How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? to No Stupid – 469 points –

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This is my story too. Leaving Christianity behind has been an amazing and humbling experience.

I can honestly say looking back idk if I ever really believed in it. I think I was just using it as an excuse to hate people while feeling morally superior.

I think that’s a lot of people in it. Moral superiority feels really good and hating others is a convenient way to avoid dealing with however you feel about yourself

I definitely did, and thats what made leaving so hard. I trusted the people around me, and they were telling me all kinds of things, so of course it is true. The indoctrination starts before critical thinking develops, so its just built into the firmware of your brain, you know?