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Joined 1 years ago

Nailed it, investors are demanding profit increases, it's not just interest rates (though they're the main reason) but also the corporate tax cuts in 2018 basically dumped a ton of profit onto corporations because they repatriated all their offshore cash they'd been hoarding.

That bump lasted 2 years, but the expectation of higher revenue is still there, it doesn't matter if you got lucky at slots last month, if you make your normal salary this month investors will be absolutely pissed.

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Optimization, son.

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God damnit...

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In this case, Qatar Airways was making these extra journeys to avoid caps that allow it to make only 28 weekly trips to Australia’s major airports, which includes Melbourne. Landing at Adelaide Airport, which is not among that list, as the final destination enabled the airline to make additional journeys to Melbourne, as there were no limits on flights to non-major airports.


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God damn I'm old.

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There is only one demand, and it is a simple one.

At 4pm this afternoon, President Emmanuel Macron must appear on live French television, on all networks, terrestrial and satellite, and ... No!

On all networks, terrestrial and satellite, and have full, unsimulated sexual intercourse with a pig! I don't understand!?

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Sweden should 'accidentally' torpedo one of their subs when it wanders into their waters, then send them a bill for the torpedo that 'wandered into their hull', should cancel out.

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Thank you, I love exactly these kind of dives. Realtek makes absolute trash, they just happen to make affordable trash. The DP to HDMI chip was interesting, given most of these dongles provide hdmi I assumed the main usb-c hub actually did HDMI protocol translation internally, or I think alt-mode has proper hdmi support?

I go through these pretty quick too, they don't last long, I had good luck with the Startech dkt31chpdl and an anker which is an upgraded version of the one you "liked".

Overall I've found they mostly die, I have a Lention that seems to be chugging along, as well as 2 Lionwei's that haven't given me trouble yet, but mostly I've found Caldigit thunderbolt does the job reliably and for more than 6 months at a time.

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That's funny, I can still see him moving around the Marader's map. Must be a mistake.

No, don't minimize this, there are a lot of them.

Especially some of those that work forces...

PRC: "Chinese-American? No such thing."

I feel bad for people whose country considers them a possession.

My hyphenated-american country doesn't give a shit about me in any way, and I like it that way.

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I'm sorry, simulations are actually more impressive to me, it shows there is a potential theoretical mechanism at play here.

Experiments can go wrong, simulations can go wrong, when they both align that's interesting.

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On the one hand I understand, on the other, having worked there, it seems insane.

It's like volunteering to go back to prison, work is much harder, society is harder, the government is somewhere between apathetic to cruel and the office politics is unimaginable.

Also my understanding is that Chinese who go back are never fully trusted again.

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Need to confirm the fps, it could be using less power because it's receiving less work to do.

2 more... , proud member of Forza Italia and defender of her grandfather.

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Running out the clock so the next appeal becomes "Well we don't have enough time to draw new maps so we have to use these!"

Court: "Damn, you got us." wink

I mean, I believe he will try.

No they won't, they're going to live fast, die old and leave an absolute ton of healthcare cost for their descendents.

If there's one thing boomers made it clear this decade, it's that they're not going quietly.

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The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

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Spoken by someone who has clearly never lived in the south.

Brown people in the south are afraid for good reason, you can't imagine the kind of terror those fat fucks will inflict because they know nobody can stop them.

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Lots of drugs in use in congress, let's strip search them hourly.

You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down.

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Well surely cutting the corporate income tax rate is the best first step, no?

Oh, wait, that didn't help it just made millionaires into billionaires? Who could have imagined!?!?

Can I ask: do you actually believe NASA builds their own rockets themselves? Like out back in their shed with a table saw and pliers?

The prime contractor on the sls is boeing.

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Step away from the shower.

It's the world's largest strip mall.

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As a longtime android user, thank God they're finally listening and focusing on the most important problems!!!

You're going to be spending a lot of time with your browser, make it a 2 way dialog, customize.

Firefox has an extremely vibrant extension ecosystem and seems to overall be doing well, but see what works for you.

As an american-born Indian (Hindu background), the Hindu nationalism truly saddens me.

There are many religions that are good until they get aggressive and radicalized, shinto-buddhism comes to mind, or Christianity and Judaism for that matter, and it's a shame to see a religion meant to be based on peace and self-enlightenment turn into just another "I'm better than you because my parents were better than yours, ad infinitum!"

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Do you respect your retirement accounts?

That's what they used to be, they were there to take care of you when you got old.

Now that we have more resources we can afford such luxuries as "not letting rich people randomly murder poor people for sport as much" and "slavery is bad, try to keep it low profile".

Mostly people who had the worse ideas are dying, and young people are allowed their own opinions independent from their parents and older society now, this is a huge change that only started this century.

In a way, the internet was originally a massive youth underground revolution where everybody got together and realized old people didn't actually know that much.

It's Alabama, there is no racist enough.

No, but that's pretty common for them, they spent 2021 without a government because of this same guy:

He did it in 2017 too.

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Same, same, still remember the install process, and how hard it was to get x11 working, plus how you ended up with twm after.

And of course having to reboot to escape vim.

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This is not your original shower thought, this is the same shower thought had by Max Pruss, captain of the LZ 129 Hindenburg.

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We had one, but she started saying some things about how conservatives were the real victims of the holocaust...

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Xfs is basically a bigger, better ext4.

It has more features but it also isn't as weird and wacky as btrfs and zfs.

Honestly I'm not sure it shouldn't be the default fs for most distros, except it wasn't born in the Linux kernel like ext and btrfs, but it's been here forever and it's been very well behaved, unlike others I can mention.

Used it for a while on lvm raid, xfs was never what gave me problems.

It's not really 3nm, it's closer to 8, but it's still impressive.

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Thank God they're focusing on the worst hardships that are being inflicted on the British people.

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Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!

And by Simpsons of course I mean trump, because the writing staff for this reality have been on strike since 2012 or so.

reverse the left’s incessant march of progress for its own sake. Many of the best accomplishments, though, happened only in the last year of the Trump administration

This has got to be a troll, George Lucas had better dialogue in the prequels.

The last year of the Trump administration also happened to be where he started a violent insurrection against democracy.