There are identical twins out there whose parents confused one with the other and now they living their life with the name of the other sibling, never noticing because it doesn't make any difference. to – 410 points –

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I feel like if I ever have twins, I'm going to stress about that more than is necessary. Like, documenting freckles or using a sharpie or something.

We painted their toe nails for the first month but even after about a week could tell them apart pretty easily. Their position in the womb and the birth means they can have quite different head shapes from one another. Also as another comment said, differences in personality are big and start surprisingly early.

My best friend is a mirror twin. His brother cried a lot more as a baby. When they became toddlers his brother complained a lot more. Now as adults, his brother still complains and argues a lot more. I don't understand how they can be genetically identical, have the exact same upbringing, and be so different from the moment of their birth, but they are.

he was the second sperm that entered the egg

That's not how identical twins are formed. An egg, fertilized from a single sperm, splits into two, creating two people with identical DNA. You're thinking of fraternal twins, where two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm.

wait what

Normal: 1 egg + 1 sperm make 1 person

Identical twins: 1 egg + 1 sperm make 2 person

I edited my comment with more details at the same time you were responding. Check above.

so i just read the wikipedia article and i don't udnerstand what it says. i'll stick with my missconception xD

/s obv

Yeah was going to say, one or the both of them is going to have a 'tell' right from birth - head shape, a birth mark, hair differences... something.

That's pretty impressive. Having twins sounds awesome.

It's a lot of stress especially at first, you're thrown in the deep end, but there are really nice moments that I think just increase as they grow older and can play together and interact more.

Baby tattoos. Solves some issues. Causes some issues. Gotta figure out what matters more

Causes some issues.

Like when they start vaping at 1 y/o and their first words are about taking a "gap year" after Pre-K?

Why should it even matter? Once they're old enough to know their own names, they'll remember. And until then, it doesn't matter who is who.