Amazon Let Its Drivers’ Urine Be Sold as an Energy Drink to Not The – 108 points –
Amazon Let Its Drivers’ Urine Be Sold as an Energy Drink

That was a surprisingly good show. The best one was at the end, he buys pothole filler on Amazon then fills potholes that could have been filled by the council using tax that Amazon avoids paying. He then filled the buckets with sand so that he could return them to Amazon and get his money back, as they just use robots to check the packages by weight. His lawyer said this was textbook fraud, but then he set up a new company in a South American country (with the initials "HMRC" lol) and proposed that he could do the same thing using that company and Amazon would have no way to get back at him. Basically using Amazon's tax avoidance strategies against them. The look on his lawyer's face, with the little smiles, was priceless.

I don't think he actually sent the stuff back to Amazon mind, they probably just pretended for the show. They did have his 4 and 6 year old nieces order knives and rat poison using an Alexa, though, which were delivered without any age verification.

Hey it's Georgio Pevviani star of Paris fashion week

South Park did it.

This is real life. You do know the difference... don't you?

The veil gets thinner every day

Well, I don't. So either order something or step out of line!