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Joined 2 months ago

Based and pepe-pilled.

Yes it uses your phone number. You now have the option to use a username though.

Personally, while I totally understand the criticism, this is not an attack vector I am concerned with. I want a private messenger that hides the content and metadata of my messages from ad companies, spying neighbors, and the government. Signal does all of this.

I saved this when you initially posted it but now I have so much saved junk its very difficult to find. I have some (good) thoughts but I need to come back for that. Will update this post when I get a chance. This is very cool.

Also, no idea how you've done it but your website is completely unscrapped by webcrawlers. Even searching for the exact title of this post doesn't return any results on DDG, Bing, or the evil empire. Well done.

Oh man I forgot about LOIC haha. Did that actually do anything?

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Ah, I always assumed it didn't actually do anything. That would be a very 4chan thing to say; "download this widget to totally pwn the man" and it doesn't even do anything haha.

Dotard Dump is a fucking moron. He isnt playing 78D hyperdimensional chess, he's literally telling you what he's going to do.

I read this left to right and went "Yeah but I have a fat section on throating cock... Oh"

Fuck them all to death?

One summer when I was a teenager, my friends and I decided to take a road trip to the next town over. We packed up my old beat-up car and set off, eager for a day of adventure and mischief. As we cruised down the highway, windows down and music blaring, I couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and excitement. Little did I know that our carefree jaunt would take an unexpected turn in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.

Cool concept but really sucks if you're the only recipient using DeltaChat. Plus it comes with all the privacy drawbacks of email. And I get tons and tons of spam so anything I actually care about is quickly buried.

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Probably just because it has a/c


No, you get spam because the email protocol doesn't stop spam. You could create a new email address but then you have to give that to everyone who might not appreciate yet another contact method they have to remember for you.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure DeltaChat uses PGP, which leaks all of your metadata to your email provider, ISP, and governments. It isnt private but is secure.

These days the best thing you can do is use Signal.

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Here is the complete and exhaustive list of things Kamala has done to wrong this person:

  1. Be a Democrat
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You can pry Vim from my cold dead hands.

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Which is why they have a few months to live, and not a few minutes.

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We don't have any of those here. What's wrong with five over ones? Mixed use zoning is a good thing?

Walz is folksy and charming when he's trying to be affable but he is still a shrewd politician and I bet he will eat Jimmy Dean alive.

I'm actually really good at these soft skills (I don't know why, they're not skills I have during every day life). But I can only maintain it for the duration of the interview. I fall apart as soon as I get the job and thats when the trouble starts.

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Comrad latrine

This is reads like anti-labor propaganda. They hired hundreds more employees and subsequently paid them (presumably) decent wages which drove their expenses up. Personnel costs are pretty much always the biggest expense in (almost?) any organization.

This article smells very much like elon "fire all the engineers to increase efficiency" logic, right down to describing the employed as a cancer.


This is my story too. Leaving Christianity behind has been an amazing and humbling experience.

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Take your "FACTS" somewhere else Mr. Pendant. This is a GOOD CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLD.

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Signal is a teeny tiny little pet project compared to an entire browser and rendering engine.

Public transportation. In Germany at least, many of the train stations are located underneath common points of interest, such as malls, airports, downtown, etc. As a result, they are nearly always flushed with people.

I hope everyone makes it back safely and without incident. That is the best outcome here. If they don't, I hope congress has the backbone to fucking crucify Boeing, Inc.

I mean the reality is that this is just the path Microsoft is going down. Its not a conspiracy theory either. They spent a fuck ton of money on AI and they want their money back. So they're going to use it until they determine it isnt making them any money. They know this is a long-term investment too, so it could take years for them to remove AI, if they ever do.

If you don't like this, now could be a good time to consider jumping off the Microsoft train. Now is a pretty good time to Check out Linux IMO. Valve is pumping lots of money into the desktop experience, and the entire ecosystem is thriving because of it. I bet most of the applications you use have open source alternatives that are pretty easy to install if you're open to it.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a really simple way to play around in a Linux environment, and you can install it right inside windows. If you like what you see, check out distros like Fedora Workstation or Ubuntu. You can always install something else later if you want.

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:h pry

If you pay the entire statement balance every month then you don't pay interest.

Oh man I bet repugnants are fucking thrilled for a shutdown in Oct. Not only do they get to turn off the government (a big goal for them) they ALSO get to interfere with the election at the same time! Win-win for them!

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

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So historically lip service to progressivism has always been democrats go to play. But I feel like it could be different this time. Kamala chose a running mate who has a history of actually passing progressive agenda items, and he's relatable to boot.

Maybe they will do the democrat thing, maybe they won't.

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I mean this is what Google does though. Some new exec comes in, rebrands existing tech to solve some problem, support continues for a few tears, rinse and repeat until google decides it isnt worth it and kills the entire platform.

The problem with that though, at least for Android Auto, is that Google (and I also presume Apple) controls the apps that can be shown on the center console. They effectively cut out all competitors by controlling the access. I would like an Open API for this please!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Well, like every other poll right now, basically nothing.

I use a different username on every website and on social media I change it fairly regularly.

What a fuckin weirdo

I'd rather have my credit card information on a highly secure platform like Paypal than give it out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that asks for it on the internet.

Even if PayPal is only "mostly" secure, I still get better security from having a smaller attack surface.