Anyone else feel like their blood is kind of vibrating? to Lemmy – 689 points –

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Which is why they have a few months to live, and not a few minutes.

Your overestimating the lethality of radiation. The "Demon Core" guy lasted 9 days. The firefighters from Chernobyl lasted a month. The only criticality events that I can find with immediate fatalities also involve steam explosions.

For those who know, steam is scarier than radiation or fire.

I think you're reading their comment too literally. I think it's meant as a joke that the stick is nearing its "EOL", not the person holding it, but they're wilfully misinterpreting it.

I don't know what commenter meant, but it's important to spread accurate information about radiation and nuclear tech.

Personally I wouldn’t be holding that rod long enough to read the date and do the maths. Just out of healthy caution.

For those who know, steam is scarier than radiation or fire.

Burned my whole index finger with microwave-heated vegetables.

For those who know, steam is scarier than radiation or fire.

Found Tim Sweeney's Lemmy account.