Man who said he'd 'pluck out' VP Harris' eyes was baffled when feds appeared at door: Complaint to Not The – 1046 points –
Man who said he'd 'pluck out' VP Harris' eyes was baffled when feds appeared at door: Complaint

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Here is the complete and exhaustive list of things Kamala has done to wrong this person:

  1. Be a Democrat

you forgot "being black"

all democrats are blacks and black sympathizers (same thing to these guys)

all democrats are blacks and black sympathizers (same thing to these guys)

So they aren't all wrong. Black folks have not only been wronged all throughout our nation's history in obvious and non-obvious ways, IMO they have already been mostly thanklessly taking the brunt of what is coming for the rest of us if Trump gets in again for all this time, and as a people have arguably done so with amazing grace and restraint overall.

I mean, I'm not black, but if such a thing as a "black sympathizer" exists, I'm it.

you know what the fun part is? they literally don't believe that shit, they NEED to hate blacks.

if you believe that society doesn't matter and are a hyper individualist, then you need an individual reason why minorities aren't doing well, if there is an entire "race" of people worse off, more impoverished, more likely to be incarcerated, more likely to be associated with drugs, etc... and you believe society doesn't have an impact, then clearly something must be wrong with every POC, and you, their supporter, must be wanting to make things worse for everyone

Don't worry, thats a completely different circle in the Venn diagram of hate.