you're replying to, but I have accounts on a handful of instances for this very reason. Sometimes things go down or get laggy, and I just hop to a different instance.

It's a strength of the fediverse.

Maybe I'll finally understand the plot. I've watched so many videos (and played the games of course) and feel like I'm only grasping parts of it.

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I remember people reporting this around the time of the big migration to Lemmy.

I'm personally loving how much Trek is on Lemmy. There's even a star trek based instance.

'ol Holodeck Moriarty here has multiple comments in the 10s, so you could say things are getting pretty serious.

With his first child on the way too. What a tragic story.

Don't mind me, just saving this comment too.

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That really sucks, but isn't Vegas perpetually desperate for water?

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The more I look at it, the more confusing it gets.

She looks younger than I remember.