Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols

Bernie to World – 464 points –
Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols

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Can you imagine your purpose in life being "the guy who makes sure people's scarves are good enough"?

Oh they salivate for it. Some people will jump at any chance to be a fascist.

“Oh no the Ferengi don’t want to stop the exploitation. We want to become the exploiters!”

Can you imagine your purpose in life being “the guy who makes sure people’s scarves are good enough”?

A more accurate interpretation: Can you imaginer your purpose in life being the guy who directly enforces oppression of women?

Can you imagine being rewarded with sex?

You've mentioned this twice now but what do you mean?

I mean that Iranian culture continues to support this.

It's not just the men, it's the women too. Otherwise most babies would be born from rape, which isn't the case.

The men beating girls to death get paid and spend that money to please their wives, who in turn reward them with sex.

It's a pretty simple concept.

I don't think sex is a reward for the man in most relationships. That's not how it works. Marital relationships are much more complicated than that and very varied.

I mean, they're doing what makes them look good in front of their women. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

You can say it's for companionship or to look good in front of peers, but the end result in the same.

Do you really think life is this simple? What I see is men do things that they were taught to do to funcion in a given society, things they need to do to survive, things they like doing just for themselves (a very good motivation) and occasionally also things to look good in front of women (not necessarilly theirs). I think in most marriages men display a mixture of behaviours the woman likes and dislikes (sometimes even hates). Despite doing things the woman hates, a man can still often have sex with her either because she also sees the good things, she wants sex and is willing to overlook the bad things or she has no power to choose otherwise... life is really complicated. If men did only things women liked, the world would be completely different.

I mean, at the end of the day the wives either approve of their husbands actions and reward them or don't. To them, it's better to be with a man who gets paid to kill little girls than one that doesn't. That's why they're with them, lol.

Yeah, it really is that simple. Sorry you're trying to overcomplicate things.

I think your 'oversimplicity' argument would hold more water against those saying it's just the men of iran who are to blame.